季節料理 ながせ

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 季節料理 ながせ

住所 :

Honkawacho, Naka Ward, 〒730-0802 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Webサイト : https://nagase2682.gorp.jp/
街 : Hiroshima

Honkawacho, Naka Ward, 〒730-0802 Hiroshima,Japan
橘カムイ on Google

ランチをいただきました。煮物の味は薄すぎず濃すぎず。刺身も美味しかったです。かために炊かれたご飯が良いですね。接客も丁寧でした。 日本酒の種類が豊富なので、夜に行きたいですね。
I had lunch. The taste of the simmered food is neither too thin nor too thick. The sashimi was also delicious. Rice cooked hard is good. The customer service was also polite. There are many types of sake, so I want to go there at night.
上空弘育(弘中弘育) on Google

料理がとても良い! お酒も広島や山口の酒がたくさんあった。 また来てみたいところです(^^)
The food is very good! There was a lot of sake from Hiroshima and Yamaguchi. I want to come again (^^)
110 ta93 on Google

初来店で平日ランチ利用。クチコミ通り、仕事が丁寧ですべて手作りしてる感じ。日替わりランチ800円を頂きました。特に美味しかったのは、味噌汁と白米です。味噌汁は久々に良いものを頂いた感じ。 若いご夫婦?で接客も控えめですが、悪くないです。出来れば夜にまた来てみたい良いお店でした。小さなお店なのですぐいっぱいになるかも。
Lunch on weekdays at first visit. According to the reviews, the work is polite and everything is handmade. I received a daily lunch of 800 yen. Especially delicious were miso soup and white rice. Miso soup is a good thing after a long time. Young couple? The customer service is modest, but not bad. If possible, it was a good place to visit again at night. It may be full soon because it is a small shop.
日本酒バルKATOYA on Google

2022.02 期間限定の持ち帰り弁当が始まっています。 16種の一口おかずが、ご飯の上に乗っています。 20日まで火水金土の発売で、前日までの予約制となっています。
2022.02 Take-away lunch of limited time has begun. 16 kinds of bite side dish is, you are riding on top of the rice. In the sale of fire water Fri Sat up to 20 days, it has become a reservation up to the day before.
ゆゆy on Google

昔出張した時の訪問先近くで、偶然見つけて入ったお店。 和食の基本きっちりという感じで、ご飯の焚き加減とかもホンマに良かった。 こういう和食がランチでリーズナブルに頂ける街の方って、ラッキーですよ。
A shop I found by chance near the place I visited when I was on a business trip a long time ago. The basics of Japanese food were exactly the same, and the amount of rice cooked was really good. I'm lucky to be in a town where you can enjoy this kind of Japanese food at a reasonable price for lunch.
kuro k on Google

It is a word of mouth when I visited a while ago. Healed with polite and delicate dishes using seasonal ingredients. I would like to ask you again.
Lukas Lienhart on Google

Great food
Jerry Chiu on Google

Great drink and food. Make sure you make a reservation first. We were lucky enough to get the last two seats.

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