タイヤ専業店 優輪

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact タイヤ専業店 優輪

住所 :

Hokima, Adachi City, 〒121-0064 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Webサイト : https://tire-yurin.com/
街 : Tokyo

Hokima, Adachi City, 〒121-0064 Tokyo,Japan
悠介 on Google

He repaired a flat tire that was said to be unrepairable at a gas station in no time. Craftsmanship unique to a tire specialty store! Also, there were few grooves on the front tires, so I asked them to choose a recommended tire and exchange it at a later date. It was a wonderful shop with water, green tea and real gold drink service in the waiting room.
野田正広 on Google

作業して頂いている皆さんは無口ですが話しかけると気軽に話してくれます。 在庫もとても多く色々と相談にものって貰えそうでした!
Everyone who works is silent, but if you talk to them, they will feel free to talk to you. There was a lot of stock, and it seemed that I could get various consultations!
kana fu on Google

とても親切にしていただきました。 待合室もあり、ゆっくり待つことができます。 子供を連れていても安心です。
Thank you very much for your kindness. There is also a waiting room where you can wait slowly. It is safe to bring children.
足 西 トリカントク on Google

I am a private taxi driver. Work is faster than other shops, and the response is excellent. Please change the tires every time.
MARU shibata on Google

何度もお世話になってますが価格も両親的です。 丁寧な作業ですが仕事はは早く知識も豊富です。 足立区近辺では1番ではないでしょうか! 夕方は混雑する時が有ります。
I have been indebted to you many times, but the price is also parental. It's a polite work, but the work is quick and knowledgeable. Isn't it No. 1 in the vicinity of Adachi Ward? It may be crowded in the evening.
仲村誠 on Google

後輪にネジが刺さっているのを発見して 慌てて事前に連絡もせずに飛び込みで優輪さんに。 突然の来店にも嫌な顔せずに 丁寧な対応をして頂きました。 タイヤ1本交換しましたが、びっくりするくらい作業が早くて、またびっくりするくらい金額が安かったです。 タイヤ専業店とあるように、タイヤのプロフェッショナル揃いのお店だと思います。 また、他の方も書いているように 作業している間、待っているスペースが とてもお洒落でした。 今後はタイヤに関することは全て優輪さんにお願いしようと思いました。
I found a screw stuck in the rear wheel In a hurry, I jumped in to Yuwa without contacting me in advance. Don't look unpleasant even when you come to the store suddenly Thank you for your polite response. I changed one tire, but the work was surprisingly fast and the price was surprisingly cheap. I think it is a store that has professional tires, just like a tire specialty store. Also, as others have written The space you're waiting for while you're working It was very fashionable. From now on, I would like to ask Yuwa-san for everything related to tires.
千田達也 on Google

今回事情がありトラック6本スタッドレスタイヤに交換していただきました 交換の経緯をご相談したところ、親切丁寧で親身にご対応やアドバイスをしていただきました 交換作業もスピーディーに行っていただき、とても感謝しております!
Due to circumstances this time, I had you replace it with 6 truck studless tires. After discussing the circumstances of the exchange, they were kind and polite and kindly responded and gave advice. We are very grateful for the speedy replacement work!
Andres Bonifacio on Google

Fantastic Service. Service attendant are very attentive and proffessional. Superfast and Efficient. 15 min. For 4 wheels to change tires. Price is not too costly. Highly Recommendable!

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