苺屋 たくみ (Ichigoya TAKUMI) - Maebashi

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 苺屋 たくみ (Ichigoya TAKUMI)

住所 :

792-1 Shimomasudamachi, Maebashi, Gunma 379-2113, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 379-2113
Webサイト : http://blog.livedoor.jp/ichigoya_takumi/

792-1 Shimomasudamachi, Maebashi, Gunma 379-2113, Japan
あおDX on Google

The shape is more beautiful and sweeter than other strawberries. In the car on the way back, I am happy with the sweet scent of strawberries.
83 10 on Google

新しい農園ですが、いちご品評会で最高賞を受賞したとニュースで報道されていたので、訪問してみました。 親切な店主さんにいちごの説明をいただき、商品を見てみるとシックな黒い箱に端正ないちごたちが並んでいます。 食べてみると今まで食べたことのないくらい美味しいいちご!感動です! 遠くから行った価値がありました。 今年はイチゴ狩りにも行ってみようと思います。
Although it is a new farm, it was reported in the news that it won the highest award at the strawberry show, so I visited it. The kind shopkeeper explained the strawberries, and when I looked at the products, I found neat strawberries lined up in a chic black box. When I try it, it's the most delicious strawberry I've ever eaten! I'm impressed! It was worth going from afar. I will go strawberry picking this year.
Yoshihiro MATSUI on Google

Buy Yayoi Hime. Juicy, sweet and slightly sour, with a good balance of sweetness and sourness, it is delicious.
kana kana on Google

初めて贈答用を購入しました!箱も黒でかっこいいです♪とにかく苺が甘くて美味しかったです♪是非堪能してみて下さい。土日限定でいちご大福があるそうです^ ^数量限定なので今度はそちらをチャレンジしてみたいです^ ^苺狩りは完全予約制との事でまた行ってみます‼︎ポイントカードもあるの女性には嬉しい特典(´∀`)
We purchased for the first time for gift! The box is also black and cool ♪ Anyway the strawberry was sweet and delicious ♪ Please enjoy it by all means. It seems that there is a strawberry Daifuku only on Saturdays and Sundays ^ ^ Because it is a limited quantity, I would like to challenge there next time ^ ^ I will go again with strawberry picking with a complete reservation system‼特 典 Privileges (´ 女性 `) that are nice for women who also have reward cards
カプッちょ on Google

毎年冬場に福島南郷のスキー仲間の所に行くのにイチゴを差し入れしていましたが、地元で今シーズンイチゴ屋さんを始めた人が群馬県のイチゴ品評会で県知事賞を獲得したとの事で、やよいひめを購入? 南郷に行く道中、車内はイチゴの香りがプンプン? 2~3日は車内にイチゴの香りが残っていました? スキー仲間の所でその時に集まった15人で食べましたが、甘くてみずみずしくて皆さん『美味しい❗甘い‼️』と絶賛でした? 今まで食べたやよいひめの中で、1番美味しかったです☺️
Every year in the winter, I went to a skiing friend in Fukushima Nango where I put strawberries, but locals who started a strawberry shop this season won the prefectural governor prize at the strawberry fair in Gunma Prefecture. By the way, purchase Yayoi Hime? On the way to Nango, the inside of the car has a strawberry scent. Strawberry scent remained in the car for 2-3 days. I ate with 15 people who gathered at that time at my ski buddies, but everyone was sweet and fresh ️ ” It was the best delicious hime I had ever eaten.
こっこぴー on Google

I seemed to have won the gold medal and the governor's award at the Gunma show, so I went to buy it. I asked them to compare the four varieties and brought them back. Is juicy the most delicious?
むらさき on Google

予約制でイチゴ狩りが出来るようです。 販売と宅配発送もしています。 色々な種類の苺が楽しめます。 個人的にはジューシーが好きです。 苺は足元ではなく立ったまま収穫できるところにあり、衛生的で見やすくてとてもいいと思います。 イチゴ狩りは時間制限ありです
It seems that you can pick strawberries by appointment. We also sell and ship by courier. You can enjoy various kinds of strawberries. Personally, I like juicy. Strawberries are not at your feet but in a place where you can harvest them while standing, which is hygienic and easy to see. Strawberry picking has a time limit
・K ・ on Google

2022.03.03に訪れました コロナの影響でいちご狩りができないのが残念でしたが(事前に電話で聞いてわかってました)東京から2時間かけて行ったかいがあるくらい甘い苺を買うことができました スーパーでは見かけない、手に入らない苺でした コロナの影響で味見もできないので全種類一度買って車で味見してからお土産用を買ったので、車で味見用の小さいカップで少額で売ってたら良かったかな~でもまぁおうちで残りも美味しくいただきました
Visited 2022.03.03 It was a pity that I couldn't pick strawberries because of the corona (I knew by calling in advance), but I was able to buy strawberries that were so sweet that I had to go from Tokyo for 2 hours. It was a strawberry that I couldn't get at the supermarket. I couldn't taste it because of the corona, so I bought all kinds once and tasted them in the car before buying souvenirs, so I wish I could have sold them in a small cup for tasting in the car for a small amount. It was delicious

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