Hitachi Logstics Chukyo Sales Office 1 - Kasugai

1/5 に基づく 1 レビュー

Contact Hitachi Logstics Chukyo Sales Office 1

住所 :

3833-1 Machiyacho, Kasugai, Aichi 486-0809, Japan

Postal code : 486-0809

3833-1 Machiyacho, Kasugai, Aichi 486-0809, Japan
とうふワカメ on Google

派遣先がここだったけど二度と行かない。 2階の日常品のピッキング作業だったけど社員の教え方が余りにも酷すぎる。 髪の毛ド派手に染めた糞デブ女の社員は態度が特に悪い。
I was dispatched here, but I will never go there again. It was picking work for everyday items on the 2nd floor, but the way employees teach is too harsh. Employees of feces fat women who dyed their hair flashy have a particularly bad attitude.

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