Hoshodo Glasses - Takamatsu

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hoshodo Glasses

住所 :

1604-9 Kitacho, Takamatsu, Kagawa 760-0080, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 760-0080
Webサイト : https://www.houseidou.com/

1604-9 Kitacho, Takamatsu, Kagawa 760-0080, Japan
安部清成 on Google

Hoshodo Glasses is located in Kitacho, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture. This is on the road to the former Hayashi Airfield, just south of Hayashimichi Station on the Kotoden Nagao Line. The Marunaka Kita store is right next to the road. It seems that this store has been around forty years since its founding !? The former president is the first generation, but he is a serious honest person and a person who was liked by everyone! It's a long distance, but I've been here for about 30 years! All employees, including the current president, are very responsive!
菊川039 on Google

Satisfied with high quality products and correspondence
讃岐二郎 on Google

接客は良い。 品揃えがもう少し欲しいところ。
Service is good. Where I want a little more assortment.
qwer styzxcv on Google

You can also take care of maintenance after purchase.
shin katsuki on Google

数年お世話になっています 今まで行ったメガネ屋さんでは私の中でダントツいいお店です もうここ以外考えられません 今では夫婦でお世話になっています 子供たちも必要になることがあればお願いする予定です(笑) 子供たちを連れて行っても嫌な顔は一切なくほかのお客さんの対応していない時に声を掛けて下さったりと気を使ってくれる素敵なお店です メガネの調整中などの時私はほぼ見えないのでとても助かっています
I am indebted for several years The shop I've been to is the best shop in me I can not think any more except here Now I am indebted by my husband and wife I'm planning to ask if there is a need for children too (laughs) It's a wonderful shop that takes care of you when you take children with no disgusting faces or when other customers are not supporting you I am very helpful because I can hardly see when I am adjusting glasses
M I on Google

There are various price ranges, and you can propose a good frame that you can not choose easily. The inspection and explanation are solid, and the lens is cheap considering the quality. I would like to recommend it to my family and would like to continue to take care of it.
クロチャンネル on Google

初めてネットで検索してお店に行きました。 深視力の検査がしたくて、検査だけなので気になりながらお店に電話問い合わせしたところスタッフの女性の方に快く対応していただき店舗で検査して貰いました。その後再度検査に行った時も気持ちの良い対応でした。今回メガネを作るわけでもないのに嫌な顔1つせず、スタッフの皆さんに頑張って下さいと暖かい言葉まで頂きました。お陰様で無事に免許を取ることが出来ました。 次はメガネを新調させてもらおうと思います。本当にありがとうございました。(徳島県民)
I searched online for the first time and went to the store. I wanted to have a deep vision test, so I was worried about it, so when I called the store, the female staff member was willing to take care of me and had me inspect it at the store. After that, when I went to the inspection again, it was a pleasant response. Even though I didn't make glasses this time, I received warm words from the staff, saying that I should do my best without making one unpleasant face. Thanks to you, I was able to get my license safely. Next, I'd like to have new glasses. I'm really thankful to you. (Tokushima citizen)
Tak Sugi on Google

知人から譲り受けた伊達メガネを調整してもらうため、初めて訪問しました。 一目で老舗と分かる店構えや広めの敷地や駐車場を見て、「格式もお値段も高そう」とちょっと及び腰で入店しました。しかも、宝生堂さんで購入したわけでもない伊達メガネを持ち込む一見の客ですから、冷たく断られたりするかも・・・と恐る恐る。。。 しかし、それは杞憂に終わりました。とても気持ちの良い時間を過ごすことが出来ました。 お店の方は、皆さん謙虚で接客が丁寧でした。店頭の女性は、所在なさげにしている私に「こちらにかけてお待ちください」とか「●●分くらいお待ちいただくかも…」などの声がけをしてくれたり、お茶を出してくれたり。技術の男性も柔らかい笑顔でフィッティングしてくれました。1回の調整で的確に着用の違和感を無くしてくれて、「初見で、こんな短時間で調整するってプロはスゴイ」とその技術に驚かされました。 一番驚いたのは、費用が無料だったこと。「お代は?」と聞くと「サービスです」と。このお店で買ったメガネじゃないのに?ってビックリしました。(結構どこのお店でも調整って無料が普通なんですかね??) いずれメガネの世話になる時が来たら、このお店に相談しに来たいなと思いました。
I visited for the first time to have the Date glasses that I received from an acquaintance adjusted. Looking at the store, which can be seen as a long-established store at a glance, the large site, and the parking lot, I entered the store with a slight stance, saying, "The formality and price seem to be high." Moreover, since he is a seeming customer who brings in Date glasses that he did not purchase at Hoshodou, he may be coldly refused. .. .. However, it ended in a melancholy. I was able to spend a very pleasant time. The shop staff were humble and polite. The woman at the store said to me, "Please wait here" or "I might wait for about ●● minutes ...", or served tea. The technical man also fitted with a soft smile. I was surprised at the technique, saying, "At first glance, it's amazing for professionals to make adjustments in such a short time," as they accurately eliminated the discomfort of wearing with a single adjustment. What surprised me most was that the cost was free. When asked "How much is your charge?", "It's a service." Isn't it the glasses I bought at this store? I was surprised. (Isn't it normal to make adjustments at any store for free?) When it was time to take care of my glasses, I wanted to come and talk to this shop.

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