Hinode Taxis - Shiogama

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hinode Taxis

住所 :

2 Chome-9-20 Shinhamacho, Shiogama, Miyagi 985-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 985-0001

2 Chome-9-20 Shinhamacho, Shiogama, Miyagi 985-0001, Japan
目黒重信 on Google

郷家秀悦 on Google

I quit taxi driving and changed my job.

塩釜滞在時はお世話になりました日の出タクシー 電話一本で何処でも来てもらえ重宝しました。
Sunrise taxi which was taken care of when staying in Shiogama We had you come anywhere with one telephone and were useful.
長橋敏夫 on Google

A good driver.
Schwarz Brocks on Google

Driver correspondence is not good enough. No good. I want employees to be thoroughly educated. It is dangerous to drive when the car is empty. Is a sudden turn right or left a natural shortcut?
といち on Google

対向車有り右折信号待ちで何故後ろからクラクションを鳴らすのでしょうか?また、こちらの車を追い越すようにショートカット右折、本当に危ないです。お客を乗せてそんな運転するタクシーは怖いので社員教育しっかりとしてください 以前友人が割り込み乗車を注意したら返答を拒否して逃げましたよね。本当あり得ません
There is an oncoming car Waiting for the right turn signal, why do you horn from behind? Also, shortcut right turn to overtake this car, it's really dangerous. Being afraid of a taxi that carries customers and drives like that, please train your employees well. When a friend paid attention to an interruption ride before, he refused to answer and escaped. Cannot be true
猫山金太 on Google

I have the impression that there are quite a lot of rough-driving taxi companies in the Sen'en area of ​​Tagajo and Shiogama. Even at the 50km / h limit from Yawata in Tagajo City to Geba, 80km / h or more is commonplace, and it is more noticeable that the section from Kaigan-dori to Shiogama Health Center is also skipped. Also, when leaving Hon-Shiogama Station regardless of whether it is an actual car or an empty car, there are many people who leave the station in a state close to a steep steering wheel, even if the tires do not ring, and the bad impression is stronger.
みら9028 on Google

ウィンカー出さずに急な車線変更、 よほど急いでるのか大幅に法定速度をオーバーしての走行、前方車両に対し煽り行為。 自分が見た限りでは上記の行為を客を乗せた状態で行っていました。 死にたい人は乗ってもいいのでは?
Sudden lane change without turning signal, Is it in a hurry? Driving over the legal speed, and inciting the vehicle in front. As far as I could see, I was doing the above actions with customers on board. Is it okay for people who want to die to ride?

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