Hosenji - Wake District

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hosenji

住所 :

466 Masubara, Wake, Wake District, Okayama 709-0452, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88998
Postal code : 709-0452

466 Masubara, Wake, Wake District, Okayama 709-0452, Japan
久永勝教 on Google

松下和明 on Google

大川泉 on Google

赤田充広 on Google

金丸政敬 on Google

洋風な建物に驚き 丁寧な説明
Surprised polite description of Western-style building
廣安治 on Google

The main hall with a hipped roof is a cultural property designated by the prefecture.
2017 HAL on Google

日蓮宗不受不施派のお寺です。この宗派は、その思想の厳格さから、江戸時代までは厳しい弾圧を受け、明治になって解禁されています。 あまりにも特徴的な擬似洋風建築の本堂は明治11年の建立。宗派解禁の喜びと、文明開化の波の中で生まれたものでしょう。 法華経の信者以外から布施を受けたり,法施はしないようですので、見学の際には失礼のないように。御朱印はNGです。
It is a temple of Nichiren religion. This sect was severely oppressed until the Edo era due to the strictness of its thoughts, and was lifted in the Meiji era. The main hall of a pseudo-Western style building that was too distinctive was built in Meiji 11. It must have been born of the joy of religion and the wave of civilization. It seems that you will not receive or give a gift from anyone other than the believer in the Lotus Sutra. Your red seal is NG.
黄泉 on Google

和気の小さな集落の山裾にひっそりと在るお寺さん。 行く前は期待していなかったが、桜や藤など、綺麗な花をつける木々が多く、これからの時期 「花を楽しみに来たい」と思わせてくれた。 お寺の裏の敷地にも大きな桜の木が、少なくとも十本程度は植わっています。 しかし、一番 満開になったら綺麗だろうなと思わされたのは、中庭に植わっている枝垂桜です。
A temple that is quietly located at the foot of a small Japanese village. Before I went there, I didn't expect it, but there are many trees with beautiful flowers such as cherry blossoms and wisteria, which made me want to come and look forward to the future. At least about 10 large cherry trees are planted on the site behind the temple. However, it was the weeping cherry tree that was planted in the courtyard that was thought to be beautiful when it was in full bloom.

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