
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 長寿庵

住所 :

Honcho, Asaka, 〒351-0011 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–1:30PM
Sunday 11AM–1:30PM
Monday 11AM–1:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–1:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–1:30PM
Thursday 11AM–1:30PM
Friday 11AM–1:30PM
街 : Saitama

Honcho, Asaka, 〒351-0011 Saitama,Japan
ぐれ on Google

天ざるや、とろろそばが人気のようです。 他のメニューを頼まれている人はよく見かけるので、基本的にハズレはなさそうですね✨ ちなみにここの量はけっこう多めです。 少食の人は普通盛りでもお腹いっぱいになると思いますよ。
Tenzaruya and Tororo soba are popular. People who are asked for other menus often see it, so basically it does not seem to be lost ✨ By the way, the amount here is quite large. I think that people with a small amount of food will be hungry even if they are normal.
石田泰久 on Google

カレー南蛮と冷やしたぬき蕎麦を頂きました。 どちらも期待以上に美味しかったです。 休憩の15時前に伺ったせいか天婦羅類のメニューは注文出来なかったので次回は是非熱々を食べてみたいと思います。
We had curry nanban and chilled soba noodles. Both were delicious than expected. I could not order a menu of tempura or maybe because I went before 15:00 of the break, so I would like to eat the heat next time.
イカ太郎 on Google

蕎麦は美味しかった。 他に上カツ丼も頼んだが肉が薄くてスカスカ(笑)
The soba was delicious. I also ordered the upper katsudon, but the meat was thin and squishy (laughs)
百楽L太 on Google

I received a large serving of heaven. Is it a good shop for those who are satisfied with just the large amount? Soba is good up to the third mouth, but it dries quickly and becomes dry and dry while eating. Tempura is also far from crispy. The shrimp are big. The noodle soup is too sweet. I understand that the shop staff are full and busy, but they have an attitude of throwing hand towels on the table and rushing to order. I wonder if there will be a revisit.
hiroshi E. on Google

久しぶりに伺いました。 相変わらずおいしい‼️ 麺の 量もおおくて満腹。 ごちそうさまでした。 願わくば、 コロナ対策に力を入れて欲しい‼️ 手のアルコール消毒薬を置いてください。 入り口付近に一つ。 万全のコロナ対策を期待します! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ドアを開けっ放しにしましょう。 タバコはダメ! 蕎麦好きですが、年寄りは罹患したらイチコロです。 せっかくの美味しい蕎麦を食べに行けません。 席を半分にしませんか。 寒くても、 窓を全部開けてください。 禁煙はもちろん。 厨房のお母さん、配達に忙しいお父さん、 いつも、美味しいそばをありがとう。 タンメンも親子丼も食べたいのですが、対策がないので足が遠のいています。 コロナ対策が不十分です。 もちろん禁煙にしてください。 椅子席も小上がりも普通通りではなく飛び飛びにしてください。その椅子を外に! 奥のトイレのそばに並んで待たせるのではなく、外に椅子をおいて待つようにしませんか?
I visited after a long time. It's still delicious! ️ The amount of noodles is also large and full. Thank you for the meal. I wish for, I want you to focus on measures against corona! ️ Place an alcohol disinfectant on your hands. One near the entrance. I expect perfect corona measures! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let's leave the door open. No cigarettes! I like buckwheat noodles, but if you get sick, the elderly will love it. I can't go to eat delicious soba. Would you like to halve your seat? Even if it's cold Please open all the windows. Not to mention smoking cessation. Kitchen mom, dad busy with delivery, Thank you for always delicious soba. I'd like to eat both tanmen and oyakodon, but I'm far from it because there are no countermeasures. Corona measures are inadequate. Of course, please quit smoking. Please skip the chair seats and the small rises instead of the usual ones. Take that chair out! Why don't you put a chair outside and wait instead of waiting in line near the toilet in the back?
Y H on Google

