Hotel Shioyazaki - Iwaki

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hotel Shioyazaki

住所 :

Todoro-164 Tairatoyoma, Iwaki, Fukushima 970-0224, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 970-0224
Webサイト :

Todoro-164 Tairatoyoma, Iwaki, Fukushima 970-0224, Japan
東雲蒼 on Google

県民割で安く宿泊できました。 コロナ対策もしっかりしていて安心出来ました。 食事は美味しいけど食べきれないくらいの量なので、年配向けに少なめのメニューがあるといいです。 露天風呂は脱衣場がちょっと暗いので、もう少し明るさが欲しい。 曇ってて日の出?が見れなかったのが残念。
I was able to stay cheaply with the prefectural discount. I was relieved that the corona measures were solid. The food is delicious but not enough to eat, so it would be nice to have a small menu for the elderly. The dressing room is a little dark in the open-air bath, so I want a little more brightness. It's a pity that it was cloudy and I couldn't see the sunrise ?.
Pボス on Google

評価変更します。 星5→星1 毎年行っていましたがもう行かないと思います。 値段は変わらないのに完全にサービスと質の低下です。 部屋食はコロナのため宴会場になり意味無くなりました。 品数も減り普通に食べきれてしまう量に。 コロナのせいか支配人?が皮肉っぽくなっていました。 いちいち人の神経を逆撫でする様な発言をする様になってしまっていて、こーゆー時に人の本性出るんだなぁと。 帰りたかったのですが子供も楽しみにしてたのでしょうがなく一泊。 魚料理も緑の部分があったので従業員に聞いた所「熱を通しているので大丈夫です」とぶっきらぼうに言われました。 津波の後の工事で自慢の海の見える部屋の眺めも年々悪くなる一方です。 こうなるともうザアザアうるさいだけの部屋となってしまいますね。 露天風呂も屋根付きの薄暗い所で星とか海とかも全く見えませんしね。 子供ももう大きくなって家族と旅行にも行きたがらなくなってきたのでちょうど良い区切りかなと。 毎年行ってたのに最後の最後に気分悪くさせないで欲しかったです。
Change the rating. Star 5 → Star 1 I went there every year, but I don't think I'll go anymore. The price remains the same, but the service and quality are completely degraded. The room meal became a banquet hall because of the corona, and it became meaningless. The number of items is reduced and the amount can be eaten normally. Is it because of Corona? Was ironic. I've come to make remarks that strike people's nerves one by one, and I wonder if people's true nature will come out at this time. I wanted to go home, but I guess my kids were looking forward to it, so I stayed overnight. The fish dish also had a green part, so when I asked the employee, he said, "It's okay because it's heated." Due to the construction work after the tsunami, the view of the room with a view of the sea, which we are proud of, is getting worse year by year. If this happens, the room will be noisy. The open-air bath is also a dim place with a roof, so you can't see the stars or the sea at all. My kids are getting older and I don't want to go on a trip with my family, so I think it's a good break. I went there every year, but I didn't want to feel sick at the very end.
日下明彦 on Google

After all, the hot spring is the best in the bath. The indoor bath was good, but the open-air bath felt a little lukewarm, but I will go again ✨
アイコン on Google

You can see the rising sun from your room. It seems that the view bath has a nice view, but the women's bath is blindfolded, so you can't see the sea unless you stand. The open-air bath is surrounded by board walls, so it is recommended to enter in the dim light after dark at night, but when we entered, it was so hot that we couldn't relax. It was difficult because there was no water supply that could be directly put into the bath even if it was diluted with water. The food was full of seafood and was really delicious. However, I felt that it was narrow because the restaurant was separated by partitions, probably because of the corona virus.
すずき on Google

The food is delicious and the staff are very helpful. I went with my baby, but at dinner, I received a lot of consideration such as "Do you want to make porridge? Do you want to warm baby food?" "Do you have something to lay?" There is no baby cot in the dressing room, but I think you can bring your baby with you. The sea is right next to the ryokan so I enjoyed taking a walk ◎
育てて日本人形 on Google

