Hoshoku Shrine - Aomori

4/5 に基づく 2 レビュー

Contact Hoshoku Shrine

住所 :

Yamamoto-54-100 Tsurugasaka, Aomori, 038-0045, Japan

Postal code : 038-0045

Yamamoto-54-100 Tsurugasaka, Aomori, 038-0045, Japan
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20200314三沢が晴天だったので第1回つがる市&第2回青森市弾丸ツアーに行って来ました! 高山稲荷神社、鶴田八幡宮で参拝を済ませ、次の目的地「三内丸山遺跡」に向かっている途中、247号線沿いに社殿が見えたので参拝させて頂きました! 保食神社:青森市鶴ヶ坂 この神社は、奥羽本線・鶴ヶ坂駅の南西1km程の辺り、247号線に面して、入り口があります。 そこから、奥羽本線を越え、小川を渡っての参拝となります。 津軽坂の牧(保食(うけもち)神社) 津軽藩は、寛永十五年(1638)南部領倉内村の牧司、倉内兵部の弟図書を知行三百石で招き、津軽坂に牧場を造りその経営に当たらせた。 牧場の規模は、東西二里、南北三里、下付された馬は、牝馬十五頭、牡馬一頭であった。 また、村に惣染堂(馬頭観音)を一宇建立して馬の守護神にした。寛文十一年、藩主信義に良馬一頭を献納したことから、藩主の御染書が奉納されご神体として祭られるようになった。 以後、惣染宮と改められ歴代藩主の崇拝の宮として、明治二年まで年々金一両二分を祭事費として藩から下賜された由緒のある宮であった。 天保十年(1839)、藩の財政事情から牧場は閉ざされたが、二百余年間、津軽五牧の一つに数えられ馬の改良、繁殖、調教等に当たった。 明治四年、惣染宮が一時廃止され、明治六年村社「保食神社」として継承された。 境内由緒書から転記です。 由緒ある神社の様で、静かな雰囲気で良かったです! 鳥居に掛けてあるしめ縄があまり見ない形でした。 元々あった参道に線路が通ったと思われますが、「危ぶない 列車は急に止まれません 線路横断、立ち入りはしないで下さい」と看板が有りますが無理なので、左右確認の上で自己責任で渡って下さい。 ご安全に!
20200314Misawa was sunny, so I went to the 1st Tsugaru City & 2nd Aomori City Bullet Tour! I finished worship at Takayama Inari Shrine and Tsuruta Hachimangu Shrine, and on the way to the next destination "Sannai Maruyama Ruins", I saw a shrine along Route 247, so I worshiped! Hoshoku Shrine: Tsurugasaka, Aomori City This shrine is about 1 km southwest of Tsurugasaka Station on the Ou Main Line, facing Route 247, and has an entrance. From there, you will cross the Ou Main Line and cross the stream. Tsugarusaka no Maki (Ukemochi Shrine) The Tsugaru clan invited a priest in the southern part of Ryokura, and a younger book from the Kuranai soldiers in 1638 in Kanei Era (1638) to build a ranch in Tsugarusaka and manage it. The size of the ranch was Nishiri, Nishiri and Nishiri, and the subscribed horses were fifteen mares and one stallion. In addition, a Sosendo temple (Mado Kannon) was built in the village to become a guardian deity of horses. In 1951, one Ryoma was dedicated to the feudal lord Nobuyoshi, and the feudal lord's sacrifices were dedicated to it and came to be celebrated as a sacred body. Since then, it has been renamed the Sozen-gu Shrine, and has been a venerable palace that has been awarded by the clan as a worship palace of successive lords every year until the Meiji Era, with the cost of one and a half halves for the festival. In 1839, the ranch was closed due to the clan's financial situation, but it was counted as one of Tsugaru Gomaki for more than two hundred years, and was involved in improving, breeding, and training horses. In 1907, Sosengu was abolished temporarily and succeeded as Meishokunenmura Shrine "Hoshoku Shrine". It is a transcription from the precincts of the precincts. Like a venerable shrine, it was nice to have a quiet atmosphere! I couldn't see the shime rope hanging on the torii. It seems that the track passed through the original approach, but there is a sign saying "Dangerous. Trains cannot be stopped suddenly. Do not cross the track. Do not enter." Please cross over. Safe!

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