Hisamidō Main Store - Machida

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hisamidō Main Store

住所 :

6 Chome-11-10 Haramachida, Machida, Tokyo 194-0013, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 194-0013
Webサイト : https://www.hisamido.co.jp/

6 Chome-11-10 Haramachida, Machida, Tokyo 194-0013, Japan
NAGAOKA Jorge (ほるへ・長岡) on Google

Amazonは便利だけと、街の本屋無くなったら悲しい。 なるべく本屋さんで買うようにしてて、ちゃんと目当ての本をゲット
Amazon is only convenient, and it would be sad if the bookstore in the city disappeared. Try to buy it at a bookstore as much as possible and get the book you are looking for
エアロマニア on Google

This is the Ootoya Machida store. I ate a bulgogi beef stir-fried set meal. Bulgogi with sweet and spicy seasoning is irresistible. It is a recommended dish
我ら大日本国大和民族同胞愛初代神武天皇陛下古墳時代から明治大正昭和 on Google

A bookstore for genuine Machida citizens. The product lineup is unique. It is also open in Wuhan Corona. However, Mr. Kumido lacks the feeling that both stores should pick up the book and find it. I feel like I've forgotten it somewhere in a store with a long history. Please try to get it back. You need to be wary of shoplifting your customers, but if you put out that, a decent customer will feel.
三村光正 on Google

A long-established bookstore in Machida, Tokyo. We have a wide selection of products. There is also a stationery department on the 2nd floor. It is useful. We will continue to use it.
Masaki Yamaoka on Google

久しぶりに行きましたが、日本書院の書式など近隣で扱っていないものがあるので重宝しています。 小説などは売り場面積が縮小した様に感じます。
I went there for the first time in a long time, but it is useful because there are things that are not handled in the neighborhood such as the format of the Japanese Shoin. I feel that the sales floor area of ​​novels has shrunk.
Masamichi Iwamura on Google

昔からこの地にある書店で、高校生まではよく寄って参考書や雑誌を買ってました。 大学生や社会人になって専門書を探しに行くと、なかなか目的にかなう本が少ない事がわかり、今では都内の大型書店に行ってます。 売り場面積で考えるとかなり大きい書店なんですけどね。
For a long time, I used to stop by high school students to buy reference books and magazines at bookstores in this area. When I became a university student or a member of society and went looking for specialized books, I found that there were few books that served my purpose, and now I go to a large bookstore in Tokyo. Considering the sales floor area, it's a fairly large bookstore.
いまいなほこ on Google

I am very satisfied with buying more than 5,000 items such as Setsuko Tamura's new book, other books, and a case post card with a cute foil mask. Setuko-san is cute no matter how many times she becomes! I'm glad to hear that she lives in Machida. I got a sense of intimacy. Mr. Kumido Thank you for the event for this new issue.
hiro h on Google

参考書の品揃えが町田で一番充実している。参考書といえば久美堂と言っても過言ではない。3階はいつ訪れても学生で溢れており、受験生の時は非常にお世話になった。時代の流れなのかもしれないが以前と比べると参考書の品揃えが少なくなった様にも思える。 スマホの普及、Amazonや電子書籍の登場で本屋さん自体がどんどん閉店しているがリアルな書店だからこそのメリットもたくさんある。 受験生の為にも絶対に存続して欲しいお店なので頑張って頂きたい。
Machida has the most extensive selection of reference books. It is no exaggeration to say that Kumido is a reference book. The 3rd floor was always full of students, and I was very helpful when I was an examinee. It may be a trend of the times, but it seems that the selection of reference books has decreased compared to before. The bookstore itself is closing more and more due to the spread of smartphones and the appearance of Amazon and e-books, but there are many merits because it is a real bookstore. It is a shop that I definitely want to survive for the examinees, so please do your best.

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