こちらの宿屋の雰囲気とお料理が好きで何回も来ています。 しかし、今年はコロナで卑屈になっているのか、ムカッ!とする事を何回か言われました。 具体的にどの従業員かは明かしませんが、 は?それ言う必要あった?って感じです。 家族も楽しみにしてきたのに…泊まらずに帰ろうかと思ったでした。 家族も「あの人なんでわざわざあんな事言ってきたの?」と言っていました。 いままで部屋食で最高に良かったのに、今回は区切られた宴会場で椅子に座って食べる感じになっていました。 ずっと中居さんに見張られて、シーンとしていたので気まずくて食欲が沸きませんでした。 よその家族も薄いパーテーションの向こうに居るのでかなり気になりました。 コロナ対策との事でしたが、部屋食の方が余程対策になるのではないでしょうか? お料理の方、いままでは明らかに残ってしまうくらいのボリュームがありましたが、今回は品数が減っていた様で、ほぼ食べきれてしまうくらいの量でした。 人員を減らしている様なので宿屋の手間カットとしか思えませんでした。 それと露天風呂が修理中で入れず残念でした。 露天と言っても屋根も壁もあるし薄暗い風呂というのが正しいのですが。 上記の3点の事がありながら、お値段は据え置きでほぼ変わらずなのでなんだか単なるサービス低下と思えてなりませんでした。 もしかしたら来年からはもう行かないかもしれません。 気に入ってる宿だっただけにとても残念でした。
I have come to this inn many times because I like the atmosphere and food. However, I wonder if it's becoming more subservient in Corona this year! I was told several times. I won't tell you exactly which employee, teeth? Did you have to say that? I feel like. My family was looking forward to it, but ... I thought I'd go home without staying. The family also said, "Why did he bother to say such a thing?" I had the best room meals so far, but this time I felt like sitting in a chair and eating in a separated banquet hall. I was watched by Mr. Nakai for a long time, and it was a scene, so it was awkward and I didn't have an appetite. The other family is also behind the thin partition, so I was really worried. It was said that it was a measure against corona, but I think room meals would be a better measure. Up until now, there was a volume of food that would obviously remain, but this time it seems that the number of items has decreased, and it was almost edible. It seems that the number of staff is being reduced, so I could only think of it as a labor cut for the inn. Also, it was a pity that the open-air bath was under repair and could not be entered. Even though it's an open-air bath, it has a roof and walls, so it's correct to say that it's a dim bath. Despite the above three points, the price remains unchanged, so I couldn't think of it as a mere decline in service. Maybe I won't go anymore from next year. It was a shame because it was my favorite inn.
ドニー坂本 on Google

ホテル塩屋崎の食事は、美味で堪能できる内容でした。特にあんこう鍋は絶品でした。あわびもコリコリでした。また、裸体で浴びる太陽は、気持ちいい。太平洋の太陽がここはとても近く感じます。 エネルギーをたくさん受電して身体のリセット完了。ここから会社出勤です。今日はとてもいい仕事が出来そうです。ありがとうございます。また、受電しに来ます。
The food at Hotel Shioyazaki was delicious and enjoyable. Especially the Anko Nabe was excellent. The abalone was also crunchy. Also, the sun in the naked body feels good. The Pacific sun feels very close here. Receives a lot of energy and completes the reset of the body. I'm going to work from here. I think I can do a very good job today. Thank you very much. Also, I will come to receive power.
ラバーラバー on Google

あんこう鍋付きプラン、1名25000円程で宿泊。日にち的に高いのはしょうがないと思いつつでしたが、この値段でこの設備、この料理かぁ。という感想でした。 お部屋はキレイに掃除されてます。 浴場は海を見ながら入れますが、いかんせんこの時代にこよ程度ではこの先難しいだろうなと思います。 資金力のあるスーパー銭湯が、海が見えて開放感もあって清潔感もある大浴場・露天風呂を安価に提供する中、海が見える「だけ」のこの浴場には何の感動もありませんでした。 食事は、ボリュームはありますが拘りは感じません。マグロの刺身は色味も悪く、ステーキも何故か付いてますが脂っこくて他の料理と合わない美味しく感じない。 他の小鉢めまぁ普通。拘った居酒屋で出てくるレベル。 あんこう鍋は美味しかったです。
Plan with Anko Nabe, staying for about 25,000 yen per person. I was thinking that it was unavoidable that it was expensive on a daily basis, but at this price, this equipment, this dish? It was an impression. The room is clean. You can enter the bath while looking at the sea, but I think it will be difficult in the future at this time. While the financially-powered super public bath offers a large public bath and open-air bath with a view of the sea and a feeling of openness and cleanliness at a low price, there was nothing to be impressed with this "only" bathhouse with a view of the sea. bottom. The food is voluminous, but I don't feel particular about it. The tuna sashimi has a bad color and the steak is attached for some reason, but it is greasy and does not taste good with other dishes. Other small bowls are normal. The level that comes out at the izakaya that I was particular about. Anko Nabe was delicious.

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