Ibaraki - Minamiuwa District

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ibaraki

住所 :

3699 Mishohirajo, Ainan, Minamiuwa District, Ehime 798-4110, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889777
Postal code : 798-4110

3699 Mishohirajo, Ainan, Minamiuwa District, Ehime 798-4110, Japan
山田太郎 on Google

I use it as a couple, and I mainly have a fried shrimp set meal. I am looking forward to the fried oyster set meal in winter. When my son comes back, I will go to this shop.
三井康 on Google

あくまでもランチタイムの評価です 他のクチコミや友人からのオススメで ランチタイムに利用させて頂きました メニューが豊富という触れ込みでしたが 定食メニューと単品メニュー合わせて20品目くらいでした 妻が日替わり定食 私が冷麺を頂きました 日替わり定食は見た目、味共に妻には合わなかったようです 冷麺は見た目はトッピングの具の種類、量共に満足できるモノでした しかし、冷麺の麺は普通のラーメンにつかわれる細麺の縮れ麺でした たぶん好みが別れる麺かと思いました 私の中では、これもありかなという感じでした
It is just an evaluation of lunch time With other reviews and recommendations from friends I used it at lunch time It was mentioned that the menu is abundant There were about 20 items in total, including the set menu and the single item menu. My wife has a daily set meal I got cold noodles It seems that the daily set meal did not suit my wife in both appearance and taste. The cold noodles looked satisfying in terms of the type and amount of toppings. However, the cold noodles were curly noodles, which are thin noodles used in ordinary ramen. I thought it was a noodle with different tastes I felt like this was also possible
佐藤尚子 on Google

主人の知人に美味しいからって聞いておじぁましました。丁度、お昼時にいきましたが、主人は、冷麺、私は、日替わりランチでしたが、クリームコロッケと玉子焼き、なすの煮物、ポテトサラダが付いていましたが、クリームコロッケって中が、ホワイトソースのイメージでしたが、ポテトにカレー味、ポテトサラダは、ほんのりとポテトの味がしました。玉子焼きは、どこにでもある、普通の味でした。冷麺は、具がたくさん乗っていて、味は、美味しく麺は、縮れ麺、あ〜あ。主人と一緒のものを頼んだ方が良かったと後悔しました。又、女将さんか、又は、女の人の接客が、淡々として、つれない、 高圧的な態度、私の味や、接客には、合わない感じがいたしました。口コミは、まぁまぁの評価だから、行ったのですが。残念ですネ
I asked my husband's acquaintance that it was delicious. I went there at noon, but my husband was cold noodles, and I had a daily lunch, but it came with cream croquette, grilled egg, simmered eggplant, and potato salad, but the inside of the cream croquette was white. It was an image of sauce, but the potatoes had a curry flavor, and the potato salad had a slight potato flavor. Tamagoyaki was a normal taste that was everywhere. Cold noodles have a lot of ingredients, the taste is delicious, and the noodles are curly noodles. I regretted that I should have ordered something with my husband. Also, the customer service of the landlady or the woman is untidy, I felt that it didn't suit my high-pressure attitude, my taste, and the customer service. I went to the word-of-mouth because it was a good evaluation. I'm sorry
kine TMKstudio on Google

玉子コロッケしか写真撮れなかったけど いろんな料理を堪能しました! お通しのカレー風味肉じゃがも?
I could only take a picture of the egg croquette I enjoyed various dishes! Fresh curry-flavored meat potato bowl
風来坊 on Google

平日、仕事の昼休みにお昼を食べによく伺います。 メニューの看板にも書いてますがお昼のおすすめランチ?はすぐに出てきますが、それ以外のメニューは出てくるまでかなり時間がかかります。 30分近く待つこともあるので急ぎの際はおすすめランチを頼むがいいです。 おすすめランチもボリュームたっぷりのメニューでお腹いっぱいになります。 他のメニューもおいしいです。 個人的には夏は冷やし中華が美味しくて好きです。
On weekdays, I often go to eat lunch during my lunch break at work. It's written on the signboard of the menu, but is it a recommended lunch for lunch? Will come out soon, but other menus will take quite some time to come out. You may have to wait for nearly 30 minutes, so if you're in a hurry, ask for a recommended lunch. The recommended lunch is also full with a hearty menu. Other menus are also delicious. Personally, I like chilled Chinese in summer because it's delicious.
ちゃにゆみ on Google

I went alone, but when I sat down at the counter, it was fun to talk to me very kindly. The dishes are grilled pearl oysters and egg croquette. The sauce on the cream-based egg croquette is Western-style, and the demiglace sauce is gentle. It was delicious.
川井良太郎 on Google

定食を頂きましたが料金の割には味も良く量もすごく多かったです! 夜は居酒屋もやってるらしいので今度はそっちにも行ってみたいです! ただ、支払いはキャッシュレスが使えないので現金のみになります。
I had a set meal, but the taste was good and the amount was very large for the price! It seems that there is also an izakaya at night, so I'd like to go there next time! However, you can only pay in cash because you cannot use cashless payment.
おじさん(旅好きおじさん) on Google

カツオのたたきが新鮮で美味しかった。 定食もだしまき玉子が絶品でした。
The bonito seared was fresh and delicious. The set meal, Dashimaki Tamago, was excellent.

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