Hirao Cardiology and Gastroenterology Clinic - Hiroshima

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hirao Cardiology and Gastroenterology Clinic

住所 :

4 Chome-4-2 Funairisaiwaicho, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0844, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 730-0844
Webサイト : http://www.hiraoclinic.sakura.ne.jp/

4 Chome-4-2 Funairisaiwaicho, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0844, Japan
Ako Pon on Google

He was very kind and carefully examined. There was a clean feeling in the hospital, and the receptionist's response was good.
バロ吉 on Google

急に胃が痛くて、仕事早退して、平尾医院長に初診で診て頂きましたが、とても丁寧で、優しく診察して下さいました。 体が痛くて、弱っている時は、やはり優しくちゃんと診てくれる先生がいいです。 薬も、何を出すか、出す必要があるか、余分な注射や飲み薬は、要らないでしょう。と、患者の体を、心配してくれてました。
Suddenly my stomach hurt, I left work early, and the director of Hirao gave me a first visit, but she was very polite and kind. If your body hurts and you are weak, a teacher who can give you a gentle examination is good. You don't need any medicines, what you need to give, what you need to give, or extra injections or medications. I was worried about the patient's body.
Endo Hirosi on Google

For the first time, even though I went late, I had an hour and a half of medical examination and examination. The teacher was easy to talk to and I liked it, but the nurse was very nice to me. I was able to inspect with great peace of mind. I was worried that the blood vessels in my heart might be clogged, but I was relieved.
美容モンスター on Google

小馬鹿にしたようないいかたされました! 2度といきません! もっと患者の事考えた方がいいですよ!
It was like a fool! I will never go again! You should think more about the patient!
みみみみ on Google

I have been to the hospital several times, but he is a very kind teacher who understands the feelings of patients. He explained the merits and demerits of the medicine properly, and I was able to receive a medical examination with peace of mind.
on Google

ネットで評価が良かったので健康診断を受けに行きました。院内は綺麗で、受付の方の対応も早く、健康診断中は看護士の方と雑談も交えながら進められて好感が持てました。 診断結果の問診では、先生が評判通り気さくに優しく、笑顔で対応して下さった為、緊張する事なく素直に自分の状態を話せて安心出来ました。 お薦めできるクリニックです。
I went to get a medical examination because the evaluation was good on the net. The inside of the hospital was beautiful, the receptionist responded quickly, and I was impressed by the fact that during the health examination, I was able to chat with the nurses. In the interview with the diagnosis result, the teacher was kind and kind as the reputation, and responded with a smile, so I was relieved to be able to talk about my condition honestly without being nervous. It is a clinic that we can recommend.
TAMAMA on Google

通いやすい場所の上に駐車場も沢山あるので何度か通院させていただいております。 皆さん仰る通り先生がとても気さくで説明もしっかりしてくださるし、院内もとても綺麗です。 受付の方も看護師さんも皆さん優しく丁寧で安心して診察を受けられます。
There are many parking lots on top of the places that are easy to go to, so I go to the hospital several times. As you say, the teacher is very friendly and gives a solid explanation, and the hospital is very beautiful. The receptionist and the nurses are all kind, polite and safe to receive medical examinations.
上杉アレス on Google

発作性心房細動で何度か通院しました。 ネットの口コミを見てここにしましたが評判通り、感じの良い先生で適切な診察、検査、説明でした。看護師さん医療事務さんも感じが良いです。 検査で心機能に異常は無く、生活指導のみでしたがおかげで安心しましたし発作も起きてません。 ただ、予約制ではなく、人気のクリニックなので初診だろうが再診だろうが待ち時間は物凄く長いので覚悟して行きましょう。
I went to the hospital several times for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. I went here after seeing the word-of-mouth on the internet, but as the reputation says, it was a pleasant doctor and appropriate medical examination, examination, and explanation. The nurse and medical office staff also feel good. The examination showed no abnormalities in my heart function, and I was only given lifestyle guidance, but I was relieved and had no seizures. However, it is not a reservation system, it is a popular clinic, so whether it is your first visit or a return visit, the waiting time is extremely long, so be prepared.

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