
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact とんかつ看貫場

住所 :

Hiratsuka, 〒254-0052 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–10:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–1:30PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Hiratsuka, 〒254-0052 Kanagawa,Japan
佐藤誠 on Google

トンカツもお刺身も美味しい! 普段使いでもグルメ気分になれます♪ お値段もリーズナブルで申し分ないです。 私にとってランチはA定食が定番になっています。
Tonkatsu and sashimi are delicious! You can feel gourmet even if you use it ♪ The price is reasonable and perfect. For me, A set meal is a staple for lunch.
Yuji Akita on Google

It seems to be the strongest lunch in Hiratsuka's cospa! The cutlet has a rather firm meat quality, so it seems that the tastes will be different, but I was afraid that the Negitoro was 900 yen.
Shiya Ni on Google

ランチの感想です。 魚もお肉もどちらも食べれます。 この日はとんかつ定食、 小鉢でネギトロとしらすおろしがついてきて900円? コスパも味も最強です。 写真に載ってませんがご飯?あります。
It is an impression of lunch. You can eat both fish and meat. Tonkatsu set meal on this day, Comes with a small bowl of Negitoro and grated shirasu for 900 yen ? The cost performance and taste are the strongest. Although not shown in the photo, there is rice ?.
Kazu Yamamoto on Google

昔からある居酒屋。夜は居酒屋ですが昼はランチでとんかつやお刺身、焼き魚を頂けます。どれも美味しいのですが特にとんかつは絶品です。色々なところでとんかつを食べていますが、看貫場のとんかつは個人的に3本指に入ります。 昼はランチ、夜は居酒屋・・外から見るとちょっと入りにくいイメージがありましたが、カウンターにはお一人様、テーブルや座敷には家族連れもいて敷居は低かったです(笑)
An old tavern. It's an izakaya at night, but you can have pork cutlet, sashimi, and grilled fish for lunch at noon. All of them are delicious, but the pork cutlet is especially excellent. I eat tonkatsu in various places, but I personally have three tonkatsu in Kankanba. Lunch at noon, izakaya at night ... I had the impression that it was a little difficult to enter from the outside, but the threshold was low because there was one person at the counter and families at the table and tatami room (laughs).
MITSURU KATAKURA (ものごころ) on Google

カツとフライと魚たち 平塚の駅から徒歩15分以上、地元の方、御用達のとんかつ「看貫場(かんかんば)」狭い店内はカウンターに5席、小テーブルに奥に座敷。趣深い雰囲気の居酒屋風のお店です。フライメニューと刺身、焼き魚メニューが入り混じってるのですが、入り口の黒板に「とんかつ刺身定食900円」の文字が! カラッとラードで揚がったとんかつは、コロモがきれい。刺身はイワシが2切れとネギトロを小皿で。しらすおろしもついて、ごはんは多め。 卓上には精製塩としょうゆ。ソースが特別だった! おろしもあるのでおろししょうゆでもいける。 ただソースの味が格別で、チェダーソース入ってるかのようなコクと、ドロリとした粘度がすごい。これ美味しかったなー。刺身ももちろん美味しかったですが、このソースがとにかく印象的でした。
Cutlet, fly and fish More than 15 minutes on foot from Hiratsuka station, locals and purveyors of Tonkatsu "Kankamba" The small interior has 5 seats at the counter and a tatami room at the back of the small table. It is an izakaya-style restaurant with a tasteful atmosphere. The fried menu, sashimi, and grilled fish menu are mixed, but the blackboard at the entrance says "Tonkatsu sashimi set meal 900 yen"! The pork cutlet fried in crispy lard has a beautiful colomo. For sashimi, 2 slices of sardines and a small plate of Negitoro. There is also a lot of grated shirasu and a lot of rice. Refined salt and soy sauce on the table. The sauce was special! There is also grated soy sauce, so you can use grated soy sauce. However, the taste of the sauce is exceptional, and the richness as if it contains cheddar sauce and the thick viscosity are amazing. This was delicious. The sashimi was delicious, of course, but this sauce was just impressive.
romanee domane on Google

平日ランチで訪問 平塚には何軒か同様な金額で とんかつランチが食べれるお店ありますが その中ではこちらが一番かなぁと。 ロースカツは大きめですし このロースカツで税込¥740は お得感満載です。 お魚系やお刺身系もあるので いいと思います。
Visit for lunch on weekdays For a similar amount of money in Hiratsuka There are shops where you can eat tonkatsu lunch I wonder if this is the best of them. The low cutlet is large This loin cutlet costs ¥ 740 including tax It is full of great deals. There are also fish and sashimi I think it's good.
マウントひろちゃん on Google

素敵なご夫婦?が美味しくリーズナブルな料理を提供してくれます。色んなカツや、焼き魚、お刺身など…お酒を飲まない方も美味しく食事出来るお店です。もちろん、飲む?方も種類豊富な肴を楽しめます! 駐車場駐車場?も店の裏に3台あり。
A lovely couple? Offers delicious and reasonably priced food. Various cutlets, grilled fish, sashimi, etc ... It is a restaurant where even those who do not drink can eat deliciously. Of course, those who drink ? can also enjoy a wide variety of side dishes! Parking lot Parking lot ? also has 3 cars behind the store.
Teruyuki Matsumura on Google

以前からこの店の存在は知っていましたが特に気になることも無く、たまたまGoogle Mapで4.4というとても高い評価を獲得していることに気付き、ランチ時に立ち寄ってみました。 とんかつと書かれていますが、外観も店内の雰囲気も、そして料理も居酒屋さんというほうが相応しいといった感じです。 とんかつ刺身セットをいただきましたが、刺身といっても出てきたのは小さなネギトロのようなもので、正直なところエッ⁉という印象でしたが、出て来た料理を見てこれで900円というのはちょっと安すぎるのではと感じるくらいのものでした。 料理はとても美味しく、更にごはん大盛 or おかわり1杯は無料だそうです。 何となく入りづらい印象はありますが、確かに高評価を獲得している店だと思いました。 駐車場は店の裏に3台分ありました。
I knew the existence of this shop for a long time, but I didn't really care about it, and I happened to notice that it got a very high rating of 4.4 on Google Maps, so I stopped by at lunch. Although it is written as pork cutlet, it seems that the appearance, the atmosphere inside the store, and the food are more suitable for an izakaya. I received a pork cutlet sashimi set, but the sashimi that came out was like a small Negitoro, and to be honest, I had the impression that it was E⁉, but when I saw the food that came out, it was 900 yen. I felt that it was a little too cheap. The food is very delicious, and a large serving of rice or a refill is free. I have the impression that it is difficult to enter, but I think it is a store that has certainly won high praise. There was a parking lot for 3 cars behind the store.

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