春日井市野外キャンプ場(細野キャンプ場) - Kasugai

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 春日井市野外キャンプ場(細野キャンプ場)

住所 :

Hosonocho, Kasugai, 〒487-0001 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Postal code : 487-0001
Webサイト : https://www.city.kasugai.lg.jp/shisetsu/sonota/hosono.html
街 : Aichi

Hosonocho, Kasugai, 〒487-0001 Aichi,Japan
森もってぃ on Google

キャンプ場です。確か無料で泊まれますが、春日井少年自然の家に予約が必要です。 夏場は蚊が多く大きいです。 6月〜10月ぐらいまでいますを 野外料理をしたりするのにも、予約が必要です。バーベキュー等はできませんが、炉の中で火を炊いての調理ができます。 登山するのには予約はいらないと思います。 駐車場にトイレがあります。
It is a campsite. You can stay for free, but you need to make a reservation at Kasugai Shonen Nature House. There are many mosquitoes in summer. June to October You also need to make a reservation to cook outdoors. There is no barbecue, but you can cook with fire in the furnace. I think I do not need a reservation to climb. There is a toilet in the parking lot.
深堀ゆみ on Google

I have rarely seen it used as a campsite. However, the parking lot and the kitchen toilet are in good condition. I think there are people who have a trailhead for Dojuzan and use it for mountain climbing ☺️
トコロさん on Google

細野キャンプ場のところに 道樹山への登山口があります
At Hosono Campsite There is a trailhead to Dojuzan
Shioyaエッセイ on Google

The parking lot was full and I could barely park. When I climbed Mt. Doju and came back, a lot of cars were parked up to the road.
采女華夫 on Google

It is good that the water and toilet are clean in the free campground. The tent site is in the woods, and each site is small, so we recommend a tent for up to 4 people. I've only come to the preview, but there seem to be many mosquito mosquitoes as commented by others.
Kenichi Hirota on Google

名古屋市からも近く、便利なキャンプ場です。 高蔵寺駅からバスでアクセスできます。 道樹山の登山口に隣接してて、春日井三山のベースとしても活用できます。 炉も炊事場も整備されてて綺麗です。トイレもあります。 傾斜地にサイトがあるのですが、区画が狭く、3ー4人のテントしか建てられません。 また、サイトは木々に囲まれ、風が抜けないです。
It is a convenient campsite, close to Nagoya city. It can be accessed by bus from Kozoji Station. It can be used as a base for Mt. It has a beautiful furnace and kitchen. There is also a toilet. There is a site on a sloping land, but the area is small and only a tent for 3-4 people can be built. Also, the site is surrounded by trees and the wind does not escape.
hiha (hirohiha1313) on Google

前から気になるキャンプ場で下見に行って来ました。 坂にサイトが有り何年も使われて無い感じです。一人用のテントしか使えない?かも知れません。蚊がすぐに寄ってきます。トイレや炊事場は綺麗ですがあれではテント張ってキャンプする気にはなれませんね。残念です。
I went to the campsite where I was worried about for a while. There is a site on the slope and it seems that it has not been used for many years. Can I only use a tent for one person? maybe. Mosquitoes will be coming soon. The toilets and kitchen are beautiful, but I don't feel like camping with a tent. I'm sorry.
Naoki Noda on Google

I think it was because I came late, but it was vacant. I stopped the car here and had it exercise lightly.

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