有限会社 アートボディー - Kobe

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【有限会社 アートボディー】兵庫県神戸市西区の自動車の整備・修理工場!|グーネットピット - Goo-net.com

有限会社 アートボディー車の修理・整備のプロをご紹介!兵庫県神戸市西区で自動車の車検、点検だけでなく車修理・オイル交換・持込みパーツ取付・板金・塗装のための整備・修理工場もご紹介!

Contact 有限会社 アートボディー

住所 :

Hiranocho, Nishi Ward, Kobe, 〒651-2263 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897889
Postal code : 651-2263
Webサイト : https://www.goo-net.com/pit/shop/0122188/top%3Fsite%3DGMB
街 : Hyogo

Hiranocho, Nishi Ward, Kobe, 〒651-2263 Hyogo,Japan

川上隆広 on Google

Satoshi on Google

毎回小さな修理からルーフ交換までお世話になってます。 仕事は丁寧で安価です。
Every time, from small repairs to roof replacement, we are indebted to you. The work is polite and inexpensive.
高佐原吉貴 on Google

I have been taking care of you for many years. Car repair, dealer. It is a company run by President Hara's family and you can see the car really kindly and meticulously. Mainly a Suzuki car dealer.
Takehisa Fujiwara on Google

自動車の 板金 車検 整備など 自動車のことは ほとんど まかせれるので よく行きます。 社長 や奥さんも 気さくな方なので 色々相談できるので 心強いです。
I often go to automobiles because I can leave most of the things to them, such as sheet metal inspection and maintenance of automobiles. The president and his wife are also friendly people, so it is encouraging to be able to consult with them in various ways.
向井斎夫 on Google

保険会社の紹介で板金塗装の修理でお世話になりした。 Blackのメタリックなので難し色なのかなぁと思ってましたが、綺麗に直して頂いで感謝しています。うっかり代車の中に忘れ物をしてしまったのですが、親切に家まで届けて頂いて本当に助かりました。メチャ親切で仕事もプロフェッショナルなお店だと思いました。また、お願いしたいと思います。ありがとうございました。
I was introduced by an insurance company and was taken care of by repairing the sheet metal painting. I was wondering if it was a difficult color because it is a black metal, but I am grateful that you fixed it cleanly. I inadvertently left something in the substitute car, but it was really helpful to kindly deliver it to my house. I thought it was a very kind and professional shop. Also, I would like to ask. Thank you very much.
佐藤誠(トリップ) on Google

It seems that the car is being leased, but it may pass the vehicle inspection, but there is always a problem. For example, the power cannot be taken from the cigarette lighter, the window opens only one-third, the interior light does not turn on, the air conditioner does not work well, the remote control key does not work, etc. was. However, please let us know and you will be happy to carry out the repair. The clerk can also talk to you easily.
SaGa on Google

☆2にしてる理由は特殊塗装が出来る腕があったためです 塗装以外の評価は微妙な修理屋だと思います。 レビュー時点、電話にて原さん(女性の方)に対応されたので 本当か分かりませんが業務縮小で一元さんは 車検修理関連の依頼が一切出来なくなったみたいです。 縮小前の評価になりますが特殊塗装も出来るので腕は良いと思います。 一応利用してたので言い辛かったのですが ここで依頼しては一番駄目なサービスがあります。 それは、引取り時にされてる洗車サービスになります。 100%と言っていいほど必ず消えない小傷が増えて帰ってきます 別々の車にて確認済み。 一応塗装依頼を出す前にコーティング屋に出した後 目立つ傷が殆ど無い状態で雨が降って少し汚れた状態で出して 確認しました。 汚れてたので洗車時に傷がと言われそうなので 長い付き合いになると思い小傷のクレームは言いませんでしたが 今回縮小されたみたいなので厳しいレビューを記載しました。 ここに修理を依頼出来るなら、引渡し時に道具を貸して頂けるなら 自分で洗車をするのでと言ってサービス洗車をしてない状態で 引き渡し希望と言った方がいいです。
☆ The reason I chose 2 is because I had an arm that could do special painting. I think that the evaluation other than painting is a delicate repair shop. At the time of the review, Mr. Hara (female) was answered by phone, so I don't know if it's true It seems that we can no longer make any requests related to vehicle inspections and repairs. It will be an evaluation before reduction, but I think that the skill is good because special painting is also possible. It was hard to say because I used it for the time being There is the worst service you can request here. It will be the car wash service provided at the time of pick-up. There will be more small scratches that will never disappear, almost 100%, and they will come back. Confirmed in separate cars. After sending it to the coating shop before making a painting request Put it out in a slightly dirty state with rain with almost no noticeable scratches confirmed. Because it was dirty, it seems that it will be scratched when washing the car I didn't complain about small scratches because I thought it would be a long relationship It seems that it has been reduced this time, so I wrote a strict review. If you can request repairs here, if you can lend me the tools at the time of delivery Even if you wash your car yourself, you don't have to wash your car You should say that you want to hand it over.

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