鳳々軒 - Toyota

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鳳々軒

住所 :

Hirayamacho, Toyota, 〒471-0827 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 471-0827
街 : Aichi

Hirayamacho, Toyota, 〒471-0827 Aichi,Japan
m7/8s m18 on Google

餃子は食べて損なし!結構パンチが聞いてます。食べやすいサイズでご飯にもビールにも合いますね。 マーボー豆腐 結構とろみがあってコクがある。辛さはないけど濃い目かな。 ご飯が進みます。
You can eat dumplings without any loss! I hear quite a punch. It's easy to eat and goes well with rice and beer. Mabo tofu It is quite thick and rich. It's not spicy, but it's dark. The rice will proceed.
クマジェニー(ジェニー) on Google

家族3人で行きました。 天津飯、チャーハン、鳳々ラーメン、餃子、唐揚げを頂きました。 すべて大変美味しかったです。 天津飯は甘くないあんかけが大変美味しかった。 餃子もウマい。 家族全員大満足です。
I went with my family. I received Tianjin rice, fried rice, savory ramen, dumplings and fried chicken. Everything was very delicious. Tianjin rice was not so sweet and the sauce was very delicious. Dumplings are also horses. The whole family is very happy.
ちゃんあれん on Google

餃子の味、皮の厚み、サイズ完璧です。他店で 餃子を頼んだりしないのですが、この店では、当たり前に、最低1人前は頼みます。 うちの家族では 何人前か餃子を頼んで、余る事はありません。 むしろ奪い合いです。 チャーハンも子供から大人まで、誰が食べても美味しいと言う奇跡の味!仕事柄、色々な店でチャーハンセットを食べますが、この店より美味しいチャーハンは食べた事がありません。 そして個人的に定番になっているのが台湾味噌ラーメン。日によって味噌が勝ったり辛さが勝ったりしますが、どちらでも絶品には変わりません。 食べに行く度に毎回感心する最強の中華屋です。
The taste of the dumplings, the thickness of the skin, and the size are perfect. At another store I do not ask for dumplings, but at this shop, at least one person asks for it. In my family, I have to ask for a few dumplings and there is nothing left to do. Rather it is a fight. The taste of miracle that fried rice is delicious for children and adults, anyone can eat it! I have eaten fried rice at work, various stores, but I have never eaten delicious fried rice from this store. And it is Taiwan Miso ramen that has become a staple personally. Depending on the day, the miso wins or the hotness won't change either. It is the strongest Chinese restaurant that I admire every time I go to eat.
セーロルー on Google

店に入って最初の印象は 「(タバコ)吸ってんじゃん」 鳳々ラーメンの味は誰でも作れそうな安っぽい味でした ここで食事するなら近所のファミマでカップ麺を食べたほうがよっぽどましでした
The first impression after entering the store is "You're smoking (cigarette)" The taste of Otori Ramen was a cheesy taste that anyone could make. If I had to eat here, it would have been better to eat cup noodles at my neighborhood FamilyMart.
広之進桑原 on Google

前から気になっていた中華料理屋さん。 外観が古すぎて、やってるのかな❓なんて思ってて、作業後の遅いランチで入ってみました。 なんと❗ むちゃくちゃ美味いじゃない? 炒飯は日本人が好きな丁度いい味付け。 ラーメンスープも透き通り、香りも良く旨い。おじいちゃんが一人で鍋を振り、作ってくれます。 40年間の古びた店内が、懐かしい気持ちになりました。 後で口コミを見たら、やっぱり称賛の言葉だらけ。 大好きになりました。
A Chinese restaurant that I've always been interested in. The appearance is too old, so I wondered if I was doing it ❓, so I went in for a late lunch after work. What ❗ It's not really delicious ? Fried rice is just the right seasoning that Japanese people like. The ramen soup is also transparent and has a nice aroma. Grandpa shakes the pot alone and makes it for you. The 40-year-old interior made me feel nostalgic. When I saw the word of mouth later, it was full of praise. I love you.
Muscle Back on Google

台湾ラーメンミンチ大盛り➕ミンチで食べる台湾ラーメンは絶品です。お試しください∠( ̄^ ̄)
Large serving of minced Taiwan ramen ➕ The Taiwan ramen eaten with minced meat is excellent. Please try ∠ ( ̄ ^  ̄)
YA Na on Google

美味しい! 台湾ラーメンとチャーハンのセット頼みました。 台湾ラーメンもスープも含めて美味しかった、辛さいい感じ。 チャーハンがまた美味しい。またたべたくなるかんじ。カウンターから大将の作っている姿、そして作っているときのにおいがイイ! ごちそうさま!
delicious! I ordered a set of Taiwan ramen and fried rice. The Taiwan ramen and soup were delicious and spicy. Fried rice is delicious again. I want to eat again. The appearance of the general making from the counter and the smell when making it are good! Feast!
くろ on Google

It is a long-established Chinese restaurant with a very old appearance. It seems that the husband is alone. I had Taiwan ramen and fried rice from the set menu. Taiwan ramen came first. It's a clear and beautiful soup, but it's quite spicy. There is also a large amount of minced meat that makes you addicted. And for fried rice, it's very simple, but it's really delicious and the fried rice doesn't stop. It's a really good salted plum.

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