株式会社昭和 三重営業所

3.2/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact 株式会社昭和 三重営業所

住所 :

Ichishicho Iu, Tsu, 〒515-2523 Mie,Japan

Webサイト : http://www.show-wa.co.jp/corporate.html
街 : Mie

Ichishicho Iu, Tsu, 〒515-2523 Mie,Japan
拳骨ざっぱ on Google

上出明睦 on Google

福田光守 on Google

やきたこ on Google

It is a beautiful factory
ミディアムサーロイン on Google

It is a distribution warehouse, not a factory.
カトリーナの切り抜きラジオ on Google

Gifts will be grated at Platform 5, so stop at No. 4 or 6. It's lined up in the season, so I'll wait like 7th and 8th. 1234 April is from 9 o'clock. The season can be taken down from 8 o'clock. The reception is from around No. 1 inside. I'm a noisy uncle who receives gifts, but he's a nice person, so let's listen honestly even if he's told a lot. The reception desk is at the back of the food. From 9 o'clock.

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