ほけんの窓口 与野店

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ほけんの窓口 与野店

住所 :

Honmachinishi, Chuo Ward, 〒338-0004 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://www.hokennomadoguchi.com/shop/yono
街 : Saitama

Honmachinishi, Chuo Ward, 〒338-0004 Saitama,Japan
Munenori Tatesawa on Google

仕事場に近い代理店をネットで調べて伺いました。多くの要望を親身に聞き取って頂き、ベストな提案を一緒に考えて頂きました。 満足いく保険に加入でき、満足です。 オールラウンドに対応できそうなので、どこに相談すればいいか迷っている人は、まず、ここに行けばいいと思います。
I searched online for an agency near my workplace. We asked them to listen to many requests and come up with the best proposals together. I am satisfied with the insurance I am satisfied with. It seems that we can handle all rounds, so if you are wondering where to consult, I think you should go here first.
Perluna武蔵関 on Google

担当の新井さんのご対応が親切丁寧でわかりやすく、自身のニーズに合った良い保険に入る事ができました。 ありがとうございました。
Mr. Arai, who is in charge, was kind and polite and easy to understand, and I was able to get good insurance that suits my needs. Thank you very much.
P on Google

I asked him to take out insurance when he got married. I had no knowledge about insurance, but Mr. Maruyama, the person in charge, taught me in an easy-to-understand manner, and I was able to subscribe to something that I was satisfied with. It is uneasy to manage it by ourselves, but since it will be put together in one file after joining, you can store it with confidence. In addition, I would like to ask you about the review of insurance.
213 chi on Google

結婚、出産をし改めて自分の保険は大丈夫なのかと不安になり。 CMで見かけたほけんの窓口にきました。 まだ数ヶ月のこどもと一緒に来店は大丈夫かと不安でしたが、優しく迎えて頂けました。 保険について無知な私に分かりやすく教えて頂き、私に必要な保険を提案して頂きました。 今どんな保険に入っているのが、自分で把握が出来た事が始めてで凄く嬉しかったです。 今保険に迷ってる人がいたら、ほけんの窓口に相談してみるといいと思います。
After getting married and giving birth, I was worried that my insurance would be okay. I came to the window of Hoken that I saw in the commercial. I was worried that it would be okay to come to the store with my children for a few months, but they kindly welcomed me. I was ignorant about insurance and taught me in an easy-to-understand manner and suggested the insurance I needed. I was very happy to know what kind of insurance I have now for the first time. If you are uncertain about insurance now, you should consult with Hoken no Madoguchi.
02 Myone on Google

あまり時間に余裕が無い中、すべての自動車保険会社の価格を比較して頂けて、納得のいく契約を結ぶことができました。 初めての保険加入で分からないことが多い中、不安や疑問を全て解決して頂けたのでとても満足です。
Even though I didn't have much time, I was able to compare the prices of all the car insurance companies and conclude a convincing contract. I am very happy that I was able to resolve all my anxieties and doubts while I often do not understand when I take out insurance for the first time.
So Ok on Google

保険はほぼ初心者の状態でしたが、保険の基礎から、私たちにとってどんな商品が必要かの整理、商品詳細までしっかりとサポートしてくれました。 説明も丁寧ですし、人当たりもよく、また子供が泣いても騒いでも嫌な顔一切せずに、こちらのペースに合わせてくださいました。
Although insurance was almost a beginner, he provided solid support from the basics of insurance to organizing what products we needed and product details. The explanations were polite, the people were friendly, and even if the child cried or made noise, he did not make any unpleasant faces and kept pace with us.
momo i on Google

出産をしたばかりで赤ちゃんがいる中でしたが、色々と配慮していただき助かりました。 保険の知識がゼロに近くなにも分からない感じでしたが、丁寧に分かりやすく教えていただきました。納得いくまで、契約内容を見直し、提案していただき安心して保険に入ることができました。 とても丁寧な接客で店内も雰囲気良く清潔感がありました。
I had just given birth and had a baby, but I was grateful for all the consideration. I felt that my knowledge of insurance was close to zero, but I didn't understand anything, but he taught me politely and in an easy-to-understand manner. Until I was satisfied, I reviewed the contract details and made a proposal, so I was able to take out insurance with confidence. The customer service was very polite and the atmosphere was nice and clean.
Erika 1837 on Google

主人の保険の見直しに。 契約内容や届く書類をファイリングしてくれるサービスは有り難い。 いざ事故や怪我で保険のお世話になる時は、こちらの保険の窓口に連絡すれば良いという。 他の保険仲介業者よりその後のサービスが整っているのを感じました。 担当して下さった平林さんの対応とご説明が大変分かりやすかった為、自動車保険の見直しにも改めて伺いました。自分で調べた時より条件の良い先を見つけて下さり満足です。 本当に有難うございました。
To review the insurance of my husband. I am grateful for the service that files the contract details and the documents that arrive. If you need to take care of your insurance due to an accident or injury, you can contact this insurance counter. I felt that the subsequent services were better than other insurance brokers. Mr. Hirabayashi, who was in charge, was very easy to understand the response and explanation, so I asked him again to review the automobile insurance. I am happy to find a destination with better conditions than when I searched for it myself. Thank you very much.

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