Hinata - Matsudo

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hinata

住所 :

Kamihongo, Matsudo, Chiba 271-0064, Japan

Postal code : 271-0064

Kamihongo, Matsudo, Chiba 271-0064, Japan
nakagawa KNEES on Google

今日の昼過ぎに行ってきました・w・ あっさりしたスープで食べる麺は美味しい。 魚粉が多く、そこが個人的に気になりましたが そのくらいです・w・ また、機会が有れば伺います・w・
I went there in the afternoon of today ・ w ・ The noodles eaten with a light soup are delicious. There is a lot of fishmeal, which I personally worried about That's about it ・ w ・ Also, I will ask if there is an opportunity ・ w ・
シゲキ on Google

ラーメンは埼玉「もちもちの木」に近いかな?レアチャーシュー絶品。 まぜそばは胡椒のスパイシーな味わいがクセになります。胡椒の量は調整可。 どちらも美味しいです。 店主ワンオペですが、手際は見事です。
Is ramen close to Saitama's "mochimochi tree"? Rare char siu exquisite. Mazesoba is addicted to the spicy taste of pepper. The amount of pepper can be adjusted. Both are delicious. The owner is one operator, but the skill is excellent.
菅彰範 on Google

熱々スープで、美味しいです。 低温チャーシューもオススメですよ!
In piping hot soup, it is delicious. Cold roast pork is also recommended!
大矢剛史 Guran on Google

穂先メンマだけ追加トッピング 低温チャーシューなのでスープに潜らせない方がいいというアドバイスと共に提供されるところがいい感じ。 しっかり麺の上で温めて食べると豚はとても美味しかった。鳥チャーシューはそこまでの印象なし。追加するなら豚チャーシューがおすすめかも。 熱々のスープと節系の旨味たっぷりの一杯。 麺は細麺の硬めでこちらも美味しい。 次回は油そばも食べてみたいと思えるお店でした。
Additional toppings only for tip menma It's a low temperature char siu so it's nice to be served with advice that you shouldn't dive in the soup. The pork was very delicious when warmed on the noodles and eaten. Bird char siu doesn't have that much impression. If you want to add it, pork char siu may be recommended. A cup of hot soup and plenty of knotty flavor. The noodles are thin and hard, which is also delicious. Next time, I would like to try abura soba.
s ss on Google

週一で通ってます。メニューは2種しかありませんが、その潔さには感服します。2種類しかないのにいつも迷う。それほどどちらも素晴らしい。通い始めた当初はブラックペッパーの効いた汁なしの「油そば」の美味しさに衝撃を受け、油そばばかりを食べていたのだが、ある時「中華そば」の奥深い美味さに気が付き、最近は中華そば率高めです。中華そばは魚介ベースの和風ラーメンですが、魚介が全面に出された嫌味っぽいものではなく非常にバランスの取れた深い味わいです。麺は細めで、茹で時間も完璧。 トッピングの穂先メンマやチャーシュー、煮卵もクオリティー高いです。具材は全て国産にこだわり、少ないメニューに集中した経営、1人運営ですが清潔感が保たれた店内。素晴らしい。 これからも通います。 あ、ちなみに限定チャーシュー飯はあったら必ず注文します。その時は迷わず「中華そば」。ご飯を残しておいて最後にオジヤにして食べるからです。至福です。
I go there once a week. There are only two menus, but I admire their cleanliness. I always get lost even though there are only two types. Both are so wonderful. When I first started going to school, I was shocked by the deliciousness of "Abura Soba" without soup with black pepper, and I ate only Abura Soba, but at one point I noticed the deep taste of "Chinese Soba", and recently The rate of Chinese soba is high. Chinese soba is a Japanese-style ramen based on seafood, but it has a very well-balanced and deep taste, not a sarcastic one with seafood all over. The noodles are thin and the boiling time is perfect. The toppings such as menma, char siu, and boiled eggs are also of high quality. All the ingredients are domestically produced, the management is concentrated on a small menu, and the store is operated by one person, but the interior is clean. Great. I will continue to attend. Oh, by the way, if you have limited char siu rice, I will definitely order it. At that time, "Chinese soba" without hesitation. This is because I leave the rice and eat it as an old man at the end. I'm blissful.
Tonny on Google

