Hinoya - Yokote

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hinoya

住所 :

8-1 Tanakamachi, Yokote, Akita 013-0024, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88779
Postal code : 013-0024
Webサイト : https://yokote-bentou.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6:30PM
Sunday 10AM–6:30PM
Monday 10AM–6:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–6:30PM
Wednesday 10AM–6:30PM
Thursday 10AM–6:30PM
Friday 10AM–6:30PM

8-1 Tanakamachi, Yokote, Akita 013-0024, Japan
NAZO on Google

醤油と塩を頂きました。 醤油は生姜風味でしょっぱいを越えて辛い 塩は衣がガリガリで醤油のそれをさらに越えて苦い ぼだっこレベルです。 唐揚げ1つでご飯一膳食べられます。 唐揚げであれば大曲や秋田市にある まつむら商店さんをオススメします。 味が薄いと書かれている方も居るので 開店したばかりで まだ安定していないのかもしれません。 最近、日野精肉店系列の店舗の質に良い印象がありません。 地元の企業なので応援したい気持ちはあるのですが残念です。
I had soy sauce and salt. Soy sauce is ginger-flavored and spicy beyond salty The salt has a crunchy batter and is bitter than that of soy sauce. You can eat one set of rice with one fried chicken. If it's fried chicken, it's in Omagari or Akita City I recommend Matsumura Shoten. Some people say that the taste is light Just opened It may not be stable yet. Recently, I don't have a good impression of the quality of Hino Meat Shop affiliated stores. It's a local company, so I'd like to support it, but I'm sorry.
小林耕作 on Google

Sometimes I go to buy fried chicken, I go to seek salted koji flavor. The taste is not too salty and delicious. I think it tastes better than other fried chicken specialty stores.
さりゅー on Google

開店日の令和3年5月19日に行きました。 増田町の肉屋がやってる唐揚げ屋です。 昼に買おうとすると1時間くらい待ちます(笑) 夕に買おうとすると売り切れです(笑) 当面は事前予約するなりして買いましょう。 ◇味 食べた人がみんな薄いというので、基本的に味付けは薄い。 「塩と醤油の違いは色だけ」 「売れ過ぎて漬け込みが足りないんじゃないの?」 「美味しいけどオカズ、ツマミにならない」 「薄味にしてリピートさせる作戦かな?」 そんな評価 もしかしたら慣れた頃にはもっと美味しくなってる可能性はある。 ◇食感 1個がコンビニ唐揚げ2つ3つ分の大きさ。 揚げたてはサクサクジューシーで流石です。 少し置いとくと蒸気?肉汁?でベチャっと感が出るのはしょうがないかな。 持ち帰り専門だけど、あまり持ち帰りに向いてない気がする。 ◇総評 スーパーで積み置きされてるのを買うよりは美味しい。 昼前にスーパーで揚げたてを買えればそっちの方が良いかも(笑) コスパは悪くないと思うので今後に期待。
I went to the store on May 19, 3rd year of Reiwa. It is a fried chicken shop run by a butcher in Masuda Town. When I try to buy it at noon, I wait for about an hour (laughs) It's sold out when I try to buy it in the evening (laughs) For the time being, make a reservation in advance and buy it. ◇ Taste Since all the people who ate it are light, the seasoning is basically light. "The only difference between salt and soy sauce is the color." "Isn't it oversold and not enough pickled?" "It's delicious, but it doesn't become a side dish or a knob." "Is it a strategy to make it light and repeat?" Such an evaluation Maybe by the time you get used to it, it will be even more delicious. ◇ Texture One is the size of two or three fried chicken at a convenience store. Freshly fried is crispy and juicy. Is it steam if you leave it for a while? Gravy? I wonder if it can't be helped to get a sticky feeling. I specialize in take-out, but I don't think it's suitable for take-out. ◇ Overview It's better than buying it in a supermarket. If you can buy freshly fried food at the supermarket before noon, that might be better (laughs) I don't think the cost performance is bad, so I'm looking forward to it in the future.
気楽只人 on Google

Soy sauce and salt are quite salty. Spicy is pretty spicy. The taste itself is like ordinary fried chicken. Compared to the fried chicken at the Caqueta butcher shop in Kitakami City, Iwate Prefecture, the impression is that it is not good enough.
佐藤誠 on Google

ボリュームのある唐揚げ、味もご飯にちょうど良かった(濃い目)。 スパイシーな唐揚げは自分的には無くて良いかな
The fried chicken with a lot of volume and the taste were just right for rice (dark eyes). I wonder if I don't have to have spicy fried chicken myself
chusei shibata on Google