■料理 蕎麦のボリュームにしては価格も控えめ、言わなくても蕎麦湯が付いてくるのは良かった。 麺大盛りで1.5倍くらい。プラス100円。 とろろそば750円。 天ざる蕎麦1050円(大盛で1150円)であった。 ざる蕎麦と盛りそばの違いは海苔が乗っているか乗っていないの違いだけである。 盛りに対し+100円でザルそになると思えば良い。 残念ながら丼ものとのセットメニューはない。カツ丼とそばを食べたい場合はそれぞれ単品で頼むことになる。850円のカツ丼に500円のもりそばを付けて1350円となる。 さて、肝心な蕎麦の味であるが、白くて綺麗な細麺であったがコシ、歯応えはよかった。蕎麦の香りは少ない。というか味がしなかった。十割そばが好きな人には物足りないかもしれない。 ツユの味は濃い目だった。ツユの量はは多めだったのでペース配分には困らなかった。 天ぷらはまま良かった。他の口コミにもあるように海老はそれなりに食べ応えのあるサイズだった。残念ながら天つゆは付かない。 ■接客 ここは他の口コミにあるため深く言及するつもりはないが、なるほど、と思うものだった。 ホールの女性がとにかく忙しそうにしており、大変なのは分かるがテーブルを拭かなかったり、ここで待っていてと言われ待っても、その後何も言われないため、座っていいのか分からない。メニューを見ていたらラストオーダーなので今注文してくださいと言われ、カツ丼注文したら、厨房から米なくなったら終わりときこえてきて、確認しにいき、親子丼なら大丈夫ですよ。あれ?カツだけ売切れなんですね?米ないと聞こえたが、、、であれば親子丼でとお願いしたらまた厨房から米無いってさっき言っただろ!何度も言わせるな!と怒鳴り声が、、、因みに厨房も女性(年配)で、嫁、姑のような関係に見えました。 いつもあんな感じならいいですが、仲良くして欲しいものです。 当方も事前に昼の営業何時までか確認すれば良かったが、こんなに急かされるならお店の為にも辞めておけばよかった。食べ終わった途端後ろから、はい〇〇円ですね!最後は蕎麦湯で流し込んで支払い。お腹は膨れたが、店出た途端、あれ?どんな味だったっけ?なんか疲れた、、、次は早く行ってピリつかせないようにしよう。
■ Cooking The price was modest for the volume of soba, and it was good that the soba hot water was included without saying. A large serving of noodles is about 1.5 times. Plus 100 yen. Tororo soba 750 yen. It was 1050 yen for Tenzaru Soba (1150 yen for a large serving). The only difference between Zaru Soba and Morisoba is whether or not they have seaweed on them. You can think that it will be a colander for +100 yen for the prime. Unfortunately, there is no set menu with rice bowls. If you want to eat katsudon and soba, you will have to order them separately. Katsudon for 850 yen and Morisoba for 500 yen will be added for 1350 yen. By the way, the essential taste of buckwheat noodles was white and beautiful thin noodles, but they were chewy and crunchy. The aroma of buckwheat is low. Or rather, it didn't taste. It may not be enough for those who like 100% buckwheat noodles. The taste of tuyu was strong. The amount of tuyu was large, so I didn't have any trouble allocating the pace. The tempura was good as it was. As in other reviews, the shrimp was a size that was reasonably satisfying to eat. Unfortunately, Tentsuyu is not included. ■ Customer service I'm not going to mention it deeply because it's in another review, but I think it's true. The woman in the hall seems to be busy anyway, and I know it's hard, but I don't know if I can sit down because I don't wipe the table, or even if I'm told to wait here, nothing is said after that. When I was looking at the menu, I was told to order now because it was the last order, and when I ordered the katsudon, when the rice was gone from the kitchen, it came over and I went to check it, and it's okay if it's oyakodon. that? Only the cutlet is sold out, isn't it? I heard that there was no rice, but if I asked for Oyakodon, I said earlier that there was no rice from the kitchen again! Don't let me say it over and over! By the way, the kitchen was also a woman (elderly), and it looked like a bride and a mother-in-law. I hope it always feels like that, but I want you to get along well. We should have confirmed in advance what time it would be open for lunch, but if we were in such a hurry, we should have quit for the sake of the store. As soon as you finish eating, it's 〇〇 yen! At the end, pour it in soba hot water and pay. I'm hungry, but as soon as I opened the store, that? What kind of taste was it? I'm tired ... Let's go early next time and don't get angry.
新田哲士(3104Arata) on Google

