すしセンター 裏天王寺

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact すしセンター 裏天王寺

住所 :

Horikoshicho, Tennoji Ward, 〒543-0056 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87779
Webサイト : https://sp.demae-can.com/shop/menu/3057431/
街 : Osaka

Horikoshicho, Tennoji Ward, 〒543-0056 Osaka,Japan
pecha natu on Google

店の外に待ち人行列! 期待大! 30分ぐらいでご案内。 ハイボール&お造り注文 2人前1000円 ネタはマグロにサーモン、イカ、ハマチetc ちょい薄切りですが、値段安い! 味はなかなかな良い! 肝心の寿司は、ご飯がね〜 回転寿司みたいな感じ! 職人さんでは無さそう。 でも、安い! 回転寿司行くなら、またココが良いかな〜 ご馳走さまでした。
Waiting line outside the store! High expectations! We will guide you in about 30 minutes. Highball & sashimi order 1000 yen for 2 people The material is tuna, salmon, squid, yellowtail, etc. It's a little sliced, but the price is cheap! The taste is pretty good! The essential sushi is rice ~ It feels like conveyor belt sushi! It doesn't seem to be a craftsman. But it's cheap! If you go to conveyor belt sushi, I wonder if this is good again ~ It was a feast.
Mika N on Google

お安く美味しいお寿司をいただけます。 テーブルに置かれたQRコードでLINEのお友達になるとスマホからオーダーができます。 店員さんが忙しくしていても 気兼ねせずに注文が出来ることと 写真付きメニューなので分かりやすいです。 2時間制なのであっという間に時間切れに… 行列覚悟でまた行きたいお店です。
You can enjoy cheap and delicious sushi. If you become a LINE friend with the QR code placed on the table, you can order from your smartphone. Even if the clerk is busy You can order without hesitation It is easy to understand because it is a menu with pictures. It's a two-hour system, so the time runs out in no time ... It is a shop that I want to go to again with a line-up.
ハナカワ on Google

2021.12 おすしセンターなので立ち寄りました。 お寿司や刺身を手頃な価格で楽しめる人気店です。当日も満席でラストオーダー直前に入れ替わりで入れました。 お寿司やお刺身は鮮度も良くとても美味しかったです。忙しいながら料理の提供スピードは早く手際が良かったです。何よりメニューの品数が多過ぎて、一度の訪問では楽しみきれませんでした。 はしご酒のラストで立ち寄ったので訪問時間が遅くなってしまったのが良くなかった…。 次回は一軒目…もしくは二軒目には立ち寄ってお寿司以外の一品メニューなども食べてみたいと思います。 唯一気になったのは「醤油」です。 こちらのお店で出している醤油には出汁なのか…化学調味料なのかな?そんなのが沢山入ってる様な甘い味で…好きになれませんでした。ノーマルな醸造醤油は置いて無いとのことだったので、お刺身やお寿司を食べる時に「醤油」は大事と思う方は持参された方が良いかもしれません。私は次回訪問時にはマイ醤油を持参したいと思います。コンビニので充分ですけどね。 当日は二人訪問で…お寿司18貫・刺し盛り・日本酒3杯・サワー・赤だし…もろもろで合計6000円(税込)でした。 コスパもよく接客もテキパキとしていて良い雰囲気のお店でしたので天王寺に来た際にはまた立ち寄りたいと思います。
2021.12 It's a sushi center so I stopped by. It is a popular restaurant where you can enjoy sushi and sashimi at a reasonable price. It was full on the day and I replaced it just before the last order. The sushi and sashimi were very fresh and delicious. Although I was busy, the food was served quickly and quickly. Above all, there were too many items on the menu and I couldn't enjoy it in one visit. It wasn't good that the visit time was delayed because I stopped by at the end of the ladder liquor. Next time, I would like to stop by the first restaurant ... or the second restaurant to try a menu other than sushi. The only thing I was interested in was soy sauce. Is the soy sauce served at this shop soup stock? Is it a chemical seasoning? It has a sweet taste that seems to contain a lot of such things ... I didn't like it. It was said that normal brewed soy sauce was not placed, so if you think that "soy sauce" is important when eating sashimi or sushi, you may want to bring it with you. I would like to bring my soy sauce with me the next time I visit. A convenience store is enough, though. We visited for two people on the day ... 18 pieces of sushi, sashimi, 3 glasses of sake, sour, red sushi ... It was 6000 yen (tax included) in total. The cospa was good and the customer service was very nice, so I would like to stop by again when I come to Tennoji.
snoopy優。 on Google

