日本酒ソムリエのいるジビエ・自然食レストラン 玄米ごはんとお酒 ごしま

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 日本酒ソムリエのいるジビエ・自然食レストラン 玄米ごはんとお酒 ごしま

住所 :

Honcho, Fussa, 〒197-0022 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : https://goshima54.com/
街 : Tokyo

Honcho, Fussa, 〒197-0022 Tokyo,Japan
yapanny* yapanny* on Google

It's a very attractive store, with its unique commitment to the ingredients. Whichever you eat is delicious. It takes about 15 to 40 minutes to provide food, so there are 4 stars.
わたあめ on Google

主人さんと奥さん優しいです!(*≧∀≦*) いつも楽しくトークさせてもらってます^_^ ご飯も鹿の肉、馬の肉、イノシシの肉などあまり売っていない種類の物がありましたー! 和風料理が好きな人、楽しみたいひと、おすすめです!!
My husband and wife are kind! (* ∀ ∀ * *) I am always happy to talk ^ _ ^ Rice and deer meat, horse meat, wild boar meat and other types of things not sold well! Recommended for people who like Japanese-style cuisine and who want to enjoy it! !
谷内将貴 on Google

おいてある日本酒の種類は地酒が中心に置かれている。飯能、青梅、福生などの地域から取り寄せてある。 イベントで飲み比べもできる。 料理は日本酒に合わせたおつまみが中心。締めの卵かけご飯が名物。
Local sake is the main type of sake. It is ordered from areas such as Hanno, Ome, and Fussa. You can also compare drinks at the event. The food is mainly snacks that match sake. The specialty is omelet over rice.
久米明 on Google

自家製のエゾシカ肉のくんせい、こだわって選ばれたオーガニック野菜、柔らかくてサクサクのエゾシカ肉からあげ、ダシの効いたフレッシュチーズ入りのオムレツ等どれもとても美味しかったです。 店主ご夫婦の人柄にも癒され、楽しく食事できました。
The homemade exotic delicacies, carefully selected organic vegetables, the soft and crispy exotic delicacies, and the omelet with fresh cheese, were all delicious. I was healed by the personality of the owner and the couple, and I enjoyed eating.
ビン詰めカブトムシ on Google

A shop to go to when you want to eat delicious sake and elaborate snacks around here. There are many types of sake, and it goes well with game, fish, and vegetable dishes. I also had craft beer when I visited before.
高遠まひろ on Google

There is also a course-only menu, and it is recommended that you make a reservation for the course anyway. There is also a rare ramen with sika deer meat. May I try it once for the seeds of the story?
奈歩 on Google

Carefully selected ingredients carefully and carefully, cooked. Coloring, arranging is also beautiful and the tension rises! Both mind and body balance. I will once again recognize the wonder of vegetables and I think I will like vegetables.
Daiki Katayama on Google

福生駅から徒歩数分で行けるお気軽な立地。 線路沿いなのでうるさいかと思いきやそんな人気にならず。 ジビエの種類の豊富さに驚く。 それ以上に料理を口にした瞬間の味わいに驚く。 青なのおひたしの香りの蓮烈さ 素材にこだわり抜くお店のこだわりを感じる お酒は地元のクラフトビールに始まり、豊富な日本酒、ワインを揃える ワインはお店の推しのエゾジカに合うジョージアワインを揃える。 ボトル注文からなので、頼めなかったが期待値は高い。 まずは行ってみなされ
A casual location that can be reached within a few minutes on foot from Fussa Station. It's along the railroad tracks, so I thought it was noisy, but it didn't become so popular. I am amazed at the variety of game. More than that, I am amazed at the taste of the moment I eat the food. The lotus of the scent of blue ohitashi Feel the commitment of the shop that sticks to the material Sake begins with local craft beer, and we have a wide selection of sake and wine. As for wine, we have Georgian wine that matches the shop's recommended sika deer. I couldn't ask because it was from a bottle order, but the expected value is high. First go and be considered

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