
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉めい

住所 :

Honmachi, Mitsuke, 〒954-0053 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Webサイト : https://yakiniku-mei.com/
街 : Niigata

Honmachi, Mitsuke, 〒954-0053 Niigata,Japan
MART GREEN on Google

Service and taste ?! There were a lot of delicious dishes with a relaxing taste. If you want to relax, maybe weekdays are recommended? That ’s right.
ゆししゆ on Google

Lunch Mei Yakiniku 1100 yen Tasty charcoal grilled authentic Yakiniku rice and soup substitute. Kimchi Soumai The owner's personality is also the best
tetsuya on Google

It's really delicious and the budget is reasonable. Weekday lunch is also recommended. The owner is more personal and cheerful.
ban kon on Google

Harami is also Umar (laughs)
ハルノユウ on Google

出張で新潟に来てたまたま見つけて入りました。 店主が一人で切り盛りしてるので、混んでると出てくるのは遅いですが味はGood! ランチもなかなかお手頃で満足できました!
I came to Niigata on a business trip and found it by chance. Since the shop owner is working alone, it may be slow to come out when it is crowded, but the taste is good! Lunch was quite affordable and I was satisfied!
R on Google

ランチメニューを利用しました。 1番高いメニューで1100円の焼き肉ランチです。ほっとぴあの帰りはこちらにどうぞ。
I used the lunch menu. It is grilled lunch of 1100 yen with the highest menu. Please feel free to leave here.
YAO GIGA on Google

お昼のランチで焼肉はちょっと贅沢な感じですが、価格も肉の味もまぁまぁかな。 ちょっと対応が慣れてないのか、コンロと水おしぼりは直ぐに出てきたが、肉が来て取り皿とご飯が出て来ない、しびれが切れて催促 ご飯 スープ サラダがあわてて運ばれてきた サービスなのかキムチもキタ〰️? まあ昼から焼き肉の雰囲気あじあうならぴったりの店かな。
Yakiniku is a little extravagant for lunch, but the price and the taste of the meat are pretty good. Maybe I am not accustomed to dealing with it, the stove and water towel came out immediately, but the meat came and the plate and rice did not come out, the numbness was cut off Rice soup Salad came in haste Is it a service kimchi is also 〰️? Well, it's the perfect place to meet yakiniku from noon.
mu me on Google

友達の家の近所にできた焼肉屋さんに初来店。 金曜日の夜ということもあり、入れるか心配していたのですが、1人もお客さんがおらず、要らぬ心配でした(・・;) 席に座ってビックリ。真っ赤な店内は個室もなく手狭な空間で落ち着かない雰囲気。オーナーさんの趣味ですかね… まずは飲み物を注文。ドライバーだったので、ソフトドリンクをオーダー。暑い日で喉が乾いていたので、炭酸ドリンクを頼みましたが、飲んでビックリ…炭酸が抜けていて、しかも氷が少な目だから、冷えてもいない。炭酸の抜けたぬるいコーラを想像してください。がっかり感半端なかったです。 そんな始まりで、お腹が空いてましたが、お肉を頼む量を控えめにしました。ひとまず、上カルビとタン塩なんかをおっかなビックリ頼みましたが、お肉はまぁまぁ美味しかったです。でもお肉を食べて炭酸を口に運ぶと、なんとも美味しさ半減… そんなところに、追加オーダーもなく、新な客の来店もなく、暇だったのか、オーナーが席まで。様子伺いかと思いきや、何を見て来たのかとか、何処に住んでるとか、挙げ句のはてに、知り合いのフェイスブックを見せながら、この人が来てるとか、この人はどこどこの店の店主の息子だとか…個人情報だだ漏れに唖然としました。話の止まらないオーナーに、早く居なくなってほしいと思いましたが、気にする様子もなく、何度も同じ話をするので、呆れて、店を出ることにしました。おそらくもう行くことはないと思います。最後まで、他にお客さんは誰も来ませんでした。真夏の金曜日の夜なのに。 やはり見附は「きらく」さんなのでしょうか…
First visit to a yakiniku restaurant near my friend's house. Since it was Friday night, I was worried about whether to enter, but I was worried that I didn't need it because there were no customers (・ ・;) I was surprised to sit down. The bright red interior has no private rooms and is a small space with a restless atmosphere. Is it the owner's hobby? First, order a drink. I was a driver, so I ordered a soft drink. I was thirsty on a hot day, so I ordered a sparkling drink, but I was surprised to drink it ... It wasn't cold because it was decarbonated and there was little ice. Imagine a lukewarm cola without carbonation. I wasn't disappointed. At that beginning, I was hungry, but I made a modest amount of meat. For the time being, I was surprised to ask for the upper ribs and tongue salt, but the meat was delicious. But when you eat meat and bring carbonic acid to your mouth, the taste is halved ... In such a place, there was no additional order, no new customers came to the store, and maybe the owner was free. I wondered if I would like to ask you what I was doing, what I saw, where I lived, and at the end of the phrase, while showing my acquaintance's Facebook, this person is coming, where is this person? I was stunned by the leak of personal information, such as the son of the shop owner. I wanted the owner, who couldn't stop talking, to leave early, but he didn't seem to care and told the same story over and over again, so I was disappointed and decided to leave the store. I don't think I'll go anymore. Until the end, no other customers came. Even though it's a midsummer Friday night. Is Mitsuke Mr. Kiraku ...

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