i clock. - Kawaguchi

2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact i clock.

住所 :

1-79 Namiki Motomachi, Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-0033, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Postal code : 332-0033
Webサイト : https://www.theclockhouse.jp/

1-79 Namiki Motomachi, Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-0033, Japan
mochi y on Google

接客対応が最悪です。 もう二度と行きません。
Customer service is the worst. I will never go there again.
F L on Google

数年前、この店でGUCCIの電池交換依頼して、ねじり込む式蓋にもかかわらず、目の前でこじ開け器で無理やり開けろとしていった、「おい~やめろ、それは50M防水やろ?」と一喝して、やっと気づいた!結局、蓋のぶちと本体は傷付けた.... さいあく!!
A few years ago, I asked GUCCI to replace the battery at this store, and despite the screw-in lid, I tried to force it open with a pry opener in front of me. Then I finally noticed! In the end, the edge of the lid and the main body were damaged .... !!
酒呑み蛙の戯れ言 on Google

入手困難な2020年度イルカクジラモデルのG-SHOCKをここで予約し、入手することができましたので大変満足です‼️※そごう川口では予約自体断られた…?予約開始前の稀少モデルも柔軟に相談に乗ってもらえるので、私はお気に入りのお店です。 アリオの中に入っているので、タイミングによってはモールのキャンペーンを使ってお得に購入することができるのもポイント高いです?人気モデルはどこで買おうと定価ですからね。 品揃えはカジュアルウォッチがメイン。オシアナスを置いていないのは少し寂しい。だけど、グランドセイコーは若干置いている。
I am very satisfied because I was able to reserve and obtain the G-SHOCK of the 2020 dolphin whale model which is difficult to obtain here! ️ ※Reservation is refused at Sogo Kawaguchi... Since it is in the Ario, depending on the timing, it is also a point that you can buy it cheaply using the mall campaign ? The popular model is the list price no matter where you buy it. The main lineup is casual watches. It's a little lonely that there is no Oceanus. However, Grand Seiko is put a little.
k y on Google

対応が最悪。 コマ調整で手袋も使用せず、ネジや部品をピンセットも使わずベタベタベタベタ触る。 コマ調整万力とかも使わないの?って感じ 下にガシャガシャ擦り付けながらやっててとても時計を扱う人間とは思えんレベル。 見れば3級修理士だしまあ納得なのだが。 安かろう悪かろう、すぐに調整したくてこんなところに来た自分のせいでした。 ブティック以外行くもんじゃないなと再確認。
Correspondence is the worst. The frame adjustment does not use gloves, and screws and parts are sticky and sticky without using tweezers. Don't you use a frame adjustment vise? Feeling It's a level that I can't think of as a person who handles watches very much while rubbing it underneath. If you look at it, it's a third-class repairman. Whether it was cheap or bad, it was my fault that I came to such a place because I wanted to adjust it immediately. I reconfirmed that I shouldn't go outside the boutique.
umi umi on Google

購入を考えて来店と所持品の時計を調整のためと2回訪れた事がありますが店員全員の接客が腐っていると思いました。 特に男性店員の高圧的な態度とモノの言い方が 間に触ったのでこちらで購入はやめました。 所持品の時計をこちらで調整して貰ってから そちらの技術不足で不具合があったので3回目の 来店でしたが、そこにいた店員3名から謝罪の言葉も無く勝手に時計を持っていかれ直りましたと 渡されましたが新品の時計に傷がついておりました。 こういった際にクレームされないように、 お客に傷の確認などしてから修理を始めるのが 普通なのではないでしょうか? 接客技術レベルも共に三流だと判断しました。後悔しない為にも行かれる際は検討した方がいいと思います。
I have visited the store twice to adjust the clock of my belongings and to think about purchasing, but I thought that the customer service of all the clerk was rotten. Especially the high-pressure attitude of the male clerk and the way of saying things I touched it in the meantime, so I stopped buying it here. After having your belongings adjusted here There was a problem due to lack of technology there, so the third time I came to the store, but the three clerk who were there said that I was able to take my watch without apology and healed it. I was handed it over, but the new watch was scratched. To avoid complaints in such cases It is best to check with the customer for scratches before starting repairs. Isn't it normal? We have determined that both customer service skills are third-rate. I think you should consider it when you go so that you will not regret it.
wan maru on Google

