
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact さいたま市西部環境センター

住所 :

Horai, Nishi Ward, 〒331-0074 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://www.city.saitama.jp/soshiki/0015003/0015103/0015110/index.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–4:30PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–4:30PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–4:30PM
Thursday 8:30AM–4:30PM
Friday 8:30AM–4:30PM
街 : Saitama

Horai, Nishi Ward, 〒331-0074 Saitama,Japan
yumi endo on Google

The staff members were very kind and helped me with heavy things. It was during Golden Week, but it was not crowded.
中尾利香 on Google

The staff is also kind. It is a strong ally of decluttering.
おとなし on Google

If you write the delivery notification form in advance, you can save time and alleviate traffic congestion.
san hiyoko on Google

さいたま市職員だった男性が自殺したのは職場のパワーハラスメントが原因だとして、両親が市に損害賠償を求めた訴訟の控訴審判決で、東京高裁は26日、一審さいたま地裁判決の約1300万円から賠償額を増やし、約1900万円の支払いを命じた。 判決によると、男性は前沢史典さん=当時(41)。2011年4月から勤務した市西部環境センターで、先輩職員から暴行や暴言を継続的に受け、上司に被害を訴えた。同年12月に重いうつ状態と診断された後、自宅で自殺した。
A man who was a Saitama city employee committed suicide because of power harassment in the workplace, and his parents filed an appeal in a lawsuit seeking damages from the city. He increased the amount of compensation from the yen and ordered payment of about 19 million yen. 男性 According to the ruling, the man is Fusunori Maezawa = then (41). At a municipal west environmental center, where he worked since April 2011, he was continuously assaulted and abused by senior staff and appealed to his boss for damage. After being diagnosed with a severe depression in December of the same year, he committed suicide at home.
立野麻美子 on Google

All the staff kindly responded.
マヤノ“マヤノトップガン”トップガン on Google

さいたま市のごみ処理施設。地域で回収できない大型のごみなどを有料ながら持ち込みで受け付けてくれます(さいたま市民限定です)。 さいたま市民、本人が持ち込み、要身分証明、土曜日、祝日、年末は事前予約が必要、あたりが利用条件でしょうか。料金は後払い(入場時との車の重量差)。焼却能力は市のページから引用ですが300トン/24時間(100トン/24時間×3基)焼却炉形式 全連続燃焼ストーカ式とありますが、実際に燃えているところを見せていただいたことがありますがすごい迫力でしたね。
Garbage disposal facility in Saitama City. Large trash that cannot be collected in the area will be accepted for a fee (only for Saitama citizens). Saitama citizens, bring in by themselves, identification required, Saturdays, holidays, year-end reservations are required, is it a condition of use? The fee is postpaid (the weight difference of the car from the time of admission). The incineration capacity is quoted from the city page, but it says 300 tons / 24 hours (100 tons / 24 hours x 3 units) incinerator type full continuous combustion stalker type, but you showed me where it is actually burning. There is, but it was amazingly powerful.
荻原俊幸 on Google

Even though I'm an employee of Saitama City, the way the workers hear is very bad and the attitude is the worst ? High-pressure attitude ? Retrain from 1 ????? If this is silent, I'm worried about it ? The uncle at the reception apologized, but he's not bad.
安藤康彦 on Google

さいたま市営のゴミ処理場です。 本日は家庭ゴミを持ち込みました。市内住んでいると利用出来るそうです。持ち込んだ廃棄物の重量によって手数料を払います。今回は重量が軽かったので無料でした。 利用の仕方ははじめに住所等記載手続きをして持ち込んだ車両の重量を量ります。その後、車でそのまま移動してゴミを大きな焼却物置場に直接投げ入れます。その後また車で移動して最初に車両重量を量った場所に行き、再度計量します。そうすると廃棄した重量が分かるので、所定の手数料を支払うと言う流れです。 本日はメチャクチャ混んでいて、1時間ぐらいかかりました。 施設の人は皆さん親切で、安心してゴミ処理が出来ました。
This is a garbage disposal site run by Saitama City. Today we brought in household garbage. You can use it if you live in the city. You pay a fee based on the weight of the waste you bring in. This time it was light weight so it was free. To use it, first weigh in the vehicle that you brought in after completing the address entry procedure. After that, they move by car and throw the trash directly into the large incineration depot. Then drive back to your first weighed location and weigh again. Then you will know the weight you have discarded, and you will pay the prescribed fee. It was crowded today and it took about an hour. The people at the facility were all kind and were able to dispose of the waste with peace of mind.

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