ガスト 市ヶ谷駅前店(から好し取扱店)

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ガスト 市ヶ谷駅前店(から好し取扱店)

住所 :

Ichigayatamachi, Shinjuku City, 〒162-0843 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://www.skylark.co.jp/gusto/
Opening hours :
Saturday 7AM–11PM
Sunday 7AM–11PM
Monday 7AM–11PM
Tuesday 7AM–11PM
Wednesday 7AM–11PM
Thursday 7AM–11PM
Friday 7AM–11PM
街 : Tokyo

Ichigayatamachi, Shinjuku City, 〒162-0843 Tokyo,Japan
あしたもアヒル on Google

ごくフツーのファミレス…と 言いたいが、少し違う…。 この店舗は各テーブルにタブ レットが置いて有り、オーダー は全てこのタブレットから行う。 なので、善し悪しだが入店時 に「いらっしゃいませぇ~」 の掛け声はないかも知れない。 但し、混雑時は分からない… 吾輩がお邪魔するのはいつも 21時を過ぎたあたりだからだ。 タブレットは、なかなか秀逸 でクーポンなどにも対応して いる。 クーポンを織り交ぜてのオー ダーのやり方には少しコツが 必要デス。 例えば、メインディッシュに ドリンクバーとライスやパン を付けたセットにする場合、 ドリンクバーのクーポンも 併用するときはメインディッ シュにドリンクバー付きの ライス(またはパン)のセット にしてはイケない。 ライス(またはパン)は単品の セットにして、ドリンクバー のクーポンを別途で追加する やり方をしないと、料金を 二重に取られ、割高になって しまう。 但し、ベテラン・クルーだと、 その辺が理解出来ているので お客さん側が損をしないよう に、オーダー内容を変更して くれる。 ま、間違ったり、気づいたら ホールの店員さんに伝えれば 大丈夫でしょう(^^) 店員さんの対応は吾輩がお邪 魔する時間帯のクルーは笑顔 で対応してくれる、いい人達 ばかりです。 お料理の提供時間も、空いた 時間帯だからといって遅くは ありません。 いつも丁寧な対応と笑顔を ありがとう♪ また、お邪魔致します。 ごちそうさまです
A very family restaurant ... I want to say, a little different ... This store has a tab on each table There is a let and order All from this tablet. So, good or bad, but when entering the store "Welcome ~" May not be called. However, I do not know when it is crowded ... It's always my trouble Because around 21:00. Tablets are quite excellent In response to coupons I have. Oh with interlaced coupons There are a few tips on how to do Need death. For example, in the main dish Drink bar and rice and bread If you want to set with Drink bar coupons When using together, With a drink bar Set of rice (or bread) Not cool. Rice (or bread) Set as a drink bar Add coupon separately If you do n’t do it, Double taken and overpriced I will. However, if you are a veteran crew, Because I understand that neighborhood So that customers do not lose Change the order details Give me Well, if you notice something wrong or If you tell the store clerk I'll be fine (^^) I am troubled by the clerk's response The crew during the magical time is smiling Nice people who will respond with Is just I also have free time to serve food Just because it ’s time There is none. Always polite and smile Thank you ♪ In addition, I will bother you. It's a feast
Heiress Caryl Dudas on Google

Delicious! ?
성재명 on Google

Open until late night. Pretty much the only place around for some late night chit chat with some friends
Seth Siegfred Sufijan on Google

Affordable meal available here. Fairly clean, serving time is not too long as well.
Tanushree Majumder on Google

My all time favorite place to eat! And the options for unlimited drinks are awesome ?
D. T. C. Wee on Google

Comfortable family restaurant near Ichigaya metro exit 6. The food selection is good, but what really stands out is the self serve drink bar. There is a phenomenally wide selection of hot and cold drinks to choose from. The facilities are clean and the service is friendly and efficient. While there are other restaurants in the area, this one is a safe bet.
Fuyu on Google

This place was pretty good. Gusto is open late. The staff were nice and accommodating. That said, it's recommended to know how to order in Japanese. The food is family style restaurant food. Pretty good. I had the miso mackerel with rice and a side of corn soup. You can never go wrong with corn soup.
Kimi Wu on Google

Now is 2021, but the WiFi here is like in the 90s. Not only slow but also keep disconnecting frequently. Don't even think about this restaurant if you need WiFi.

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