Himeji Rose garden - Himeji

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Himeji Rose garden

住所 :

Toyotomi-2222 Toyotomicho, Himeji, Hyogo 679-2123, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 679-2123
Webサイト : http://www.himejibaraen.com/

Toyotomi-2222 Toyotomicho, Himeji, Hyogo 679-2123, Japan
たからづかリラ on Google

コロナの為開園が危ぶまれていましたが17日より開園 2020年5月22日訪問 雨風の強い日もあったのに痛むことなく満開でした 今年も訪問出来てうれしい テーブルや椅子など広く置いていた場所は片づけられていました
The opening of the park was threatened due to the corona, but it will open from the 17th. Visited May 22, 2020 It was in full bloom without any pain even though there were days when it was rainy and windy. I'm glad to be able to visit this year as well Widely placed places such as tables and chairs were tidied up
キムトア on Google

Là một nơi cực đẹp. Năm nay tôi đã đến vào đúng hoa đang nở rộ. Mùi hương của hoa ngao ngát cả vùng trời. Thời tiết lúc này không được tốt lắm vì trời hay mưa. Nhưng hên thay tôi đi vào buổi sáng nên trời vẫn còn khá ok. Tôi đã chụp được rất nhiều ảnh. Đã có một ngày thật tuyệt vời tại nơi đây!!
Is a very beautiful place. This year I have come at the right time when the flowers are in full bloom. The scent of clams fills the sky. The weather is not very good at the moment because it rains a lot. But fortunately I went in the morning so it was still quite ok. I took a lot of pictures. Had a great day here!!
田中幸夫 on Google

たくさんのバラが咲いて、すごく良い匂いがしました。 バラのアイスクリームはバラの花びらが乗ってオススメ。
Many roses bloomed and it smelled very good. Rose ice cream is recommended with rose petals.
キャリーk on Google

ずっと緊急事態宣言が続いてて、雨も降り続いてて、鬱陶しかったのでランチの後、雨が上がったので友だちと訪れました。 ですが、雨がひどかったので、花が無惨に傷んでて、いつもの美しさを思い描いていたのとは違いました。 ばら園は、お天気が回復してもすぐには行かない方がいいと学習しました。 数日おけば、また整えられていたと思います。?
The state of emergency continued, it rained continuously, and it was annoying, so after lunch, it rained, so I visited with my friends. However, the rain was so heavy that the flowers were miserably damaged, which was different from the usual beauty. The rose garden learned that it is better not to go immediately when the weather recovers. After a few days, I think it was ready again. ?
志賀哲生 on Google

I went there from the beginning of the morning, and various roses were in bloom and it was very beautiful.
遠藤俊朗 on Google

入り口に姫路バラ園のピンクの旗?が立っていて、入りやすかった。? 日曜日の昼過ぎに行きましたが、駐車場は空いてました。春の方が人が多いようです。ばらの苗も販売されてます。
The pink flag of Himeji Rose Garden ? stood at the entrance, and it was easy to enter. ? I went there after noon on Sunday, but the parking lot was vacant. It seems that there are more people in spring. Rose seedlings are also on sale.
朝日谷 on Google

I went to Himeji Rose Garden to see the autumn roses. It's quite off Himeji, but I was surprised that there were many customers. Everyone was healed by the beautiful roses, and music was being played. I accidentally bought a rose sapling. It is a simple and beautiful place. I decided to go and see it in spring as well. The entrance fee is 500 yen, and if you use JAF, you will get a 50 yen discount, but because there are few toilets, the women's toilets are always lined up.
鯖野へし子 on Google

秋に撮影したものなので、春ならもっと奇麗に咲くと思われます。 人の多さと周囲の建築物が邪魔なのとで、個人的には雰囲気があまり好みではありませんでした。
It was taken in autumn, so it will bloom more beautifully in spring. Personally, I didn't like the atmosphere because of the large number of people and the surrounding buildings.

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