村積山 奥山田池 駐車場 - Okazaki

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 村積山 奥山田池 駐車場

住所 :

Hora, Okuyamadacho, Okazaki, 〒444-2142 Aichi,Japan

Postal code : 444-2142
街 : Aichi

Hora, Okuyamadacho, Okazaki, 〒444-2142 Aichi,Japan
若林隆 on Google

Mostly there is a vacancy.
mkoba39 on Google

There is also a toilet.
zan boqe on Google

Signboards are built around 10 places around the pond when you do not enter the fence. The fishing spot is a designated fishing spot where the steps are stair-shaped and the fence is at the shore, and it is natural to note that anglers who do not obey obediently are bad. Something can happen because there are such creatures, such as being statistically honest, having zero traffic accidents, or being overwhelmed by coronas.
柳瀬にゃんごろう on Google

途中までの道がわかりにくいです。 大きな道から入ってからは道幅が狭く、運転に自信の無い方はやめておいた方が良いですよ。 奥には大きな駐車場があります。 小鳥の声と緑が楽しめる場所です
The way to the middle is difficult to understand. If you are not confident in driving because the road is narrow after entering from a big road, you should stop. There is a large parking lot in the back. A place where you can enjoy the voice of birds and the greenery
kzhr ogas on Google

近場で自然が感じられるいいところなんですが、駐車場と池の周りで釣師(ヘラ鮒)が幅を利かせています。みんなカートに荷物載せて移動するのですが、隣と狭くてもお構いなしなので、他人の車に荷物があたっても気にしません。 コミュニティが出来てるのか、余所者が釣りしてると、デブ…じゃなくて顔役みたいな人がきて、ここは釣れないよとかなんとか言ってきます。明確に文句言われるわけじゃないですが(まぁ要するに釣り場荒らされるからヘラ釣り以外出てけってことでしょう。)
It is a nice place to feel nature in the neighborhood, but a fisherman (hera carp) makes use of the width around the parking lot and pond. Everyone moves with a load on the cart, but it doesn't matter if it's narrow next to you, so you don't mind if someone else hits your baggage. If there is a community, or if the other people are fishing, a person who is not a chubby ... but a facial character will come and tell you that you can't fish here. I'm not complaining clearly (in other words, it's a rough fishing spot, so I'm sure I can get out of the spatula fishing)
Shige Yama on Google

There is a toilet. Although it is in the mountains, it is relatively beautiful. General vehicles cannot enter above this.
義弘安達 on Google

The toilet is poor. I can't help it? Thank you for free. The place is not at the foot of the mountain, but rather above Shimomiya and up the steep slope, so I am worried about beginners, please give me guidance.
Takashi Ojika on Google

Free with toilet, climbing from here will be a direct climb.

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