
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 喫茶かふう

住所 :

Ichikawamachi, Hachinohe, 〒039-2241 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–5PM
Sunday Closed
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–5PM
Thursday 11:30AM–5PM
Friday 11:30AM–5PM
街 : Aomori

Ichikawamachi, Hachinohe, 〒039-2241 Aomori,Japan
zézu s on Google

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台湾人の奥さんが経営してるカフェ。 インテリアも雰囲気も器も可愛くて、お味も美味しくてとっても良かった〜‼︎ 私が台湾に一年だけ居た事もあって、中国語でおしゃべりもしてくれました?!感謝?
A cafe run by a Taiwanese wife. The interior, atmosphere, and vessels were cute, and the taste was delicious. ︎ Since I was in Taiwan for only one year, he also talked in Chinese ?! Thanks ?
Ai tim on Google

お店の隣に駐車場2〜3台分あり。 満車の場合は少し離れた所も案内してくれます。 店内はMAX15席くらいでしょうか、小物が多いですが清潔感あって初めてでも入りやすかったです。 若い女性から近所のお年寄まで幅広い客層。 ケーキセット、ナポリタンやピラフ、朝市でも販売している餃子などがメインですが 台湾出身スタッフが作る豆花や魯肉飯を食べられる日もあり、さすがの本場の味で美味しい。
There is a parking lot for 2 to 3 cars next to the shop. If the car is full, it will guide you to a place a little further away. The store has a maximum of 15 seats, and there are many small items, but it was clean and easy to enter even for the first time. A wide range of customers, from young women to the elderly in the neighborhood. Mainly cake sets, Neapolitan and pilaf, dumplings sold in the morning market, etc. There are days when you can eat soybean flowers and minced pork rice made by Taiwanese staff, and it is truly delicious with its authentic taste.
miyako little trip (miyakotabi) on Google

友達と一緒に行きました。滷肉飯と豆花をいただきました。雞排単品で頼みました。オーナーは台湾の方、明るくて可愛いです。マスクしてもお洒落です。 滷肉飯は台湾と同じ大きさ。味付け卵と漬物、美味しかったけど、もう少し脂あった方がよりいいかも。 豆花は熱々の黒糖薑汁で自分で「投入」!面白い? 南瓜圓も手作りで手間かかるので、わざと選びました。 雞排は梅粉と一味?で味を調整できます。 台湾カステラとパイナップルケーキの手作りで美味しかった。 12時過ぎたら続々お客様は入ってきて、すぐ満席になりました。予約した方が確実です。 また近いうちに行きたいわ〜
I went with a friend. I had Lo Bah png rice and Douhua. I ordered it as a single item. The owner is Taiwanese, bright and cute. It is fashionable even if you mask it. Lo bah png is the same size as Taiwan. The seasoned eggs and pickles were delicious, but it might be better to have a little more fat. Douhua is "injected" by yourself with hot brown sugar ginger juice! Interesting ? Pumpkin is also handmade and time-consuming, so I chose it on purpose. Is it a gang with plum powder? You can adjust the taste with. The Taiwanese castella and pineapple cake were handmade and delicious. After 12 o'clock, customers came in one after another and it was full soon. It is better to make a reservation. I want to go again soon ~

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