じぶんまくら home 豊田元町店 - Toyota

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact じぶんまくら home 豊田元町店

住所 :

Toshincho, Toyota, 〒471-0045 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 471-0045
Webサイト : http://jibunmakura.com/
街 : Aichi

Toshincho, Toyota, 〒471-0045 Aichi,Japan
井川昭子 on Google

自分枕約25000円で高いとか思ったけど…メンテナンスあるたか助かります… 女性スタッフ対応がいい!
I thought it would be expensive for my pillow to be about 25,000 yen, but ... I'm grateful if there is maintenance ... Female staff support is good!
riceomret on Google

じぶんまくら作ってみましたが、まず身体測定時に「貴方みたいに姿勢の悪い人はいない」と散々バカにされ、それでも良い枕を作ってくれるなら仕方ないと我慢しました。 夫婦2人分作りましたが二人とも枕は合わず。 高い勉強代となりました。
I tried to make a pillow, but when I measured my body, I was ridiculed that "there is no one with a bad posture like you", and I put up with it if I could make a good pillow. I made it for two couples, but neither of them fit the pillow. It was a high study fee.
Naotsugu Murata on Google

じぶんまくらのメンテナンスで訪問。毎回素晴らしい調整をしてくれるので感謝! 持病の頭痛も頻度が下がり睡眠の質も良い状態をキープできてます。 寝具のバリエーションが凄く、雑貨もあるので、待ってる時間も苦にならない。 店員さんも皆さん丁寧で、とても居心地が良いお店です
Visit for maintenance of my pillow. Thanks for making great adjustments every time! The frequency of chronic headaches has been reduced and the quality of sleep has been kept good. There are so many variations of bedding and miscellaneous goods, so you don't have to worry about waiting time. The clerks are polite and very cozy.
小松昌美 on Google

A store specializing in interior products such as bedding, curtains, and carpets.
吉永知弘 on Google

何だかイベントが有ってるみたいで、ざわざわ笑い声とか伝わり従業員も入れ替わり立ち替わりで凄く感じが悪かった。 多分二度と行かない。
It seemed that there was an event for some reason, and the laughter was heard and the employees changed and changed, which made me feel very uncomfortable. Maybe I won't go again.
なかk on Google

まくらを購入。できるまでの間、他商品の説明を受けたが、購入する気がないと伝えても帰らせてもらえない。 スタッフ5人ほどに囲まれ、帰りたいと伝えてもそれでも引き止められる。 しつこすぎます。 まくらができるまでの間....と思っていたらとっくに出来ていた様子。 まくらに関しては以前知人の購入にも付き合ったこともあり丁寧な印象があったが、今回は全然でした。データ通りに作って終わり。 店舗や担当者によるのか? サイズも、大きいものになっていたが事前に説明もなし。完成後にレジでサイズが大きいことを知らされ、そこで金額も初提示。 アフターメンテナンスの説明等もなし。 他商品を売りつけることがメインなようで、他商品についてはメンテナンスとかの話もしてきたが、購入した商品への説明は一切なし。 他商品売りつける前に最低限購入商品の説明をきちんとしてほしい。 こんなにもしつこくて、説明もひどくて 残念です
I bought a pillow. Until I could, I received an explanation of other products, but even if I told them that I didn't want to buy them, I wouldn't let them go home. Surrounded by about 5 staff members, even if they tell them they want to go home, they are still stopped. It's too persistent. Until the pillow was made .... I thought it was already done. Regarding pillows, I had a polite impression because I had been acquainted with the purchase of acquaintances before, but this time it was not at all. Make it according to the data and finish. Does it depend on the store or the person in charge? The size was also large, but there was no explanation in advance. After the completion, I was informed at the cash register that the size was large, and the amount was presented for the first time there. There is no explanation of after-maintenance. It seems that selling other products is the main thing, and I have talked about maintenance for other products, but there is no explanation for the purchased products. Before selling other products, I would like you to explain at least the purchased products properly. It ’s so persistent and the explanation is terrible. I'm sorry
冒険したい隊 on Google

ここで、じふんまくらを購入して、もう10年経ちました。 前までは枕が、なかなか合わず、色々な店などで、頻繁に変えていたんですけど、こちらで購入して以来、その時々で枕をずっと無料でメンテナンスしてもらえるので非常に助かってます。 最初、購入する時は、少し高いなぁ~とは思いましたけど、やはり仕事内容が変わったり、年と共に体型なども変わっていくので、それに合わせて枕も見直してもらえてるので、ありがたいです。
It's been 10 years since I bought Jifunmakura here. Before, the pillows didn't fit well and I changed them frequently at various stores, but since I bought them here, I've been able to maintain the pillows for free from time to time, which is very helpful. At first, when I bought it, I thought it was a little expensive, but after all the work content changes and the body shape changes with the years, so I am grateful that the pillows are reviewed accordingly.
Satoko Endoh on Google

There were more types of pillows from the stores in Aeon. There are plenty of mattresses. This is the place to buy bedding.

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