一里塚本業窯 - Seto

4.3/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact 一里塚本業窯

住所 :

Ichirizukacho, Seto, 〒489-0836 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 489-0836
街 : Aichi

Ichirizukacho, Seto, 〒489-0836 Aichi,Japan
R yusa on Google

かうぞう on Google

coha piyo on Google

yasutake kataoka on Google

We observed good items, warm support of the master, and kilns.
つむのり on Google

陶工として腕の良いご主人が、使いやすく質の良い器を昔ながらの製法で作り続けています。 材料調達から製品化まですべてお一人でこなしており、「THE 瀬戸」といった印象です。 器作りにおいては、日常的な使いやすさに強いこだわりを持ちプロ意識を覗かせる一方、とても気さくな方で作陶体験などにも気軽に応じてくれます。 陶房に併設のギャラリーにはご主人の作った器がたくさん並べられていて、気に入ったものがあれば購入することもできます。 伝統的で落ち着いた色味のものもあれば、最近では現代チックな器にもチャレンジしているとか。 また「こんな器を作ってほしいな~」というお客さんの要望にも出来る限り応えてくれるそうなので、相談してみると良いかと思います。 大きな看板もないし、小路に入ったところにあるのでアクセスするにはややわかりづらい感はありますが、区画はないけど普通車10台くらい停めれる大きめの駐車場があります。
As a potter, a good master of the arm keeps making easy-to-use and high-quality vessels in the traditional way. The entire process from material procurement to commercialization is by itself, and the impression is “THE Seto”. In the making of the vessel, while making a strong commitment to the ease of everyday use to make you think professionally, it is a very kind person and willing to respond freely to pottery experience etc. There are many pots made by the master in the gallery located in the pottery, and you can purchase any one you like. Some have a traditional, calm color, and recently they have also challenged modern tic bowls. In addition, it seems that it will respond to the customers' requests, "I want you to make such a container ~" as much as possible, so I think it would be better to consult. There is no big signboard, and there is a feeling that it is somewhat unclear to access because it is in the alley, but there is no section but there is a large parking lot where about 10 cars can be parked normally.
Hiroko Matsumoto on Google

ロクロ体験が最高だった 朴訥だけど親切な陶工のご主人が教えてくださって、要所だけスッと一瞬で修正してくれつつ、「自分で作った」という満足感を決して奪わない神アシスト連発 優しいお人柄、子供にも大人と変わらない優しい敬語で丁寧にサポートしてくださった 家族4人で体験。 10才と6才の娘も、しっかり達成感がありつつ完成度の高い素敵な器が完成 2ヶ月後くらいに送ってくださるとのことで楽しみ 工房の中も文化財の登り窯も、敷地内のなにもかもが美しすぎる 入り口の路地がけっこう狭いので、車だとちょっと入りにくい、でも駐車場は広い
Locro experience was the best A simple but kind potter's husband taught me, and while only the key points were corrected in a blink of an eye, the god assist barrage that never robs me of the satisfaction of "made by myself" He kindly supported me with gentle personality and gentle honorifics that are the same as adults for children. Experience with 4 family members. Even 10-year-old and 6-year-old daughters have completed a wonderful vessel with a high degree of perfection while having a solid sense of accomplishment. I'm looking forward to sending it in about 2 months Everything in the workshop, the climbing kiln of cultural properties, and everything on the premises is too beautiful. The alley at the entrance is quite narrow, so it's a little difficult to enter by car, but the parking lot is wide
Park South on Google

瀬戸市の祖母懐にある窯元さんです。 馬の目模様の瀬戸物が有名です。 平日の昼間に訪問させて頂きましたが、事前にお電話される事をオススメします。大変気さくな作家さんで、ご自身で作られた作品や市の重要文化財に指定されている登り窯の説明をして頂きました。登り窯は一見の価値ありです。 三彩の作品が出来上がったらまた購入させて頂きたいと思います^^
This is Mr. Kimoto in Sobokai, Seto City. The horse-eye pattern of Seto is famous. We visited during the daytime on weekdays, but we recommend that you call in advance. He was a very friendly writer and explained the works he made and the climbing kiln designated as an important cultural property of the city. The climbing kiln is worth a visit. I would like to purchase it again when Sansai's work is completed ^ ^

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