
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ヤナイ無線(株)

住所 :

Hinodecho, Isesaki, 〒372-0022 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : http://park23.wakwak.com/~yanaimusen/
街 : Gunma

Hinodecho, Isesaki, 〒372-0022 Gunma,Japan
HIRO SAKA (ポンタコス) on Google

The only radio shop in Isesaki that has electronic parts (there are few types). A wide variety of radios and antennas. Occasionally, it is also attractive that sales events of manufacturers of wireless devices (diamonds, comets, ICOM, etc.) are held.
井上雅人 on Google

Recommended for those who want to make a circuit from the board.
英人峯岸 on Google

アマチュア無線ショップです。 JR1VY協力会窓口でもあります。 運営厳しいローカルレピータ保全も頑張っていますよ。
It is an amateur radio shop. It is also the contact point for the JR1VY Cooperation Association. We are also working hard to maintain strict local repeaters.
Leo V on Google

アマチュア無線のお店は少なくなってしまいましたが、ここは元気に営業しているようです。無線関連の買い物ならここ一択といった感じかと思います(群馬内では太田にもあるらしいですが)。 最近、YouTubeのおかげで、無線を趣味にする人が復活しつつあるように思うので、このお店がこの地域の無線を趣味にする人達の拠点になれば、利用者としても嬉しいですね。
Although there are few amateur radio shops, it seems that they are doing well here. I think this is the choice for wireless shopping (it seems to be Ota in Gunma). Recently, thanks to YouTube, it seems that people who are interested in radio are reviving, so if this shop becomes a base for people who like radio in this area, I would be happy as a user.
Shinya Takekawa on Google

Base base for amateur radio operators in the Tomo area. Cheap bargains and new products with great discounts. I saw a leaflet of a bargain sale on ham radio SNS, but there is a feeling of discount from Akihabara. It seems that this shop is quite crowded on weekends, so I visited immediately after the shop opened on weekdays and had my wife explain it slowly. Now, since you don't need to pay for drinking in Corona, let's all invest in wireless that will never be dense ❗️ I'm not actually a local person, but my wife's parents' house is in Gunma prefecture, so when I returned home, I realized the visit. Akihabara these days isn't interesting because it's pushed by maid cafes and figures, so I'd be happy if there was a shop like Mr. Yanai nearby.
金井公一 on Google

I decided to restart amateur radio for the first time in 30 years, and since there was no shop near my house with such a wide selection, I went from Takasaki to Isesaki. There was a wife in the shop and she was really kind to me. This is a really recommended shop.
金澤佳雅 on Google

10年以上振りに、ヤナイ無線さんに赴きました。 昔々、高崎市の外れの吉井町から、通った時は、幾分若かったので、楽でしたが、今は北橘に近い前橋市の団地に住んでますが、目と鼻の先に上武バイパスが有るので。 そこから、一直線で行ける良いルートが出来ていたので、大変便利に通うことが出来る様に成りました。 で、無線機が専門ですが、半田ごてや、電子部品の品揃えも、県内では大変良い品物と部品があり。 無線機も、ネット通販や、某ネットオークションと同等の価格水準で新品で保証付きの商品が手に入るのは、大変嬉しい限りです。 今後は、ヤナイ無線さんの、無線機メーカーさんが揃い踏みする、そんな、イベントも有るので、その際には購入掛けたい感じも成りました。 ただ、悲しい事に、足利工業大学工学部電気電子工学科時代の、教授はもう、音沙汰なしとも聴いたので。 残念だなとは、思いました。 それでも、私自身はこれからも、通える限り通うことにした次第です。 これからも、ヤナイ無線さんを、利用したいと思います。
I went to Yanai Radio for the first time in more than 10 years. Once upon a time, when I passed from Yoshii Town, which is on the outskirts of Takasaki City, I was a little young, so it was easy, but now I live in a housing complex in Maebashi City near Kitatachibana, but Jobu is just a stone's throw away. Because there is a bypass. From there, I had a good route that I could go straight to, so I was able to go very conveniently. So, although I specialize in radios, there are very good items and parts in the prefecture, such as soldering irons and assortment of electronic parts. As for radios, I am very happy to get new and guaranteed products at the same price level as online shopping and certain online auctions. In the future, there will be events such as Yanai Radio's and radio equipment manufacturers stepping on, so at that time I felt like buying. However, sadly, when I was in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ashikaga Institute of Technology, I heard that the professor had no sound. I thought it was a shame. Still, I myself will continue to go as far as I can. I would like to continue using Yanai Radio.
バン#charger SRT8# on Google

3 I took amateurs and purchased two first radios and mobile operation supplies. Don't talk to me more than you need to, and if you ask, you can get some advice. I was able to choose carefully. It was worth going even if I used high speed and gasoline. It's nice to think about after-sales that you can buy it at the store at the same net price. I am grateful that I was allowed to try on the antenna. I think weekdays are good if you go

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