
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 縁屋

住所 :

Hirohonmachi, Kure, 〒737-0914 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://hitosara.com/0006122695/
街 : Hiroshima

Hirohonmachi, Kure, 〒737-0914 Hiroshima,Japan
平ちゃん(ひらちゃん) on Google

コロナで大変な中、必死でやりくりしている姿は素晴らしい。 手の込んだ弁当が他とは違い、食べ応えあります。
It's amazing how desperately doing things in Corona's hard times. The elaborate bento is different from the others, and it's satisfying to eat.
Hazime Kobayashi on Google

お酒類の価格設定が少し高めですが料理はおいしいので満足でした。 注文してからのスピードも言うことなし!
Price setting of liquor was a little high, but was delicious as dish was delicious. There is nothing to say about the speed after ordering!
アリじしゃく on Google

以前此処に有った、船越というおみせに来たつもりでしたが。 経営者が変わられた様で、違うお店になっていました。 新しいお店も雰囲気がよく、美味しいお料理でとても満足です。 ランチを頂きましたが、リーズナブルでとても良かったです。
I was planning to come to the place called Funakoshi, which used to be here. It seems that the owner has changed, so it was a different shop. The new restaurant also has a good atmosphere and I am very satisfied with the delicious food. I had lunch and it was reasonably priced.
8888 mishin on Google

I ordered a course meal with 9 items. There was no need to ask, and the amount was perfect and it was very delicious. I enjoyed my meal calmly in a private room. The customer service was also wonderful. Thank you for the meal.
sennin kame on Google

初めてランチに行ったんですがすごく美味しいですよ。 個室でくつろげるし雰囲気もいいですし食後に季節のデザートのシャーベットをたのんだら丁度食べ頃の固さだったし美味しいですよ。 今度は、ぜひ夜も行ってみたいですね。 かなりおすすめの和食居酒屋さんですね。
I went to lunch for the first time and it's really delicious. You can relax in a private room and the atmosphere is nice. If you enjoy the seasonal dessert sorbet after a meal, it is just as hard as it is eaten and it is delicious. Next time, I definitely want to go there at night. It's a highly recommended Japanese izakaya.
ma- m on Google

刺身が新鮮、どの料理も美味しかった。 〆に焼きむす茶漬けがとても良かった。
The sashimi was fresh and all the dishes were delicious. The chazuke that was grilled on the 〆 was very good.
a san on Google

火、水、木、11:30〜14:00限定でランチでお弁当販売されていました。? テイクアウトメニューの種類も豊富です。 お店の方も、親切で愛想も良く、とてもいい感じでした? 自粛明けたら、お店に食べに行きたいです?
Lunch boxes were sold for lunch only on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 11:30 to 14:00. ? There is also a wide variety of take-out menus. The shop staff was kind and friendly, and it felt very good ? After refraining from myself, I want to go to the store to eat ?
広島太郎 on Google

申し訳ありません。 二度と利用する事は無いです。 料理 単価が高い。その割には「美味い」「コレは家では食べられない」「珍しい」「手が込んでる」等の外食で感じたいものが一切感じられなかった。なた、メニューもワクワク感が無い。言葉は悪いが「レンチン」レベル。 アルコール 有り得ない価格設定。飲み物がいちばん儲けがある事は理解するが、それにしても高価。 飲み放題がある様だが1〜2杯で十分な人には有り得ない。料理が高級店レベルじゃ無いのにコレはどうかと思う。 居酒屋で初めて見た価格 酎ハイ 520円 角ハイボール 630円
I'm sorry. I will never use it again. cooking The unit price is high. For that reason, I couldn't feel anything I wanted to feel when eating out, such as "delicious", "this is not eaten at home", "rare", and "elaborate". You don't feel excited about the menu. The language is bad, but it is at the "rentin" level. alcohol Impossible pricing. I understand that drinks are the most profitable, but they are still expensive. There seems to be all-you-can-drink, but it is not possible for people who have enough for one or two cups. I wonder how this is, even though the food is not at the level of a high-end store. The price I saw for the first time in an izakaya Chuhai 520 yen Corner highball 630 yen

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