裏天王寺の『すしセンター』にお邪魔。 初回は店員さんに直接注文。2回目からはQRコードか店員さんに直接言うかどちらかで注文。寿司ネタは美味しかった。タマクエのオーダーが通ってなくて、お客さんをさばくのに慌ただしいから仕方ないかなと思ってたら、店員さんが丁寧に遅くなり申し訳ございませんと一声あったので、ミスを挽回する姿勢が良かった。 会計は頼んだ品物を確認してテーブルで支払う方式。 店を出たら行列がずらり。ごちそうさまでした?(*‘ω‘ *)
Visit the "Sushi Center" in Ura Tennoji. The first time I ordered directly from the clerk. From the second time, order by either QR code or telling the clerk directly. The sushi material was delicious. I wasn't able to get Tamakue's order, and I was in a hurry to handle the customers, so I was wondering if it could be helped. Accounting is a method of checking the ordered items and paying at the table. When you leave the store, there are a lot of lines. Thank you for your feast ? (*'ω' *)
2017 mahaloo on Google

そこまで高くなく、どの料理も美味しい! 日曜の12時少し前に行くと、その辺りに人だかりが。名前を書いて店内外で待つことこの日は、90分かかりました、もう少し早ければ 30分程で済んだかも。 土日は、開店30分前には名前を書いておければ良いのかなと思います。 料理は、どれも美味しく、熱々うなぎは食べるべき商品。 鉄火巻きやかにみそも美味しかったです。 一品では、サービス天ぷらは数も多めで満足。 また、蟹クリームコロッケはクリーミーで美味しくまた頼みたい商品でした。
Not high up there, delicious any cuisine! If you go to 12 o'clock a little before Sunday, the crowd in the neighborhood. It is that this day to wait outside the store write your name, took 90 minutes, be it done in about 30 minutes if a little early. Saturdays and Sundays, in the opening 30 minutes ago I think I wonder if it Okere write your name. Commodity food, none delicious, piping hot eel should eat. Tuna winding and Kanimiso it was delicious. In the dish, service tempura number also satisfied with generous. In addition, crab cream croquette was delicious also items you want to ask in a creamy.
タニちゃん on Google

安くて新鮮で美味しいです。 コロナ渦で申し訳ありませんが、忘年会に使わせてもらってます。刺身のセットが半端なくコスパ最高‼️是非とも飲みに来てください。ただしカウンターのため二人で行かれることをオススメします。
It's cheap, fresh and delicious. I'm sorry for the corona whirlpool, but I'm using it for the year-end party. The sashimi set is the best cospa! ️Please come and have a drink. However, since it is a counter, we recommend that you go with two people.
ヤンディ2014 on Google

