Hoshinotei - Kishiwada

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hoshinotei

住所 :

21-25 Nishinouchicho, Kishiwada, Osaka 596-0044, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87788
Postal code : 596-0044

21-25 Nishinouchicho, Kishiwada, Osaka 596-0044, Japan
鳴滝鈴 on Google

Used for lunch. You can eat delicious Japanese food for about 1,000 yen, but the parking lot is small and the dessert I happened to order was not good enough.
A F on Google

予約してランチ。食べ終わるなり『混んでるから出てくれ』と言われた 早めについて食べて、予約の時間から15分しか経ってないのに。最悪 1000円であの量ならお腹満たされない 二度と行かない
Make a reservation and have lunch. After I finished eating, I was told, "Please come out because it's crowded." I ate early and only 15 minutes have passed since the reservation time. worst If it is 1000 yen, it will not be enough Never go again
あほあほまん on Google

There are two types of lunch
KOICHI M on Google

まずい!行かない方がいい。 味付けの意味が分からない。調味料のせつやく? 素材の味がしない。古い? 対応が悪い。無愛想。 二度と行かない! コロナ対策全くなし。マスクすらなし。
Unpalatable! You had better not go. I don't understand the meaning of seasoning. Do you like seasoning? The material doesn't taste. old? The correspondence is bad. Unfriendly. I won't go again! No measures against corona. There is no mask.
のっぽちゃん on Google

盛付け、味付が上品でどれも美味しく頂きました。 写真を店友人にも紹介しました
The seasoning and seasoning were elegant and all were delicious. I introduced the photo to my friend
まちゃみ on Google

お料理が繊細で、その時の旬を活かしたお料理が食べられます。このコースで2700 円は、絶対安いお得です!食べなきゃ損!
The dishes are delicate and you can enjoy dishes that make the most of the season. 2700 in this course Yen is absolutely cheap! You have to eat it!
Eiji Yabu on Google

I got kaiseki, but every dish was very crowded and the taste was very delicious
菊池啓太 on Google

価値ある和食『星野亭』 取引先の社長様に素晴らしい和食のお店にお連れ頂いた。和泉大宮駅に程近い一軒家風のお店『星野亭』。 二段重ねのお重に美しく盛られた料理の水準はお昼ご飯とは思えない。魚介、野菜を中心とした多くの食材が職人技により最高の佇まいを見せている。 味もひとつひとつがハイレベルである。 料理を口に運ぶと、丁寧な下ごしらえを経たであろう事は容易に想像出来る。こんなお店が近くにあるといいなあと羨ましくなったお昼ご飯でした。
Worthy Japanese food "Hoshinotei" The president of the business partner took me to a wonderful Japanese restaurant. Hoshinotei is a single-family restaurant close to Izumi Omiya Station. The two-tiered, beautifully served food standard does not seem like lunch. Many ingredients, mainly seafood and vegetables, show the best appearance by craftsmanship. Each taste is also high level. It is easy to imagine that when you bring your food to your mouth, it will have gone through a careful preparation. It was lunch that became enviable after hopeful that such a shop was nearby.

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