お仕事のプライドが高いのかもしれませんが、まず否定というか疑ってかかってきますな。もっと違った言い方あったと思うんですけどね。安物時計だったから軽く見られたかな。説明して(口答え?)面倒な客扱いされるのもイヤなので、粛々と講釈賜りましたけどもう潮時ですね。 分解整備などお願いする時計店さんは2件ほどお付き合いあるけど、日曜やってなかったり、宅急便での発送など手軽にはお願いできないんで、電池交換くらいならと横着してしまったけど、やはり面倒くさがらずに人生経験も積んだベテラン時計技師さんに頼めばよかった。
It may be that your work pride is high, but first of all, you will be suspicious of denial. I think there was a different way of saying it. It was a cheap watch, so I think it was seen lightly. I don't want to be treated as a troublesome customer by explaining (answer?), So I gave a quiet lecture, but it's already time for the tide. There are about two watch shops that ask for disassembly and maintenance, but I haven't done it on Sundays, and I can't easily ask for shipping by courier, so I've been wearing it sideways to replace the batteries, but it's still troublesome. I should have asked a veteran watchmaker who had a lot of life experience.
板橋芳孝 on Google

I've been here to replace the battery of my watch. I liked the 5 or 6 grandchildren who came out after the house remodeling, and when I replaced it, it worked, so I asked for the rest. I thought this would be useless, but when I asked the manufacturer, it was fixed, so I am happy to use it. Thank you very much to Iclock. Thank you very much.
riiisu on Google

最悪です。 母と妹から誕生日のお祝いでもらった時計のベルト調節で伺いました。 他店で買った時計でしたが、作業は15分程で終わり帰宅しましたが1週間後ベルトのネジが外れていて時間と共にネジが飛び出してきていました。 電話対応では女性の方に対応してもらいましたが、スタッフ全員で情報を共有して修理致します。また修理は2週間程致します。と言って頂いたので安心していましたが、いざ行ってみると男性従業員(変な髪型)が対応。 共有なんてしていなかったんでしょうね、従業員3人いましたが、誰?という態度で、こちらが説明してもまず一言も謝罪がないまま何の確認もせずいきなり背を向けて立ったまま時計をガチャガチャ触り始めました。 30秒くらいでどうぞ、と渡してきたら治っていたのですが、ベルトに傷が。。。。。 え?傷がある!って言ったら、 あ、そこは僕触ってないんで!の一言。 私ばずーっとベルトに出来た傷を手でゴシゴシ触っていても、その一言を言っただけで無言の対応。 まずこれから修理しますねっていう一言もない。 修理する前に傷の確かめもしてこないで勝手に背を向けて立ったまま修理。 ありえますか? ネジが飛び出してきてるのが分かってから写真も撮って箱にずっとしまっていて傷がつくはずないんです。 傷も工具でついたようなグジャグジャした線で1発で分かります。 この人と話ししで通じないなと思って納得出来ないですが、誕生日に送ってもらった思い出の時計に嫌な思い出が出来てしまったのが本当に悔しい。 この時計を探しに行った妹もまずこのお店に購入しようと訪れたらしいのですが、対応が悪く購入を辞めたそうで、更に一緒にイライラが止まらないです。 なんで偉そうな態度なんでしょうか? 他の方がコメントしてるのが共感でき過ぎます。 明日本社に電話して言おうと思います。 本当酷い。 本当ショック。
It's the worst. I asked my mother and sister to adjust the belt of the watch that I received for my birthday celebration. It was a watch I bought at another store, but the work was completed in about 15 minutes and I went home, but one week later the screw on the belt had come off and the screw had popped out over time. We asked a woman to answer the phone, but all the staff will share the information and repair it. In addition, we will repair it for about 2 weeks. I was relieved to hear that, but when I went there, a male employee (a strange hairstyle) responded. You probably didn't share it, there were 3 employees, who? With that attitude, even if I explained it, I suddenly turned my back and started touching the watch without apologizing without any confirmation. When I handed it over in about 30 seconds, it was healed, but the belt was scratched. .. .. .. .. picture? There are scratches! If you say Oh, I haven't touched it! A word. Even if I touch the scratches on the belt with my hands all the time, I can respond silently just by saying that one word. First of all, there is no word that I will repair it from now on. Before repairing, do not check for scratches and repair while standing with your back on your own. Is it possible? After I saw the screws popping out, I took a picture and kept them in the box all the time, so they shouldn't be scratched. You can see scratches with a single shot with a jerky line that looks like it was made with a tool. I'm not convinced that I can't communicate with this person, but I'm really disappointed that the clock I sent on my birthday made unpleasant memories. It seems that my sister who went to look for this watch also came to this shop to buy it, but she said she quit the purchase due to poor response, and I was frustrated with her. Why is it such a great attitude? I can sympathize with other people commenting too much. I'll call Ming Nihonsha and say something. Really terrible. Real shock.

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