Ichijoji - Hirakata

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ichijoji

住所 :

一乗寺 3-16 Okaminamicho, Hirakata, Osaka 573-0033, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Postal code : 573-0033

一乗寺 3-16 Okaminamicho, Hirakata, Osaka 573-0033, Japan
Nor on Google

pikatnk on Google

伊藤守(まもやん) on Google

The atmosphere is good.
寺山肇 on Google

According to the temple tradition, it was originally a temple of the Tendai sect at Rakuhoku Ichijoji village in Yamashiro (currently the Jodo sect). It is said that it began with the establishment of a temple and shrine of Ojo guardian. It is said that Kobo Daishi also enshrined two statues of actors, Benzaiten, and prayed for the protection of the world.
83 Koichi on Google

It is a temple in front of Hirakata station. The ossuary also catches the eye from the train.
肯定ペンギン on Google

浄土宗 究竟山 往生院 一乘寺 河内西国三拾三所観世音順礼 第二番札所です。
Jodo Buddhist temple Mt. Kawachi Nishikuni Sanpitsu Sansho Kanzeonjunrei No. 2 billboard.
Neurodom 001 on Google

It doesn't seem to be a temple that you visit especially for sightseeing. The main hall is magnificent.
rurumomerumochiikoro on Google

■宗 派 浄土宗 (元は天台宗) ■本 尊 阿弥陀如来 ■山 号 究竟山 ■開 創 平安時代初期 ■住 所 枚方市岡南町3-16(元は山城の洛北一乗寺村) 河内三十三所観音霊場 第2番 枚方城主 本多氏の菩提寺 最澄や弘法大師が像を安置したと言われている由緒あるお寺ですが、 応仁の乱の戦火で焼失し、 枚方城主の本多政康が1600年に本堂及び、日吉神社を再建しました。 一乗寺の大檀那(だいだんな)であった本多氏は 奈良時代に渡来した百済王の末裔を称し、 豊臣秀吉に仕えましたが、大坂夏の陣で徳川方に攻められ、 枚方城は大阪城と運命を共にして落城、政康は戦死し本多氏は没落。 寺社は徳川氏に没収されますが、本多氏遺臣の尽力で復興します。 しかし当時の勢いは失われました。 政康の娘(乙御前)が秀吉の愛妾であった関係で、寺には豊臣家ゆかりの品が伝わっているそうですが、本多家没落後の乙御前については、記録が見当たりません、、、
■ Sect Jodo sect (formerly Tendai sect) ■ Honzon Amida Nyorai ■ Mountain No. ■ Kaisou Early Heian period ■ Residence 3-16 Okaminami-cho, Hirakata (formerly Rakuhoku Ichijoji Village in Yamashiro) Kawachi 33 Kannon Pilgrimage Site No. 2 Hirakata Castle Lord Honda's Bodaiji Temple It is a historical temple where Saicho and Kobo Daishi enshrined the statue. Burned down in the Onin War, Masayasu Honda, the owner of Hirakata Castle, rebuilt the main hall and Hiyoshi Shrine in 1600. Mr. Honda, who was a Daidanna of Ichijoji, In honor of the descendants of King Kudara who came to Japan during the Nara period He served Hideyoshi Toyotomi, but was attacked by the Tokugawa clan in the summer of Osaka. Hirakata Castle fell with the fate of Osaka Castle, Masayasu died in the war, and Honda fell. The temples and shrines will be confiscated by Mr. Tokugawa, but will be reconstructed with the efforts of Mr. Honda's retainer. However, the momentum at that time was lost. Since Masayasu's daughter (Otogozen) was Hideyoshi's lover, it seems that items related to the Toyotomi family are transmitted to the temple, but there is no record of Otogozen after the fall of the Honda clan. ,,,

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