Hot Spa Bran - Nagoya

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hot Spa Bran

住所 :

5 Chome-7-30 Sakae, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0008, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 460-0008
Webサイト :

5 Chome-7-30 Sakae, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0008, Japan
ヤス韋虎天 on Google

米糠サウナ… 初めは「どうなんやろ」って思ってたけど めちゃくちゃ暑いし めっちゃ汗出るし… めちゃくちゃスッキリできました!
Rice bran sauna ... At first I thought "how" It's really hot Really sweat out ... I was able to get rid of it!
こうKOU on Google

(Translated by Google) Sweat time after fermentation Unbearable (> ω ω<)
a n on Google

ここに来た後はしばらく、肌がツルツルで無意識に触ってしまうほど。 匂いさえ気にならなければ、オススメです
After coming here for a while, the skin is unconsciously touching with slippery. If you do not mind even smell it is recommended
ミントグリーン on Google

The shop assistants here are all pleasant customers, especially the cheerful sister who carefully adjusts the enzyme bath. It is buried in peace. I can't take enzyme smell for about 2 days, but it's smooth and I can endure it at all. I really want to go if I can afford it.
加藤三紀彦 on Google

酵素風呂は温度が高くて気持ちいいです。 終った後に40分間ゆっくり汗をかきながらヒーリング出来るので落ち着けます。
The enzyme bath is hot and comfortable. After finishing, you can heal while sweating slowly for 40 minutes, so you can calm down.
tomo on Google

糠の質が 最高にいいです。 糠をかけてくださるスタッフさんも 熟練の技で毎回 体調に合わせて 調整してくださいます。二次発酵で足に袋を巻き 床暖房の上に40分横になり更にデトックスできるのは愛知県で ここだけだと思います。お値段以上のサービスだと思います。
The quality of the bran is very good. The staff who bran the rice bran Please adjust according to your physical condition every time with a skillful technique. I think that this is the only place in Aichi Prefecture where you can lay a bag around your legs by secondary fermentation and lay down on the floor heating for 40 minutes to detox further. I think it's more than a price service.
寺澤康江 on Google

体が暖まり、血行が良くなり、汗が、良く出て、?♥️❤️です、 寒いときもいいですが、夏の時も好きです、??⤴️⤴️⤴️
It warms my body, improves blood circulation, sweats well, and is ? ♥ ️❤️. It's nice when it's cold, but I also like it when it's summer, ??⤴️⤴️⤴️
河崎愛菜 on Google

2年前に利用し始めて最初は体質改善と、ダイエット目的で半年くらい週1〜2回で通っていた時があり、大体5キロは体重が落ちてました。 暫く通わなくなりまた通い詰めるを繰り返してますがやはり一回でのデトックス効果は何よりも絶大です!エステや足ツボを組み合わせた時のスッキリ感はかなりハマってしまいます。これからも末永く利用したいと思えるスパです。
I started using it two years ago, and at first I went there once or twice a week for the purpose of improving my constitution and dieting, and I lost about 5 kg. I haven't been able to go there for a while, and I've been going back and forth again, but the detoxification effect at one time is the greatest! The refreshing feeling when combining esthetics and foot acupoints is quite addictive. It is a spa that you will want to use for a long time.

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