
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

花のアトリエ大川 - 東大阪市のお花屋さん - Xn--cckm9g0f.jp

東大阪市のお花屋さん。大阪府東大阪市宝持4-9-7 最寄り駅:八戸ノ里駅、小阪駅。花束、アレンジメント、ドライフラワー、プリザーブドフラワー、多肉植物など各種取り扱っています。お祝い、プレゼント、ご自宅用などお花のことならなんでもお任せください!保育園から大学まで各種教育機関、役所関係など様々な分野からご依頼いただいております。

Contact 花のアトリエ大川

住所 :

Hoji, Higashiosaka, 〒577-0805 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87787
Webサイト : https://xn--cckm9g0f.jp/
街 : Osaka

Hoji, Higashiosaka, 〒577-0805 Osaka,Japan
ミッチーミッチー on Google

お供えアレンジを、白とグリーンと紫で 作って頂きました。とっても上品に仕上げて下さって満足です。
Offering arrangements in white, green and purple I had you make it. I am satisfied with the very elegant finish.

It was my first time to use it, but I asked for an arrangement for my friend's third anniversary. Unlike the arrangement on the net, it was very voluminous and I was impressed with the arrangement that was more wonderful than I expected. Also, I would like to use it by all means. Thank you very much.
コイズミユミ on Google

お花が必要な時には、大抵お世話になっています。その都度、気さくに柔軟に対応してくださるので、助かります。 義母の生前からお世話になっているお店です。義母の満中陰忌のお花を作っていただいて大満足です。
When I need flowers, I usually take care of them. Each time, he / she will respond flexibly and flexibly, which is helpful. It is a shop that has been taken care of by my mother-in-law. I am very pleased to have my mother-in-law's flower of the middle anniversary made.
杉浦才智子 on Google

There are always very beautiful flowers, and the shop's older sister is also a fun person, which makes me happy. If the economy allows, I want to go every day. All the flowers are nice, but I especially like the roses.
hinafumi3022 on Google

The piano teacher who was indebted was holding a presentation but came by hand and hurriedly to call the flower's atelier Ohkawa and we will tell you about this budget and use and prepare it It was. The assortment of finished flowers was a good sense with a lot of volume and good appearance. Although I was in a hurry, I was delighted to receive friendly correspondence swiftly and frankly. Moreover, we will use it if there is a recital at the same venue.
水島洋介 on Google

むちゃくちゃ親身に一緒に考えて下さるオーナー様でした! ドライフラワー、生花、気に入って2セットお願いさせて頂きました。 駐車場もあるので、ふらっと誰かのプレゼントに、おすすめです?
It was the owner who thought about it with me in a mess! I asked for two sets of dried flowers and fresh flowers. There is also a parking lot, so it is recommended as a gift for someone ?
mayun on Google

プロポーズでもらったお花を、こちらでブリザーブドフラワーにしていただきました? とっても素敵に仕上がって帰ってきました❣️ 生花から、ブリザーブドフラワーに考えてる方は、ここに行ってください? スタッフの方の対応もとても良いです❤️
The flower I got from the proposal was made into a preserved flower here ? It's finished very nicely and I'm back ❣️ If you are thinking of using fresh flowers as preserved flowers, please go here ? The correspondence of the staff is also very good ❤️
ゆんぷん on Google

頼んでいた商品を取りに伺いました。 保管料がかかるので早く取りに来いと言われて、このコロナ禍の中伺いました。 前々から伺う日をお伝えし、準備しておきますとの事でした。 がお店に入り名前を伝えると、???って感じで、○○さんですか?と違うお客さんの名前を何度も聞かれ、お店の奥を探され…戻ってきたと思えば準備できてないのでラッピングする間、お待ちくださいとのこと。 事前に伺う日を何の為に伝えたのか? 準備できないくせに、しときますって出来ないことを客に伝えるな! ましてやコロナ禍遠方から足を運んでいるのに。 ええ加減な商売をしているお店だと思いました。 他店と比べると値段もだいぶ高め。 場所も分かりにくく狭い住宅街でした。
I went to pick up the product I was asking for. I was told to come to pick it up early because it costs a storage fee, so I visited this corona demurrage. He said that he would tell us the day he would visit from before and prepare for it. When he enters the store and tells his name, what? ?? ?? Is it Mr. ○○? I was asked the name of a different customer many times, and I was looking for the back of the shop ... If I think I'm back, I'm not ready, so please wait while wrapping. What did you tell us about the day you visited in advance? Don't tell your customers that you can't do it even though you can't prepare! Even though I'm visiting from afar. Yes, I thought it was a shop that had a sloppy business. The price is much higher than other stores. The location was difficult to understand and it was a small residential area.

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