ワインバー ストラーダ

4.8/5 に基づく 4 レビュー

Contact ワインバー ストラーダ

住所 :

Horikawacho, Naka Ward, 〒730-0033 Hiroshima,Japan

街 : Hiroshima

Horikawacho, Naka Ward, 〒730-0033 Hiroshima,Japan
脇本幸恵 on Google

川本修 on Google

Wave Ten on Google

とにかく美味しいワインを飲みたかったらココ! ワイン好きの地元の友人に連れてきてもらいましたがコレが大当たり。 ワイン通の友人とそうでない私と、好みが全然違うのですがリクエストを伝えると大満足のワインがグラスで楽しめます。 ワイン好きの方はもちろん、そうで無い方にもワインの魅力が存分に楽しめるお店です。 15時からオープンなので、食事前に気軽に立ち寄れるのも有難い。 客層も店の雰囲気も良く、オーナーのソムリエとしての知識だけでなくその人柄に魅かれてか、リピーターが多い様でした。 ただし、あくまでワインを楽しみたい方向け。 食事は別のお店で取ることが前提です。 個人的には音楽の話でもオーナーと盛り上がれました♪
Anyway, if you want to drink delicious wine, click here! I had a local friend who loves wine bring me, but this was a big hit. My taste is completely different from my friend who is a wine connoisseur and I who is not, but when I tell the request, I can enjoy a very satisfying wine in a glass. It is a shop where you can fully enjoy the charm of wine not only for those who like wine but also for those who do not. It's open from 15:00, so it's nice to be able to drop in before meals. The customer base and the atmosphere of the store were good, and it seemed that there were many repeaters, probably because they were fascinated not only by the owner's knowledge as a sommelier but also by their personality. However, for those who just want to enjoy wine. It is assumed that meals will be taken at another store. Personally, I was excited about music with the owner ♪
。あいな on Google

Prosciutto is excellent. It was aged properly and had little saltiness, so I wasn't good at it originally, or I ate it very deliciously. And the bartender talked to me with just the right salt plum, and it was very friendly and fun. I will come again ?

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