Ichinomiya Animal Clinic - Chōsei District

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ichinomiya Animal Clinic

住所 :

5-11 Hakusan, Ichinomiya, Chōsei District, Chiba 299-4311, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 299-4311
Webサイト : http://www.ichinomiya-ac.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9–11:30AM
Sunday 9–11:30AM
Monday 9–11:30AM
Tuesday 9–11:30AM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9–11:30AM
Friday 9–11:30AM

5-11 Hakusan, Ichinomiya, Chōsei District, Chiba 299-4311, Japan
NOB A on Google

I have been seeing cats with many illnesses, but I am receiving a reassuring response and response.
金色牙狼 on Google

A gentle female doctor cuts the cat's claws ?
Naoya Koyama on Google

It will give you a good diagnosis
内田孝通 on Google

I asked for a leaflet of the lost puppy, Hana Kataoka, and she was very kind to me. I am grateful.
関和代 on Google

行きつけの獣医さんがお休みな為チワワが体調が夜かなり悪くなりインターネットで営業している獣医さんを調べ電話を入れ伺いました 日曜日に見て頂ける病院が少ない為かなり時間は待ちましたが親切に丁寧に症状料金等説明して頂いた上で治療して頂けました 多分皆さん私と同じ体調が悪く心配なのでなるべく早く見て欲しいと言う気持ちでいるとは思いますがスタッフな方も親切にして頂き早く元気になって欲しいと思います 日曜日見て頂ける病院は本当に少ないので大変だと思いますが先生並びにスタッフの皆さん頑張って日曜営業続けて下さい
Chihuahua got sick at night because my favorite veterinarian was absent, so I checked the veterinarian who is open on the Internet and called. Since there are few hospitals that you can see on Sunday, I waited for a long time, but I was kindly and politely explained the symptom fee etc. before treatment. Maybe everyone is feeling sick and worried like me, so I think they want to see it as soon as possible, but I also want the staff to be kind and get well soon. There are really few hospitals that you can see on Sundays, so I think it will be difficult, but please do your best to continue business on Sundays.
AN on Google

朝イチで行っても結構混んでます。 ですが、先生たちとても親切なので安心して預けられます。 駐車場が少し狭いので停めづらいですが。。
It's quite crowded even if I go there in the morning. However, the teachers are so kind that I can leave them with confidence. The parking lot is a little small, so it's hard to park. ..
SATORU S. on Google

Both the female and the female doctor at the reception are very satisfied with the response.
よしのまさのり on Google

以前に通っていた病院がお休みで近い事もあり、診てもらう事に。 痒がって傷になる程掻いていたのが今では時たま痒がる程度で、症状がでた時の対応も聞いているので安心してます。 通院する様になって五ヶ月、アレルギーも以前よりは、かなり良くなりました。 個体の健康状態を分かっていてくれる先生で、あずき(犬)もおとなしく診せ、安心しているようです。私自身、安心してます。
The hospital I used to go to was closed, so I decided to see him. I used to scratch it enough to get itchy and scratched, but now it's only occasionally itchy, and I'm relieved because I've heard what to do when symptoms occur. Five months after I went to the hospital, my allergies have improved considerably. A teacher who understands the health condition of the individual, and Azuki (dog) can be treated quietly and seems to be relieved. I am relieved myself.

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