
2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact あるじゃんすー仙台店

住所 :

Ichibancho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0811 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://arujyansu.com/salon_sendai.php
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : Miyagi

Ichibancho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0811 Miyagi,Japan
diamond vipbar on Google

とにかく店員が感じ悪い店長みたいな人が融通が聞かない 頭が悪いと思った ウザかった でしゃばりで嫌われてそう このシマの人が最高に嫌 その他に高いやつは全部在庫あるのに安いやつは在庫がないって言われて でも、何故か在庫があったとありえないくらいありました 普通忘れるでしょうか? 最初はないと言わすのですかね 別の色持ってきてと言ったら大量に 最初ないと言ってた色を持ってきて在庫ありましただって言われて ドンびいた どんだけ貧乏な店なのって感じ 経営やばいって感じるからやめた方がいい てか、せこい来た返信も言い訳、こっちが悪いような言い方これじゃ改善する気無いですね 他の人のも見たけど評価どうりのお店、総合星2つも勿体ないくらいですけど。所詮、仙台店なんですかね。このクオリティーでこの値段なら青山や新宿より高すぎますね 個人的にお友達にやってるクオリティーですね
Anyway, a person like a store manager who feels uncomfortable with a clerk does not hear flexibility I thought I was crazy It was ugly It seems to be hated by being stubborn I hate this Shimano person the most It is said that all the other expensive ones are in stock, but the cheap ones are out of stock. But for some reason it was impossible to have it in stock. Do you usually forget? Do you say there is no first If you ask me to bring another color, a lot I brought a color that I said wasn't there at first and was told that it was in stock Don't miss It feels like how poor the store is It feels like management is bad, so you should stop It's an excuse for the reply that came in, and it's a bad way to say it. I've seen other people, but it's a shame that the store has a good reputation and has two overall stars. After all, is it the Sendai store? With this quality and this price, it's too expensive compared to Aoyama and Shinjuku. It ’s the quality that I personally give to my friends.
Chen LAn on Google

店員さんが凄い気さくな上に、つける位置や全体のバランス、仕上げのカットセンスが抜群にいいと思います。 髪がオイルっぽいと、アルコールで無くしてから施術してくれます。 ここのエクステは横幅が広くて密度も高いのでインナーカラーでも自然に可愛くなれます。(・∀・)
I think the clerk is very friendly and the position to put on, the overall balance, and the cut sense of the finish are excellent. If your hair is oily, it will be treated after losing it with alcohol. The extensions here are wide and dense, so they can be cute naturally even with inner colors. (・ ∀ ・)
s m on Google

友人の結婚式のヘアメイクで利用。 余裕を持って1時間半以上前の時間で予約しましたが、希望のスタイルとは全く違うものにされました。 (難しい手の込んだものではなくハーフアップの巻き髪のような簡単なもの) 巻き髪は取れやすいので強めに巻くようお願いしているのにゆる巻にされ、逆毛もぐちゃぐちゃにして無理やり被せた感じにされました。 他のお店でお願いした際は30分もかからず終わったのにこちらでは結局1時間半かけてぐっちゃぐちゃの髪型。 おかげで式には少し遅れてしまった上、友人には「これだけ時間かかってこれはやばいね…よくこれでお金取れたね…」と言われる始末。 会計の際100円引きにされましたが正直馬鹿にされているとしか思えなかったです。 こちらは基本エクステ専門のお店なのは知っていますが簡単なヘアメイクもろくに出来ないならヘアメイクなんてやらない方いいと思いますよ。 料金も他の店より安かったので利用したけどこんなふうになるなら高いお金払ってちゃんとやってくれる所に行くべきでした。 楽しみにしていた友人の結婚式でしたがその最中も髪型が気になって心から楽しめませんでした。 本当に最悪。 もう二度と行きません。
Used for wedding hair and makeup of friends. I booked more than an hour and a half ahead of time with room, but it was completely different from my desired style. (Easy things like half-up curly hair, not difficult elaborate things) It was easy to remove the curly hair, so I asked for it to be wound strongly, but it was loosely wound, and the reverse hair was messed up and I felt it was forcibly covered. It took less than 30 minutes when I asked for it at another shop, but it ended up taking an hour and a half here. Thanks to that, I was a little late for the ceremony, and my friend told me, "It took this long and this was terrible ... I got a lot of money with this ..." At the time of accounting, it was discounted by 100 yen, but I could only think that it was honest. I know that this is a specialty store for basic extensions, but if you can't do simple hair and make it fragile, you don't want to do hair and make. I used it because the price was cheaper than other stores, but I should have gone to a place that paid high money and did it properly if it became like this. I was looking forward to my friend's wedding, but I couldn't really enjoy my hairstyle during the wedding. Really the worst. I will never go there again.
ねこママ on Google

