たいよう Human Connection Natural Cafe - Shop - Space

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact たいよう Human Connection Natural Cafe / Shop / Space

住所 :

Tsunosakicho, Kasugai, 〒486-0943 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://lit.link/taiyouhumanconnection
街 : 区画 Aichi

Tsunosakicho, Kasugai, 〒486-0943 Aichi,Japan
ともやん on Google

The clerk is friendly and always stays longer.
E on Google

店内の従業員が3人ほどいましたが 皆んなマスクしていません 顎マスクの方は1名いましたが… 驚きを隠せませんでした 店員さんの対応は普通に良かったですし 料理は天然を意識していて健康だろうとおもいました クチコミには何一つマスクについて 振られていなかったので終始怖かったです ごちそうさまでした
There were about 3 employees in the store I don't mask everyone There was one chin mask, but ... I couldn't hide my surprise The clerk's response was usually good I thought that cooking was conscious of nature and would be healthy Nothing about masks for word-of-mouth communication I was scared from beginning to end because it wasn't shaken Thank you for the meal
ちょこ on Google

星1もつけたくない 男性店員の接客態度が偉そうで最悪! 態度悪い学生アルバイト以下。 謙虚さのカケラもなく傲慢さが滲みでていた。 本当に不愉快そのもの。 米のおかわりの話も他のテーブルつたえで できること知ったし水もセルフで ぬるく美味しくないし箸や皿も 不衛生な感じがする。コップも汚いし 机の下に蜘蛛の巣をはっていたのも みかけた。床も座布団の隙間から 沢山ゴミが…掃除しっかりしているのか。 店内もマスク越しからも 刺激臭…なんかクサイ… とにかく男性店員… いまどきこんな接客の店あるんだ 女性店員もあたふたと 厨房との連携が上手くとれていないのか 曖昧な返事だったり、とにかく二度はない。
I don't want to add 1 star The male clerk's customer service attitude seems to be great and the worst! Students with bad attitude or less part-time job. There was no humility and arrogance was bleeding. It's really unpleasant. The story of rice refills is also available at other tables. I knew I could do it, and I also used water myself It's not slimy and delicious, and chopsticks and plates It feels unsanitary. The cup is also dirty I also had a spider's nest under the desk I saw it. The floor is also from the gap of the cushion Lots of trash ... Is it well cleaned? From inside the store and through the mask Stimulating odor ... something crazy ... Anyway, a male clerk ... There is such a customer service shop nowadays A female clerk also has a lid Isn't the cooperation with the kitchen well taken? It's an ambiguous reply, never twice.
おやっさん on Google

初めて、妻と行きました 古民家で、縛りがなくマスクなしで入れる店 マスクしてないと、悪みたいな世の中 そして、いろんな物に侵された体を食でもてなしていただき、大変感銘いたしました 久々に、自然の大地の味を食べた 化学調味料や添加物が一切入っていない 食べた後、胃の中で朝食べたコンビニのポテトに後悔… 空腹で次は行こうかな
I went with my wife for the first time An old folk house that can be entered without binding and without a mask If you don't mask it, it's like an evil world And I was very impressed with the food that was invaded by various things. After a long time, I ate the taste of the natural earth Contains no chemical seasonings or additives After eating, I regret the convenience store potatoes that I had for breakfast in my stomach ... I'm hungry and let's go next
宮﨑真以子 on Google

おしゃれで健康にこだわりまくったお店 体に優しいものしかない! スイーツ?最高 センスの良いイベントもちょいちょい開催してます
A fashionable and healthy shop There are only things that are kind to the body! Sweets ? the best We also hold a lot of good-looking events
ryo m on Google

こんなご時世なのに当たり前の平和な日常がここでは味わえる。 貴重な場所。
You can enjoy the peaceful daily life that is commonplace in such a time. A precious place.
ぴぃ on Google

初めてお店に伺いました。 結論、めちゃくちゃ良いお店です。 お店の中は古民家の様な作りでとても落ち着きます。 料理がとても美味しく、接客もすごく丁寧です。 無添加無農薬のこだわりの食材はどれもが素晴らしく、食べた後に幸せな余韻に浸れます。 なんといってもお店のコンセプトが素晴らしく、昨今様々な事情で日常生活に圧迫感を感じている方はここに来ると良いと思います。 ずっと通いたいと思います。 色々と面白い取り組みをされてるので興味がある方はチェックする事をお勧めします。
I visited the store for the first time. In conclusion, it's a really good shop. The inside of the shop is made like an old folk house and is very calm. The food is very delicious and the customer service is very polite. All of the additive-free and pesticide-free ingredients are wonderful, and you can immerse yourself in a happy finish after eating. After all, the concept of the shop is wonderful, and I think that those who are feeling oppressive in their daily lives due to various circumstances should come here. I want to go there forever. There are various interesting activities, so if you are interested, I recommend you to check it out.
dee geo on Google

A classy place with some great and creative recipes. A great place to hangout in small groups and spend a few hours talking and appreciating the small exhibition in their gallery.

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