Take out fried chicken and limited edition items on the day as snacks for sake. You can also enjoy the sauce sold separately.
コーキ on Google

開店翌日から何度か利用しています。初めは電話予約してから行ってましたが、最近は落ち着いたからなのか、お昼時を外しているからなのか、直接行ってもそんなに待つ事はありません。 味の好みは人それぞれで何とも言えませんが、黒醤油から揚げは、濃い味好きな自分の口には合っています。熱々ジューシーな揚げたてを食べれるのはやっぱり最高。安いだけの紛い物の唐揚げを売ってるスーパーよりは何倍も美味しい。 レジのお姉さんは親切だし、持ち帰る確率は半々だけど無料の味噌汁があるのもグッドです。 ただ一つ、から揚げに添えてあるキャベツの量が少な過ぎる、マジで圧倒的に驚く程少ない!あれだけなんとかなりませんかね?
I have been using it several times since the day after the store opened. At first, I made a phone reservation before going, but lately I don't have to wait so long even if I go directly, maybe because I'm calm or because I'm off lunch. Each person can't say what the taste is, but fried chicken from black soy sauce suits the taste of the person who likes strong taste. After all it is the best to be able to eat hot and juicy freshly fried food. It's many times more delicious than the supermarkets that sell fried chicken, which is only cheap. The cashier's sister is kind, and although the probability of taking it home is half, it is also good to have free miso soup. The only thing is that the amount of cabbage attached to the fried chicken is too small, it is really surprisingly small! Isn't that all that much?
齋藤健吾 on Google

秋田県横手市、街中に出来たテイクアウトの弁当屋さん。 地元で有名なお肉屋さんが母体です。焼肉屋さんを多く展開されており、私も出張時にちょくちょく利用していました。 以前から社長さんのメールで、テイクアウト専門店を出す予定があるとは知っていました。 取引先の方から、お店やってますよと教えられて寄ってみました。 平日の夜に訪問、先客は1名。 レジで聞くと、醤油味の唐揚げは売り切れ。塩だれ味ならありますとの事で、唐揚げ弁当大を注文。 税込み648円なり。 会計はセルフレジで、レシート番号で呼ばれるとの事でしばし待機。ちなみにレジ袋は有料5円だそう。お断りしました。 ちょうど私までで、唐揚げは売り切れたようで、次のお客さんは違うメニュー頼んでいました。 レジ前にお総菜も売ってました。唐揚げに付ける各種ソースも売ってます。 出来上がり、ホテルに持ち帰り食べました。弁当並と弁当大の違いは唐揚げの個数。 並は2個入り、大は3個入り。 唐揚げの大きさがかなりビッグサイズ。 タバコを置いて写真撮りました。 なかなかのボリュームです。 外はカリカリ、中はジューシー。塩だれ味は美味しかったです。 それにも増して、ご飯が美味しい。炊き方もバッチリ、さすが秋田県です。もっと食べたかったです。 味はいいのですが、お店のスタッフさんが元気がない。ぼそぼそ話すのは客商売的にいまいちです。 明るく大きな声で、はっきりテキパキがいいと思います。 なので点数下げました。 今後に期待します。 ごちそうさまでした。
A take-out bento shop built in the city of Yokote City, Akita Prefecture. The mother is a locally famous butcher. There are many yakiniku restaurants, and I used to use them often when I was on a business trip. I knew from the president's email that I was planning to open a take-out specialty store. A business partner told me that I'm running a shop, so I stopped by. Visited on weekday nights, with one guest. When I asked at the cash register, the soy sauce-flavored fried chicken was sold out. I ordered a fried chicken bento because it has a salty taste. It is 648 yen including tax. The checkout is self-checkout, and it is called by the receipt number, so I wait for a while. By the way, the shopping bag costs 5 yen. I declined. By just me, the fried chicken seemed to be sold out, and the next customer was asking for a different menu. I also sold delicatessen before the check-in. We also sell various sauces for fried chicken. When it was done, I took it back to the hotel and ate it. The difference between the size of a bento and the size of a bento is the number of fried chicken. The average is 2 pieces, and the large is 3 pieces. The size of fried chicken is quite big. I put a cigarette and took a picture. It's quite a volume. Crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. The salty taste was delicious. Even more, the rice is delicious. The way to cook is perfect, as expected in Akita prefecture. I wanted to eat more. The taste is good, but the staff at the restaurant are not well. It's not good for customers to talk sloppyly. It's bright and loud, and I think it's definitely nice. So I lowered the score. I look forward to it in the future. Thank you for the meal.

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