天王寺には裏と表があるんですね。 ここは裏天王寺、表看板のテイク アウトメニューを見て入ったのですが 残念ながら店内では食べることは 出来ませんでしたので、 個別でお寿司をつまんできました。 どれも中々新鮮で貝類などは歯応えが 良く、美味しかったです。 もう一つ感心したのは、鱈の白子軍艦。 注文の度に白子茹でているのか、 軍艦の白子がほんのり温かく、 臭みがまったくありませんでした。 どれも美味しく頂きました。 お椀のスーパー赤だしは魚の切り身と 卵一つが入っていました。 お椀の具材料などはちょっとイマイチ なので、名物の汁の豆腐料理を味噌汁 代わりに頼むと良いかも知れません。 <今回注文した品> ・水槽の車海老にぎり(頭天付)¥308 ・まぐろざんまい(赤中トロ大トロ) ¥638 ・ホタテ貝柱         ¥308 ・生ウニ           ¥440 ・活つぶ貝          ¥528 ・活赤貝 ・活ホッキ丸ごと握り     ¥638 ・生鱈白子軍艦        ¥190 ・スーパー赤だし       ¥418
Tennoji has a front and a back. This is Ura Tennoji, the take of the front sign I entered by looking at the out menu Unfortunately, you can't eat in the store I couldn't do it, so I have picked up sushi individually. All of them are fresh and the shellfish are crunchy. It was good and delicious. Another thing that impressed me was the cod milt warship. Is the milt boiled every time I order? The warship Shirako is a little warm, There was no odor. Everything was delicious. The super red wan in the bowl is with fish fillets There was one egg in it. The ingredients for the bowl are not good enough So, the tofu dish of the famous soup is miso soup It may be better to ask instead. ・ Aquarium prawn rice ball (with head) ¥ 308 ・ Tuna Zammai (Red Medium Toro Large Toro) ¥ 638 ・ Scallop scallop ¥ 308 ・ Raw sea urchin ¥ 440 ・ Live shells ¥ 528 ・ Live ark shell ・ Grip the whole live surf clam ¥ 638 ・ Raw cod milt warship ¥ 190 ・ Super Akadashi ¥ 418
wakayama suite on Google

This was the second time I visited. Last time was a sunny day and there was a huge line. Today since it was rainy I thought it was a good occasion to get it fast. There was no line outside apart from us. After 5 minutes they let us get into a waiting room that seemed to be a fun club reception room for ideal Miku Kanemura (leading singer of the group Keyakizaka46 since 2017, exclusive model for the Japanese fashion magazine Bis since 2020, and sushi lover >> alias "Osushi"). I include a picture of this waiting room where you can write on the guest books using plenty of colors). Ms Kanemura was not wrong choosing this sushi restaurant. Waiting time was 20 minutes for 3 couples, and even though the place is big I understood later why people do not want to leave. Service is excellent and they bring from time to time a special menu just made for you to enjoy the latest. You use LINE to order so you have a barcode to do so and choose once you have a table assigned. Beer was also very fresh and tasty with very cold glass to match an amazing variety of sushi. Due was the best by far (Kue/クエ、九絵、垢穢: longtooth grouper). It was so tender and smooth like silk that I was daydreaming in heaven over eating eat. DO NOT USE SOY SAUCE FOR KUE. Use the more rounded bottle with ponzu sauce and just a bit. No wasabi for this either. The crab leg sushi was also amazing but prepared another day even though it had cane miso on top (crab brain). Shabamushi had unagi (eel) and was tasty but not the best I've tried though. I saw somebody having it outside and I wondered if they were giving it away to the people waiting coz the freeze, which prompted me to order but mama (so so). The tuna with a spoon to grab the meat between the bones of a huge part of the fish they bring you ....was just amazing and they had a special wasabi for that that really matched the beer. The shrimp sushi was very fresh and tender ... probably number 2. We ate for 2 hours and paid only 8800 yen after all we ate (2). Same price for lunch than diner. The huge miso soup with a half boiled egg inside and a special seaweed (ao...) was just amazing (number 3). You can have free delicious green tea and amazing pickled ginger (as much as you want). Taco (octopus) was as tender as it gets (number 4 in rank I think) and had a small ball of umeboshi on top which really blended with the taste. Unagi was average. Shellls where average too but some exotic ones available inside the shell for you to take. Whale was out of this world (number 1 with Kue). it was not red as you normally eat it but it looked like Kobe beef. It was very tasty and tender. I forgot to say that they served fresh Shirako as a service when you sit down without charging you fee to sit down which is also a plus point considering how good it was. SHIRAKO is called milt in English, are the seminal vessels typically harvested from cod, and sometimes from anglerfish, salmon, squid and pufferfish. The harvested sperm sacs are tube-like in shape, usually white or light pink in color, with the layout and consistency of brains. Enjoy your meal!

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