
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact いさり火

住所 :

Honcho, Fujisawa, 〒251-0053 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Webサイト : http://www.nwr.co.jp/jitten/isaribi/index.html
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Honcho, Fujisawa, 〒251-0053 Kanagawa,Japan
菊地和子 on Google

Delicious and kind. If you order at a meeting in the town block, they will bring it to you quickly. It is a good shop with low prices. Thank you.
美津子鍋田 on Google

The master is full of food, fast, cheap and delicious lunch. It's crowded at night, and I'm impressed with how it feels, from casual to banquet.
永友一朗 on Google

It ’s an unpretentious atmosphere. Lunch is good too.
star shonan on Google

A restaurant where you can heal your tiredness a day with the comfort of a sardine fire and a smile full of the master's humanity. The taste is good and the price is good, and it is also a generous store that accepts the local taste. At this time, the hot pot tastes unforgettable, and the deliciousness is dancing in the steam. The scent and color further stimulates appetite, rushes, and chopsticks move. On cold days, one cup of hot sake and sardine ponzu, and two cups are too slow.
四百拾毅 on Google

I stopped by for lunch after a long time, but it was still delicious. It felt like the highest level of infectious disease control was being implemented at private stores.
Gloom.R. Skywalkers on Google

ここのマスターさんは気遣い上手で鮮度の良いお魚や貝類を調理してくださいます。 そしておすすめはこれ、などテキパキと教えてくれるので酒飲みには、うってつけだと思います。鮮度の良いものを使ってるだけあって、魚介類の甘さや味わいを楽しめます。
The master here is caring and cooking fresh fish and shellfish. And I recommend this, and I will tell you that it is a good idea, so I think that it is perfect for drinking. You can enjoy the sweetness and taste of seafood only by using fresh things.
74トモ on Google

土曜日の1時過ぎにランチに伺いました。 入ってみると思ったより中は広い!客は私たちのみ。 刺身と揚げ物一品ずつ選べるランチでは、サーモンと白子の天ぷらをチョイス。 先付けは漬物、ひじきの煮物、茶碗蒸しと3品。こちらの茶碗蒸しの貝柱が沢山入っていて美味しかった♪味噌汁も具沢山!家庭的な美味しさでした。 白子の天ぷらは揚げたて!天ぷらというよりはフリッター的な衣でしたが、白子は美味しい! 店主さんは、職人という感じで無言で料理を出してくれました。…お酒を頼まなかったから?早目にしめようと思ってた?と考えてしまうような雰囲気が、残念です。ササッと食べて店をでました。夜だったら、違う雰囲気なのかもしれません。。
I visited for lunch after 1 o'clock on Saturday. The inside is wider than I thought I would enter! We are the only customers. For lunch, you can choose sashimi and fried food one by one, and choose salmon and milt tempura. There are 3 dishes: pickles, simmered hijiki seaweed, and chawanmushi. It was delicious with lots of steamed scallops here ♪ Miso soup is also a lot of ingredients! It was homely delicious. Shirako tempura is freshly fried! It was more like fritters than tempura, but the milt is delicious! The owner served the food silently as if he were a craftsman. … Because you didn't ask for alcohol? Did you want to get it done early? It's a pity that the atmosphere makes me think. I ate quickly and left the store. It may be a different atmosphere at night. ..
けんぴ on Google

ここは駅から離れていて、気づいて無かったけど穴場だった。ランチメニューが和食系でメニュー豊富。刺身と揚げ物の好きな組み合わせのセット900円がお得。 タイの刺身と舞茸の天ぷらの組み合わせ選びましたが、豚汁にサラダ、めかぶの小鉢も付いてくる。 どれも単品メニューで出てくるようなもので、コスパ良すぎ。揚げ物サクサク、豚汁具沢山、鯛も新鮮でどれも美味しい。メカブは苦手で、普段は避けてしまうが、試しに食べてみると、ここのはいける。何食べても美味しい。ライスもおかわり出来るしここの店素晴らしい。コロナに負けず頑張ってほしい
It was a little-known spot, although I didn't notice it because it was far from the station. The lunch menu is Japanese and the menu is abundant. Save 900 yen for a set of your favorite combination of sashimi and fried food. I chose a combination of Thai sashimi and Maitake mushroom tempura, but it also comes with pork soup, salad, and a small bowl of mekabu. All of them are like those that come out on a single item menu, and the cost performance is too good. The crispy fried food, a lot of pork soup, and the sea bream are all fresh and delicious. I'm not good at mekabu, so I usually avoid it, but when I try it, I can go here. It's delicious no matter what you eat. Rice can be refilled and the shop here is wonderful. I want you to do your best without losing to Corona

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