Honda - Takamatsu

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Honda

住所 :

301-1 Kanotsunocho, Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-8082, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88788
Postal code : 761-8082
Webサイト :

301-1 Kanotsunocho, Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-8082, Japan
河野晴予 on Google

It was good for me to respond on the day with just oil change.
iznome on Google

I am always indebted. It is recommended in a beautiful store, so you can get prizes at events. Although it is a corner of the intersection, it is a little difficult to enter during traffic jams.
大西昌孝 on Google

The correspondence of the clerk is wonderful.
來未美紀 on Google

丁寧な対応でお客様も多いです? 新車、中古車は是非ホンダをオススメします?
It is the customer often in polite correspondence ? I will definitely recommend Honda for new and secondhand cars
アカウントサクセイ on Google

営業マンが最低最悪。 体格がいい人だったので、恐怖を感じました。 あんなのがホンダのネームを付けてると、 ホンダ自体に嫌悪感を持ちます。 ホンダの車なんか2度と乗らないと皆んな言ってます。
The worst is the salesman. I felt fear because I had a good physical condition. When such a thing has a name of Honda, I have an aversion to Honda itself. Everyone says that Honda's car won't ride again.
浅ちゃん on Google

1年前に購入した車の調子が悪く、Hホンダカーズ香川南二行きましたが、何一つ解決してくれませんでした。 もう二度とこのお店で車を買いません。
The car I bought a year ago wasn't working well and I went to H Honda Cars Kagawa Minamiji, but nothing was solved. I will never buy a car at this shop again.
それでも赤坂 on Google

昨日、スマートキーの追加登録作業をお願いしました、受付の方の対応も丁寧で、作業前に見積もりも提示して頂けたので安心して作業をお願いできました。 その後、今度は息子の購入した中古車にキーが一本しか付いておらず合鍵が無かったのでキーナンバーを聞いて安くネットで購入しようと目論んでいましたが、[合鍵を作成しないとキーナンバーは教えれれない]と言うことで、合鍵の作成をお願いしました、合鍵作成には2週間以上掛かりました。 最近の車はキーが一個も無い状態での合鍵作成には、レッカー代や作成費用も何倍もの金額が掛かるので最低でも一個は予備キーを作っておきましょう。
Yesterday, I asked for the additional registration work of the smart key. The receptionist was also polite and gave me a quote before the work, so I was able to ask for the work with confidence. After that, this time the used car that my son purchased had only one key and there was no master key, so I was planning to ask the key number and buy it cheaply online, but [If you do not create a master key, the key number I can't tell you], so I asked him to create a duplicate key. It took more than two weeks to create a duplicate key. It costs many times more tow trucks and creation costs to create a duplicate key in a recent car without a single key, so make at least one spare key.
ペナント職人落合 on Google

営業さんの中にクルマのメカニズムに詳しい方がいらしてとても楽しい試乗体験となりました。同系列の他店より親しみやすい雰囲気だと思いますよ(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)またネコちゃんみたいにふらっと寄りたいですね(っ.❛ ᴗ ❛.)っ
It was a very enjoyable test drive experience because some of the sales people were familiar with the mechanism of the car. I think the atmosphere is more familiar than other stores in the same series (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) I also want to stop by like a cat (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

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