This is my first visit~. The clerk's older sisters were all very happy and had a good time.
三浦紗栄 on Google

初めてのエクステで緊張しましたが、理想の仕上がりにしてもらえて満足です。 何もわからなく、質問攻めしてしまいましたが嫌な顔一つせず、親身になって答えてくれて安心でした! 馴染みもよく、毛質も地毛みたいで、友達にも言われなきゃエクステってわからない!と絶賛されたので、次は友達と一緒に行きます! お手入れ頑張って長持ち出来る様に頑張ります!! 地毛が伸びるまで利用しようと思います! 来月もよろしくお願いします!!
I was nervous at the first extension, but I am satisfied with the ideal finish. I didn't understand anything, and I attacked the question, but I was relieved that he answered with kindness without a disgusting face! It's familiar, and the hair quality is like natural hair, so I can't understand the extension unless my friends tell me! I was praised, so next time I will go with my friends! I will do my best to maintain it and make it last longer! !! I will use it until the hair grows! I look forward to working with you next month! !!
10ぶる on Google

去年通っていた時まではベテランの方がしっかり着けてくれていて、2週間以内に1本もシールエクが取れたことは無かったのですが、今年4月頃行った時店員さんが総入れ替えされて居てバイトの様な方しかいませんでした。 不安な中やってもらい案の定1週間以内に20本くらい抜けました…その後お直しに行きましたがそれも速攻抜けました…もう負のループ過ぎて自分で全部取りましたね(笑) シールエクは店員さんの技術次第ということを学びました。もう二度とここには来店しないと思います。しっかりと教育した店員さんを働かせてください。
Until I went there last year, the veteran was wearing it well, and I hadn't taken any seals within two weeks, but when I went around April this year, the clerk was completely replaced. There was only one who was like a part-time job. I asked him to do it in anxiety, and as expected, I missed about 20 within a week ... After that, I went to fix it, but it also went through quickly ... It was already a negative loop and I took it all myself (laugh) I learned that Sealek depends on the skill of the clerk. I don't think I'll come here again. Please work a well-educated clerk.
yuchika chiba on Google

I've been going for about 2 years, but I feel that it's getting worse year by year. Where are the veterans who were there before? Now everyone has a great sense of amateurism and can take it immediately, and the clerk who thought it was good disappears soon. It's too mysterious. This time, my hair was caught in the seal part of the extension and I had to wear it myself. It doesn't matter if it's a little later, so please do it carefully. Do you wind it at the end until the end? I've heard that, but now that I don't have it at all, I wonder if I stopped the hair wrapping service? I thought. Please tell me such a strange place.
つぼにゃん on Google

1年半編み込みエクステで通ってましたが、ベテランの方がいなくなった今、編み込む際に髪の毛ちぎられまくりで、ドライもしてくれず、編み込みしたばかりにもかかわらずくしを通す際も適当で、アイロンをする際もブチブチいいながらされました。折り目はついたまま、様子見でつけると言っていた残りのエクステの説明もなし、イライラした様子で対応されました。 成人式前でワクワクしてましたがもう二度と行かないです。
I used to go with a crochet extension for a year and a half, but now that there are no more veterans, my hair is torn off when I knit it, it doesn't dry out, and it's suitable for passing through a comb even though I just knit it. When I ironed it, it was nice. With the creases still attached, there was no explanation for the rest of the extensions that he said he would make a wait-and-see, and he responded in a frustrated manner. I was excited before the seijin-shiki, but I will never go again.

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