時計修理・オーバーホール りんくう岡本 修理センター(必ずHPよりお問合せ下さい)

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 時計修理・オーバーホール りんくう岡本 修理センター(必ずHPよりお問合せ下さい)

住所 :

Aobaokakita, Suita, 〒565-0801 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Webサイト : http://tokei-okamoto.com/
街 : Osaka

Aobaokakita, Suita, 〒565-0801 Osaka,Japan
MU on Google

I asked you to repair a SEIKO watch that was wet and broken more than 10 years ago. There was rust on the dial, so I was wondering if it could be cured, but I had the internal machinery replaced and it was revived. The repair fee is not cheap, but I think it is worth it. Thank you very much.
ポコポンシャオロン on Google

Although it is a copy watch, it is a watch that my wife loves as a birthday present. Last year, the move was damaged and I had given up thinking that the copy clock would not be fixed, but I found Mr. Okamoto who can fix the copy on the net and made a consultation estimate with no use. It was well understood that quick email replies, polite work, customers, and watches were valued. I had the same watch repaired this time as well. Mr. Okamoto, who is a professional engineer, is the best ♪
佐藤努 on Google

本当に良いお店を見つけました。全てにおいて満足です。丁寧にどんな時計も直してくれます。 本当にありがとうございます。またお願い致します。
I found a really good shop. I am satisfied with everything. It will politely fix any watch. thank you very much. Thank you again.
たろさ on Google

30年位前に両親に買ってもらった腕時計の修理をりんくう岡本さんにお願いしました。 初めはリューズが取れているだけだからと、普通にメーカーに問い合わせたら、かなり古いタイプになるので既に部品は無く修理不可能とのことでした。 その時点で諦めようと思いましたが、たまたまネットで見付けたりんくう岡本さんに依頼することにしました。 メーカーが修理不可能と言っただけあって、りんくう岡本さんにも大変ご苦労をお掛けすることになりましたが、入手困難な部品を世界中を探して見付け出して頂き、再び針が動くようになりました。 思い出の品なので復活して手元に戻ってきた時は本当に嬉しかったです。 とても丁寧な対応でお願いして良かったです。 ありがとうございました。
I asked Mr. Okamoto to repair the wristwatch that my parents bought about 30 years ago. At first, when I contacted the manufacturer because the crown was just removed, it was a fairly old type, so there were no parts and it was impossible to repair. At that point, I thought I would give up, but I decided to ask Rinku Okamoto, who happened to find it online. Since the manufacturer said that it could not be repaired, Rinku Okamoto also had a lot of trouble, but he searched all over the world to find parts that were difficult to obtain, and the needle moved again. became. It's a memorable item, so I was really happy when it came back to me. It was good to ask for a very polite response. Thank you very much.
たなかゆんみ on Google

本日届きました、とても綺麗に仕上げて頂き本当にありがとうございました! 丁寧な梱包にも脱帽です! また是非お願いしたいと思います! 九州のJより!
Thank you very much for the beautiful finish that arrived today! You can also take off your hat for careful packaging! I would like to ask you again! From J in Kyushu!
katsuhito “pop” ishiyama on Google

見積依頼から修理完了納品まで約三週間、本日夕刻に配送され、無事に受け取りました。 修理品を確認いたしましたが、大変満足しております。 コピー品の修理で何かと面倒な作業だったと思いますが、予算内での修理誠にありがとうございました。 今後は同梱されていた、ご教授に沿って丁寧に使用していきたいと思います。 コピー品ではありますが、メンテナンス・OHなども貴店にお願いしたいと思っています
It took about three weeks from the request for quotation to the delivery of the repair, and it was delivered in the evening of today and received safely. I have confirmed the repaired product, but I am very satisfied. I think it was a tedious task to repair the copy products, but thank you very much for the repair within the budget. In the future, I would like to use it carefully according to the professor that was included in the package. Although it is a copy product, I would like to ask your shop for maintenance and OH.
E ddie on Google

声を大にして申し上げたいのは2点。とにかく職人さんの技術がしっかりしてるのと、それなのに安い点です。納期は混み具合によるでしょうから。それでも遅いと感じた事は一度もありません。 戻ってきた時計を見ていると、時計自身が喜んでいるような気がしてきます。りんくう岡本さんはそういうお店です。 本当に素晴らしいですし、ずっと続けてもらいたいです。
I would like to make a loud voice on two points. Anyway, the craftsman's skill is solid, and yet it is cheap. The delivery date will depend on how crowded it is. Still, I never felt it was late. Looking at the returned watch, I feel that the watch itself is happy. Rinku Okamoto is such a shop. It's really great and I want you to keep going.

This time, I asked my aunt to repair two OMEGA watches at once, and they started to move and revive with time. For my aunt who worked well and worked for a long time, she must have been fond of the important wristwatch she wears every day. I am extremely grateful. Thank you for your continued maintenance.

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