【昔ながらのお蕎麦屋さんならではの出汁が決め手!】 ・知り合い宅にて、肉南蛮(750円)/かつ丼(850円) を配達で注文させていただきました。 ・こちら「長寿庵」さんは、結構な人気があるらしく、昼の時間帯はかなり混雑するとか。 ・確かに、頂いた「肉南蛮(蕎麦)」は、昔ながらのお蕎麦屋さんならではの甘い出汁がたまらなく美味。豚肉も甘みがあって程よい柔らかさで好きです。かつ丼も、お蕎麦屋さんならではの出汁で作ったTHE かつ丼!という感じ。 ・出前までしてくれて、このお値段でこのお味がいただけるのは非常に嬉しいですね。ご馳走様でした。 #蕎麦 #かつ丼 #お蕎麦屋さん #昔ながら #朝霞 #ランチ #出前 #朝霞グルメ #朝霞ランチ #長寿庵 #Soba #Katsudon #SobaRestaurant #Old-fashioned #Asaka #Lunch #Delivery #AsakaGourmet #AsakaLunch #Chojuan
The decisive factor is the soup stock that is unique to traditional soba restaurants! ] ・ At my acquaintance's house, I ordered meat nanban (750 yen) / katsudon (850 yen) by delivery. ・ This "Longevity hermitage" seems to be quite popular, and it is quite crowded during the daytime. ・ Certainly, the "Niku Nanban (Soba)" that I received is irresistibly delicious with the sweet soup stock that is unique to traditional soba restaurants. I also like pork because it has a sweet taste and is moderately soft. The katsudon is also THE katsudon made with the soup stock unique to a soba restaurant! Feeling like that. ・ I'm very happy that you can deliver this taste at this price. It was a treat. #Soba #Katsudon #Soba restaurant #Old-fashioned #Asaka #Lunch #Delivery #Asaka gourmet #Asaka lunch #Chojuan #Soba #Katsudon #SobaRestaurant # Old-fashioned #Asaka #Lunch #Delivery #AsakaGourmet #AsakaLunch #Chojuan
斗沢秀 on Google

朝霞市には二軒の(数年前までは三軒あった)長寿庵がありますが本町にあるこちらはかつては関東を中心に300軒以上ある長寿庵(長壽庵)ののれん会の会長店も務めた由緒のあるお店。 地元では結構な人気店で昼時は待ち客も発生しますが待っている間にオーダーを聞かれ着席とほぼ同時に提供されるので回転は早いお店です。 この日の注文は上かつ丼。 上かつ丼と言いつつお重での登場。 蓋を開けると仕上げの追い卵黄が既に崩れてしまっていたのはちょっと残念。 ですがさすが上だけあって厚めのカツはふっくらと柔らかく上品な甘さのあるかえしが染み込んでいて美味い。 蕩ける卵黄を絡ませると更に濃厚な味わいに。 付け合わせは鶏出汁の卵スープで仄かに柚子が効かせてありスッキリとした後味でした。
There are two Chojuan (three until a few years ago) in Asaka City, but this one in Honmachi used to be the chairman of the Chojuan Goodwill Association, which used to have more than 300 stores mainly in the Kanto region. A venerable shop that also served as a chairman. It's a fairly popular restaurant in the local area, and there are waiting customers at noon, but while you're waiting, you'll be asked for an order and it will be served almost at the same time as you sit down, so it's a fast-moving restaurant. The order for this day was Katsudon. Appeared in heavy weight while saying "Katsudon". It's a little disappointing that the finished yolk had already crumbled when the lid was opened. However, as expected, the thick cutlet is soaked in the soft and elegant sweetness of the cutlet, which is delicious. Entangling the yolks that swell for a richer taste. The garnish was chicken soup egg soup with a hint of yuzu and a refreshing aftertaste.

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