グレイシーバッハ 姫路 - Himeji

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact グレイシーバッハ 姫路

住所 :

Himeji, 〒670-0012 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879879
Postal code : 670-0012
Webサイト : https://martial-arts-school-121.business.site/
街 : Hyogo

Himeji, 〒670-0012 Hyogo,Japan
榊原靖 on Google

とても綺麗で清潔な環境と丁寧な指導。 来ている生徒さんも礼儀正しい方ばかりで安心して通えます。 ジムや筋トレだけでは得られなかった充実感と動ける体が得られます。 とにかく楽しいです。
Very clean and clean environment and polite guidance. All the students who are coming are polite and can attend with peace of mind. You can get a sense of fulfillment and a body that can move, which you could not get with gym and muscle training alone. Anyway it's fun.
網野元揮 on Google

It is also recommended for those who have no experience in martial arts, as teachers and seniors will teach you carefully.
空間アキラ on Google

とてもいい運動になっていますし、 安全にとても気を遣いながら練習を しているので、興味のある人には非常に おすすめの武道、格闘技系の道場です。
It ’s a very good exercise and Practice while being very careful about safety So very much for those who are interested It is a recommended martial arts and martial arts dojo.
中村武史 on Google

世界標準のカリキュラムで、様々なテクニックが学べます。50才を目前に、ほとんどまともに運動をしていなかった私でも、自分の体力に合わせて適度な運動量で続けていけ、日々のストレス解消につなげています。これからも趣味として、ライフスタイルとして、長く続けていこうと思います。若い人たちもたくさん通っていますが、40代、50代、それ以上の方々もたくさんおられ、おすすめです。 コロナ対策もしっかりされていて、安心して子供たちとも一緒にクラスに通ってます。海部先生からは、体力面だけでなく、柔術を通じて人としてどう生きるべきかを教えていただけることが、子供たちにとっても、素晴らしい経験になっています。私ども家族にとって、親子の濃いコミュニケーションの場として、なくてはならない大切な場所です。
You can learn various techniques with the world standard curriculum. Even though I was about 50 years old and hadn't been exercising properly, I can continue to exercise at an appropriate amount according to my physical strength, which helps to relieve my daily stress. I will continue to do so for a long time as a hobby and lifestyle. Many young people go there, but there are also many people in their 40s, 50s, and above, so I recommend it. Corona measures are also solid, and I can go to class with my children with confidence. It is a wonderful experience for children to be taught by Dr. Kaibe not only about physical strength but also how to live as a person through Jiu-jitsu. It is an important place for our family to have a strong communication between parents and children.
Kohei Okawa on Google

It's a very clean environment. Also, since they will teach you the techniques carefully, I think that even those who have no experience in martial arts can continue for a long time. I myself have just started with no experience, but I enjoy going there.
atsuhiko K on Google

It's been four years since I started with my child. Since last year, my 4-year-old daughter has also learned, and both parents and children are enjoying Jiu-jitsu life. You can learn the world's highest standard of jujutsu at a homely dojo with kind and polite guidance.
千葉恭司 on Google

高校2年生の終わりから始めました。 初めは格闘技でプロを目指すのに高校生からじゃ遅いと思ってましたが勇気を出して道場に通ってみると全く遅いことなんてなく、未経験だった僕でも少しずつ上達できるのを実感してきて毎日が楽しいです。 また、先生がとても丁寧に親切に教えてくれるので分かりやすくて通うのが楽しみです。先輩方も皆さん優しくていい人で雰囲気がいいです。 迷っている方は是非‼︎
I started from the end of my second year of high school. At first, I thought it would be too late for a high school student to become a professional in martial arts, but when I took the courage to go to the dojo, it wasn't too late, and even though I was inexperienced, I realized that I could improve little by little every day. Is fun. Also, the teacher will teach me very politely and kindly, so I'm looking forward to going there in an easy-to-understand manner. All the seniors are kind and nice, and the atmosphere is nice. If you are in doubt, please come! ︎
中島遼太 on Google

世代問わず楽しく柔術、格闘技が出来る道場です! 僕は、何の格闘技経験も無く大学生から入ったのですが、先生、メンバーの皆さんが一から優しく教えて下さり、毎日道場に行くのが楽しいです。 試合に出たい!ダイエットがしたい!運動不足を解消したい!色んな目的の仲間と協力して取り組めます。 本当におすすめの道場です!
It is a dojo where you can enjoy Jiu-jitsu and martial arts regardless of generation! I entered from a college student without any martial arts experience, but the teachers and members kindly taught me from the beginning, and it's fun to go to the dojo every day. I want to play a match! I want to go on a diet! I want to eliminate lack of exercise! You can work in cooperation with friends for various purposes. This is a really recommended dojo!

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