Hozenji - Inashiki

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hozenji

住所 :

318 Ono, Inashiki, Ibaraki 300-1425, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89787
Postal code : 300-1425
Webサイト : https://twitter.com/Houzenji_53G

318 Ono, Inashiki, Ibaraki 300-1425, Japan
Mary Rose on Google

とても歴史のある寺で本堂の隣に隣接している茅葺き屋根で作られた「クリ」と呼ばれる建物が本当に見事です。 正月の三が日と毎月17日にお堂の非常にレアな場所へ入ることが許されますが、条件があります。 交通手段は路線バスが近くに通ってますが、本数が少ないので、事前に確認して来られることをオススメします。
It is a very historic temple, and a building called "Kuri" with a thatched roof next to the main hall is really stunning. It is permitted to enter the very rare place of the hall on the 17th and the 17th of each month of the New Year, but there are conditions. As for the means of transportation, route bus passes nearby, but as the number is small, it is recommended that you check in advance.
宮本幸一 on Google

It has a quiet appearance and a thatched roof. It was built about 1,200 years ago. It is a temple and shrine with a solemn feel, and has a magnificent Niomon gate. Buddha statues and shrines are designated as tangible cultural properties in Ibaraki Prefecture.
舘康裕 on Google

In the very large grounds, if we went there, there was a person who was cleaning. We visited the front gate on Sunday, and there was a temple office on the left, but there was no one there. At the far right of the main hall, there is a large roof with a thatched roof. However, in the other person's word of mouth, if you call me in a loud voice, I wrote that it came out and it was not written, so it is no good to call the phone listed at the entrance. After all, those who cleaned the grounds looked for the mansion.
小嶋直幸 on Google

常陸七福神巡りで訪れました。 境内の桜が満開でとても綺麗です。
ハッピーエンド on Google

稲敷市小野に建つ『逢善寺』は小野の観音様として古くから親しまれておりら茨城景観百選の一つにも数えられて県の有形文化財にも指定されている江戸後期の代表的仏閣建築。 逢善寺は今から千年以上むかしの平安時代の天長3年(828)逢善道人が千手観音を本尊として寺院を創立。 淳和天皇の勒願寺として発展する。 正德3年(1713)には天台宗の関東八壇林の一つに定められ、僧侶育成のための学問所として栄えた。 その間逢善寺は2度の火災に遭い、現在の本堂は天保13年(1842)に再建されたもの。昭和56年から7年かけての修復工事が行われ、銅板葺きの重厚なつくりに当時の繁栄ぶりを感じられる。 また、本堂の天井には寺内出身の日本画家、松本楓湖による天女が華麗に舞う「飛天の図」を見ることが出来る。 この他境内には県指定の文化財として、仁王門、書院・庫裡、彫刻の木造金剛力士立像、工芸品の五鈷鈴と五鈷杵、経文の妙法蓮華経など沢山の文化財がある。
Hozenji Temple, which is built in Ono, Inashiki City, is a representative of the late Edo period, which has been known as Kannon of Ono for a long time and is counted as one of the 100 best landscapes in Ibaraki and designated as a tangible cultural property of the prefecture. Buddhist temple architecture. Hozenji Temple was founded by Hozenji in the 3rd year of the Heian period (828), more than a thousand years ago, with Senju Kannon as the principal image. It develops as Emperor Junna's Ryokuji Temple. In 1713, it was designated as one of the Kanto Hachidanrin of the Tendai sect and prospered as a school for training monks. During that time, Hozenji was hit by two fires, and the current main hall was rebuilt in 1842 (Tenpo 13). Restoration work was carried out from 1981 to 7 years, and you can feel the prosperity of those days in the heavy construction of copper plate roofing. Also, on the ceiling of the main hall, you can see the "Hiten no Zu", in which a celestial maiden by Kaede Matsumoto, a Japanese painter from Terauchi, dances splendidly. In addition to this, there are many cultural properties designated by the prefecture, such as the Niomon, the Shoin / Kuri, the sculptured wooden statue of King Nio, the five-storied bell and five-storied sword of crafts, and the mysterious lotus sutra of sutras.
怒ケンジ on Google

I walked from Osugi Shrine for 2 hours. It's a quiet and nice place. It takes less than 20 minutes to get to the bus stop on the way back.
小柳静雄(ジュピター) on Google

歴史は古く平安時代から人々の信仰を集めてきたお寺で、本堂は県の有形文化財に指定されてます。 仁王門の木製の金剛力士立像は堂々たるものです。
The temple has a long history and has been worshiped by people since the Heian period, and the main hall is designated as a tangible cultural property of the prefecture. The wooden statue of Kongorikishi at Niomon is imposing.
義博(ニコマート) on Google

平安時代初期の公卿であの世とこの世をいききしたということで有名な小野篁(御先祖様は小野妹子)由来のお寺であるとのことです(その行き来した洞穴が京都東山の寺で発見されたニュースが1年前くらいにテレビで報道されてました)。 歴史的建造物にもワクワク。 まず山門を通らせていただきびっくりしました、三棟造りでした、 (前後の棟と大棟の合わせて三棟)この形式は関東では浅草寺の国の重要文化財である二天門が知られているだけです。 唐破風・千鳥破風を正面にもつ入母屋造の豪華な本堂の中に入っての参拝は受け付けられませんということでしたので、失礼ながら外陣の天井画の鮮やかな天女は隙間から拝ませていただきました。 茅葺の庫裏は、本堂を正面に見て右側のこれも珍しい乱石積基壇の鐘楼の先の木立の中でした。 大雨の中でしたのでまた時間をかけてお伺いしたいと思いました。
It is said that it is a temple derived from Ono no Takamura (whose ancestor is Ono no Imoko), who is famous for having lived with the world as a lord in the early Heian period. The news was reported on TV about a year ago). Exciting about historic buildings. First of all, I was surprised to pass through the mountain gate, it was a three-building building, (Three buildings in total, the front and rear buildings and the large building) In the Kanto region, only Nitenmon, which is an important cultural property of Sensoji Temple, is known. It was said that worshipers would not be accepted inside the luxurious main hall of the Irimoya-style building with the Kara Gable and the Chidori Gable in front of it. rice field. The back of the thatched roof was in the grove at the end of the bell tower, which is also a rare stone wall on the right side of the main hall. It was in heavy rain, so I would like to take the time to visit again.

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