Hinode Gakuen Elementary School - Ichikawa

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hinode Gakuen Elementary School

住所 :

3 Chome-23-1 Sugano, Ichikawa, Chiba 272-0824, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 272-0824
Webサイト : http://www.hinode.ed.jp/

3 Chome-23-1 Sugano, Ichikawa, Chiba 272-0824, Japan
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Some teachers have a bad impression
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My mother, I, my brother, my wife, my son are all graduates here.
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It is an integrated school for elementary, junior high and high schools. In junior high school, there are many lifts from elementary school, and it is a period of puberty. Depending on each person's perspective, moral education from the elementary school is utilized, the children who take care of junior elementary school students are well-informed and are able to stand by themselves in the school and can greet visitors properly There are many.
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此の日の出学園小学部では基本的には義務教育期間中でも有りますので普通の私立かも知れない印象を懐くかも知れませんが中等部迄の長期的な育成プランが有り此の日の出学園スタイルを身に着けさせて行く肝が此の小学部だと私は長年、見て来て思います☆しかしながら中等部から一般的な中学校へ通わせようと考えているならば後悔する事が高校進学受験時に痛い程、分かります☆ 学びスタイル云々では無く基本的にスムーズに受験し難い側面が一般的な中学校に有るからですので最低でも此の学校の中等部迄は通わせるべきです☆ けれど学力面に自信が無い場合、此の学校との関係性が何処迄有るかは実態を調べて無いので確かな事は言えませんが小学部の在校生迄はサポートする教室が別途で有ります☆恐らく基本的には復習かも知れませんが進学塾と違い日の出学園で学ばせていける生徒になる様にスタイルを身に着けさせるサポート教室なのだと思います☆私は此の学びスタイルを身に着ければ今は奮わなくても必ず中学二年生になった頃から覚醒し始めると考えています☆何故ならば此の学校の黄金期時代の高等部の教師達は他所と引けを取らない優秀な教師な上に人柄も良かった教師陣だったので志しを保ちながらも青春時代を謳歌していた生徒達、そして温かく輩出させて行かせてた教師陣に私は子供頃、憧れました☆恐らく此の頃の教育理念が復活したからこそ今現在、変わりゆくのだと思いますので此の日の出学園の高等部迄、進学させて貰いたいですし誰にでも可能性が有る生徒なので本人次第と我々次第で方向付けさせられると考えています☆
At this Hinode Gakuen Elementary School, there is basically a compulsory education period, so you may have the impression that it may be an ordinary private school, but there is a long-term upbringing plan up to the middle school, and you will learn this Hinode Gakuen style. I've been seeing this elementary school for many years, but if you're thinking of going from middle school to a general junior high school, you'll regret it when you take the high school entrance exam. It hurts, I understand ☆ It is not a learning style, but basically there is an aspect that it is difficult to take the exam smoothly, so you should at least go to the middle school of this school ☆ However, if you are not confident in your academic ability, I cannot say for sure because I have not investigated the actual situation of the relationship with this school, but there is a separate classroom to support up to the current students of the elementary school. Masu ☆ Maybe it's basically a review, but unlike the school, I think it's a support classroom where you can learn a style so that you can learn at Hinode Gakuen ☆ I think that if you wear it, you will definitely start to awaken from the time you are in the second year of junior high school, even if you do not have a hard time now ☆ Because the high school teachers in the golden age of this school are comparable to other places As a child, I admired the teachers who were excellent teachers and had good personalities, so the students who enjoyed their youth while keeping their aspirations, and the teachers who let me warmly produce them. I think that it will change now, probably because the educational philosophy of those days was revived, so I would like to let you go to the high school of this Hinode Gakuen, because it is a student who has potential for everyone. I think that it depends on the person and us ☆

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