Hyōgo Mental Health Center - Kobe

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hyōgo Mental Health Center

住所 :

Yamadacho Kamitanigami, Kita Ward, Kobe, 〒651-1242 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 651-1242
Webサイト : http://hmhc.jp/
街 : Hyogo

Yamadacho Kamitanigami, Kita Ward, Kobe, 〒651-1242 Hyogo,Japan
緒方奈津子 on Google

This hospital gives out considerable medicine. It is a way to take medicine against side effects of drugs. It was also pretty intimidating to the patient, my friend had a trauma after being hospitalized. To be honest, it is better for you not to approach. Especially for those with physical examination related to developmental disorders it is better to quit.
神風圭市 on Google

兵庫県立こころの医療センター 旧名「光風病院」 診療科目は精神科が主。 駐車場は坂道のヘアピンカーブを上っていった途中の右側にある。 満車の場合もしばしばあり。 2021年現在、体温測定器あり、消毒液あり。 勿論マスク着用が義務付けられている。 トイレあり。
Hyogo Prefectural Mental Health Center Former name "Kofu Hospital" The main medical subjects are psychiatry. The parking lot is on the right side on the way up the hairpin curve on the slope. Often it is full. As of 2021, there is a body temperature measuring device and a disinfectant solution. Of course, wearing a mask is obligatory. There is a toilet.
みゆ。 on Google

前日に電話で「初診は予約必要ですか?」と聞いたら「必要ないです」と言われ、いざ病院に行ったら受付の方に「初診の予約はされてますか?」と言われたので「電話では必要ないって言われたんです」って伝えたらはぁ…と一言。 そもそも電話で初診が午前中なのも教えてくれなかったし、受付の人からすみません、申し訳ないですの一言も無し。愛想対応悪すぎ。来るのに結構お金かかったしお金返して欲しいくらい。
When I called the phone the day before and asked "Do I need to make a reservation for my first visit?", I was told "I don't need it", and when I went to the hospital, the receptionist said "Do you have a reservation for my first visit?" I said, "I was told that I didn't need it over the phone." In the first place, he didn't tell me that his first visit was in the morning on the phone, and I'm sorry from the receptionist, I'm sorry. It's too bad for amiability. It cost me a lot to come and I want you to return the money.
闇中学生 on Google

2年前くらいに入院した、1か月入院する分にはいい場所だと思うが、東2はやめといたほうがいい、入院させられそうになったら全力で阻止するべき、とにかくいじめがひどい、大体半年周期で起こる、心の病気を治す場所なのにいじめがあっては話にならない、 病気の程度のこともあるから多少は仕方ないのかもしれないが、精神科の病棟としてそんなことがあること事態話にならないし単に心の病気を悪化させているだけ、もちろん看護師は止めにはかかるがそこまで深くは関わってこない、単に15分部屋に入れられるだけ、医師が関与してきてもいじめがちょっと減るだけ、なくなりはしない。このようないじめがかなり続くので東2はほんと最悪 ただし、外来でいくなら医師がよく接してくれるし、適切な対処もしてくれるので悪くない
I think that it is a good place for being hospitalized about 2 years ago, one month hospitalized, but it is better to stop in the east 2, should be stopped with all effort when it is likely to be hospitalized, bullying is terrible anyway, roughly It happens in a semiannual cycle, but it is a place to cure mental illness, but it can not be talked about if it is bullying, so it may be somewhat inconvenient because it may be a degree of illness, but such a thing as a psychiatric ward Not talking and simply aggravating mental illness, of course the nurses have to stop but not get involved so deeply, just being put in a room for 15 minutes, even if a doctor is involved bullying is a bit As it decreases, it does not disappear. East 2 is really the worst because such bullying continues quite However, it is not bad because a doctor will treat you well if you go outpatient and will take appropriate measures.
chika on Google

I was hospitalized a few years ago. At first I had a hard time in hospital, but since I was calm I was able to spend a fun time inside. I am still in the hospital, but I feel relieved to meet and speak with a very reliable teacher. Although I was retired on the way, the new doctor is also very good as the previous teacher. I saw the bad evaluation of the hospital, but I believe that the relationship of trust is important. I am very grateful to be able to live a normal life.
つなわた on Google

My doctor has retired and I have nowhere to go. It's a shame because he was a gentle and very good teacher.
雪刃 on Google

現在(2022/02/01 19:27:09) 入院してます中学生です。 悪い評価も多いですが私はそうは思いません、とりあえず私が今いる東2病棟は、看護師さんも仕事の合間に一緒に遊んでくれたり、雑談をしてくれたりしてくれますし、他の患者さんとも仲良くできているのでここに入院して良かったと思っています。
Current (2022/02/01 19:27:09) It is hospitalized and has a junior high school student. Bad evaluation are also many, but I do not think so, East 2 ward that I'm now the time being, nurses also or me playing with the intervals of work, then you me or me to a chat , I think that it was good in the hospital here because they can get along with other patients.
山本滉大 on Google

同市北区内に暮らす30歳·男です。 介護職員として同様の立場で物申すと同病院の特定の看護師に看護業務のさなかいささか残念な態度が見受けられます。挨拶の励行の欠如、敬語が正しく使えない、医療人としての身だしなみの欠落など社会人として言語道断なことです。 あえてここでは個人名の列挙は控えますが、身に覚えがあるかたは今後自身を見つめ直していきましょう。また過ぎたことは仕方ないとしても、大人としてきちんと後始末の責任は果たすべきだと私は考えています。いかにお互い気持ちよく生活できるかを念頭に起き日々業務に勤しんでください。個人的に遺憾な思いはありますが、基本的には応援しています。 p.s.植田友佳子医師 医師免許取得年月日から思いのほか年齢が近い可能性が浮上。しっかりされているので、一回り上だと勝手に思っていたが、自分が情けなく思えてきた。個人的感情はぶつけるが、くれぐれも気にしないでもらいたい。誰だって過ちはあるし、今回はどうやら父親が頼み込んだことであるよう。身内で心配する存在であるが故に責めることができず、貴殿を標的とすることご容赦願いたい。
I'm a 30-year-old man living in Kita-ku, Tokyo. If you make a statement from the same standpoint as a long-term care worker, you will find that certain nurses at the hospital have a slightly disappointing attitude toward nursing work. It is outrageous as a member of society, such as lack of encouragement of greetings, inability to use honorifics correctly, and lack of grooming as a medical professional. I will refrain from listing personal names here, but if you are familiar with it, let's look at yourself in the future. Even if it can't be helped, I think that as an adult, we should take responsibility for cleaning up properly. Please work every day, keeping in mind how you can live comfortably with each other. I personally regret it, but basically I support it. p.s. Dr. Yukako Ueda: From the date of obtaining a doctor's license, it is possible that the age is unexpectedly close. I thought it was one step higher because it was solid, but I felt sorry for myself. I'll hit my personal feelings, but don't worry about it. Everyone makes mistakes, and this time it seems that his father asked for it. I can't blame you because I'm worried about you, so please forgive me for targeting you.

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