(2021,03,06) 今回は中華そば大盛(210g)に煮卵・海苔5枚をトッピング。残念ながらこれ以上の麺追加大盛は出来ないそうです、途中で黒胡椒で味変。相変わらず魚の出汁がおいしいです。刻みネギまたは白髪ネギ オプションでいいから追加して欲しいです。 (2021,03,01) 今日は汁無し麺大盛300g、追加でチャーシュー、煮卵追加しました。GABAN黒胡椒を多く使う汁無し麺はアクセントがあって意外にアッサリと頂きました。やはり熱々中華そば食べたいです。 (2021,02) 北松戸駅東口降りて交番横の角地にヒッソリ営業する ひなた。 お店は縦長でカウンターと一部4人掛けテーブルがあります。 メニューも中華そば(普通・大盛) 汁無しそば(普通・大盛) トッピングとしてチャーシュー(豚肉・鳥)などが選ぶことができます。 普通の中華そば食券を購入。 店のかたから座る席を指定されました。 水は各テーブルに備わったコップにピッチャーがありセルフです。 出てきたラーメンはスープを一杯づつコンロの鍋で作るため熱々スープが頂けます。 麺は博多ラーメンのように細くストレート麺で絡むスープは動物系スープとかつお節系(多分)のミックスで節の風味が和風チックをかもし出してとても美味しいです。 メンマはびろびろ長く、豚と鳥のチャーシューが載っており軟らかく美味しかったです。 塩分も適度だし、スープはストレートの細麺に良く絡みます。 また来訪して食べたいです。
(2021,03,06) This time, 5 pieces of boiled egg and seaweed are topped on a large serving of Chinese noodles (210g). Unfortunately, it seems that no more noodles can be added, and the taste changes with black pepper on the way. The soup stock of fish is still delicious. I'd like you to add chopped green onions or gray-haired green onions as an option. (2021,03,01) Today, I added 300g of soupless noodles, additional char siu and boiled eggs. The soupless noodles, which use a lot of GABAN black pepper, have an accent and are surprisingly easy to eat. After all I want to eat hot Chinese noodles. (2021,02) Hinata is open at the corner next to the police box after getting off the east exit of Kita-Matsudo Station. The shop is vertically long and has a counter and some tables for 4 people. As for the menu, you can choose Chinese noodles (normal / large), soupless soba (normal / large), and char siu (pork / bird) as a topping. Purchase an ordinary Chinese noodle meal ticket. The seat was assigned by the shop owner. Water is self-contained with a pitcher in the cup on each table. The ramen that comes out is made with a pot of stove, so you can enjoy hot soup. The noodles are thin like Hakata ramen, and the soup that is entwined with straight noodles is a mixture of animal soup and dried bonito (probably), and the flavor of the knots brings out a Japanese-style tic and is very delicious. Menma was long and soft with pork and bird char siu on it. The salt content is moderate, and the soup is well entwined with straight thin noodles. I want to visit again and eat.
荒野ポン4 on Google

口コミを見て来店。 中華そば煮玉子、チャーシュートッピング、ライスを注文。 食券を発券後、領収書の発行方法が発券機とは知らず、店主に領収書を希望したら食券を領収書だと渡された。 領収書とは記載されていない。 法的には大丈夫だと仰っていた。 その後出されたラーメンも気が悪くなっていたせいかも知らないが、不味くて食べれる代物じゃなかった。 出された物は最後まで食べるタイプなので食べたが、店を出て即座に牛丼屋に行き口を治した。 そしてラーメンを食べてる最中に 店主から驚きの発言があった。 「今回は特別に領収書領収書発行しましょうか?」 特別に笑笑 もう行きません。笑笑 あと、個人的だが、麺が臭かった
Come to the store after seeing the word of mouth. I ordered Chinese noodles boiled egg, char siu topping, and rice. After issuing the meal ticket, I did not know that the method of issuing the receipt was a ticket issuing machine, and when I requested the receipt from the shop owner, I was given the meal ticket as a receipt. It is not listed as a receipt. He said it was legally okay. I don't know if the ramen served after that was also sick, but it wasn't good enough to eat. I ate the food that was served until the end, so I ate it, but immediately after leaving the store, I went to a gyudon restaurant and healed my mouth. And while eating ramen There was a surprising remark from the shop owner. "Shall we issue a special receipt this time?" Special laughter I won't go anymore. LOL Also, personally, the noodles smelled
りえぴー on Google

Personally, I like the ramen here. It's much better than the previous one. The soup is a solid sardine. Personally, I think it's more sophisticated than Nagi. Well, it's lower than (Ivy) ... However, unfortunately, I think the taste is a little lower than before Corona. The ramen I ate recently has a little hard noodles, isn't it? I twisted my neck to see if it tasted like this. The owner's favorite bird char siu is eaten without submerging in the soup. It may be a mistake in my tongue's memory, but ☆ is 3.

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