Hirota Shrine - Nishinomiya

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hirota Shrine

住所 :

7番7号 Taishacho, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 662-0867, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8798789
Postal code : 662-0867
Webサイト : http://www.hirotahonsya.or.jp/
Description : Founded in 201 AD, this peaceful shrine sits within a park with azaleas in bloom in spring.

7番7号 Taishacho, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 662-0867, Japan
Nobbys ! on Google

西宮市にある廣田神社へお参りに行ってまいりました。 国道171号線の少し北から本殿へ通じる参道は、ほぼ直線で500mあまりも続きますが、綺麗に整備されていて、また車道とは完全に分離されているので、お年寄りや小さな子供を連れた方でも安心して歩くことができます。 赤外線センサーにより自動的に水が流れる手水舎と、その傍らには阪神タイガース優勝祈願の絵馬についての案内立札がありました(こちらとは別に普通の絵柄の絵馬を選ぶことも可能です)。 訪れた際は本殿が復興工事の真っ只中で、その姿を拝見することは出来ませんでしたが、またいつか機会があればお参りしたいと思います。
I went to visit Hirota Shrine in Nishinomiya City. The approach leading from a little north of National Highway 171 to the main shrine is almost a straight line and continues for about 500 m, but it is well maintained and completely separated from the road, so we brought elderly people and small children. Even people can walk with peace of mind. There was a guide sign about the votive tablet that prays for the victory of the Hanshin Tigers next to the Chozuya where water automatically flows by the infrared sensor (you can also choose a votive tablet with a normal pattern). When I visited, the main shrine was in the middle of reconstruction work and I couldn't see it, but I would like to visit again if I have a chance.
みつだよしき on Google

On 1/16, the dedication of "Hanshin Tiger Dance" was held to pray for the requiescats of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, and I went to see it. It was a brave and well-made dance.
Akihiko Ueno on Google

近くの道はよく通過していましたが、初めて参拝させていただきました。 阪神タイガースも祈願成就を毎年開幕前に参拝している神社でもあります。 思った以上に広々とした場所で、祈願所や本殿も立派な構築物で圧倒される雰囲気を感じます。 西宮神社の戎神社の北(距離はあり)の甲山山麓帯に在り、大阪今宮戎神社の北(阪神高速道路)を越え直ぐに広田神社があります。 何かと関連があるか解りませんが不思議に思います。
I used to pass the nearby road, but I visited for the first time. The Hanshin Tigers is also a shrine that worships the fulfillment of prayers every year before the opening. The place is more spacious than I expected, and I feel that the prayer hall and the main hall are overwhelmed by the splendid structures. Located at the foot of Mt. Kabuto, north of Nishinomiya Ebisu Shrine (with a distance), Hirota Shrine is located just beyond the north of Osaka Imamiya Ebisu Shrine (Hanshin Expressway). I don't know if it has anything to do with it, but I'm wondering.
13 ciervo on Google

兵庫県第一の古社。 阪神タイガースの必勝祈願で有名な、聖地でもあります。 寅年の今年の初詣のため、多くの参拝者で混雑していたようですが、三が日が過ぎると、静寂を取り戻していました。 とても長い参道に由緒の深さと勢いを感じます。
The first old shrine in Hyogo prefecture. It is also a sacred place famous for the Hanshin Tigers' prayer for victory. It seems that it was crowded with many worshipers because of the first visit of this year in the year of the Tiger, but after three days passed, it regained its silence. I feel the depth and momentum of the very long approach.
まきまき on Google

Shigetoshi Nishimura on Google

Mến Nguyễn on Google

Peaceful spot to stay away from the bustling city.
Paul T on Google

Beautiful peaceful place. Take time out to rest, think, pray. Find peace within.

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